arcane trickster?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Man this has me so hyped for arcane trickster-style rogues. :D

I hope I am right and we do get a follow up feat to Magical Trickster that allows fireball sneak attacks at high levels... In PF1e the earliest you could do that is 14th level (rogue 1/wizard 3/AT 10) but the intended level was 16th (rogue 3/wizard 3/AT 10), so I'm gonna guess Rogue 16 if the feat does exist.

Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?

Liberty's Edge

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?

Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?
Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.

Excellent, that opens up some possibilities!

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?
Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.

Hoping for some clarification. In the playtest innate cantrips for non-spellcasters were heightened to half the character's full level (rounded up). Is that what you meant by "based on your full character level" or has this rule changed In the final version?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gisher wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?
Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.
Hoping for some clarification. In the playtest innate cantrips for non-spellcasters were heightened to half the character's full level (rounded up). Is that what you meant by "based on your full character level" or has this rule changed In the final version?

This is a "level vs level" issue.

Cantrips always have a spell level of one-half your character level, rounded up. However, this IS full scaling - at 7th character level, you get 4th level spells, for example.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
MaxAstro wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?
Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.
Hoping for some clarification. In the playtest innate cantrips for non-spellcasters were heightened to half the character's full level (rounded up). Is that what you meant by "based on your full character level" or has this rule changed In the final version?

This is a "level vs level" issue.

Cantrips always have a spell level of one-half your character level, rounded up. However, this IS full scaling - at 7th character level, you get 4th level spells, for example.

Thanks! (Health issues kept me from following the playtest so I'm playing catch-up now.)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yep. As MaxAstro notes, the terminology gets a tad odd, but cantrips have always had full scaling in terms of level.

Now, with attack cantrips specifically, innate cantrips may well never rise above Trained, and that's a disadvantage, but it's not a spell level disadvantage.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?
Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.
Hoping for some clarification. In the playtest innate cantrips for non-spellcasters were heightened to half the character's full level (rounded up). Is that what you meant by "based on your full character level" or has this rule changed In the final version?

This is a "level vs level" issue.

Cantrips always have a spell level of one-half your character level, rounded up. However, this IS full scaling - at 7th character level, you get 4th level spells, for example.

Thanks! (Health issues kept me from following the playtest so I'm playing catch-up now.)

*sends hugs*

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?
Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.
Hoping for some clarification. In the playtest innate cantrips for non-spellcasters were heightened to half the character's full level (rounded up). Is that what you meant by "based on your full character level" or has this rule changed In the final version?

This is a "level vs level" issue.

Cantrips always have a spell level of one-half your character level, rounded up. However, this IS full scaling - at 7th character level, you get 4th level spells, for example.

Thanks! (Health issues kept me from following the playtest so I'm playing catch-up now.)
*sends hugs*

Thanks, Rysky! I'm feeling better, but I'll always take hugs! ;)

Long Version:
I had a heart attack where the main artery in my heart was 100% blocked. Cardiologists call that 'The Widowmaker' because it normally results in immediate death. I survived because, weirdly, I have extra blood vessels in my heart, but that masked the symptoms so well that it took 9 months to diagnose the problem. I just kept going to work everyday as I got more and more exhausted. Surgery, recovery, and getting used to work again took a while too, but I'm feeling nearly like my old self again. It does make me really appreciate simple pleasures like hanging out here, though.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Would cantrips gained from ancestry (like gnome) scale at all if you're a rogue?
Cantrips always scale based on your full character level.
Hoping for some clarification. In the playtest innate cantrips for non-spellcasters were heightened to half the character's full level (rounded up). Is that what you meant by "based on your full character level" or has this rule changed In the final version?

This is a "level vs level" issue.

Cantrips always have a spell level of one-half your character level, rounded up. However, this IS full scaling - at 7th character level, you get 4th level spells, for example.

Thanks! (Health issues kept me from following the playtest so I'm playing catch-up now.)
*sends hugs*

Thanks, Rysky! I'm feeling better, but I'll always take hugs! ;)

** spoiler omitted **


But yay! *sends more hugs*

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I guess yay for random mutations - glad that you are still with us and your loved ones

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