Vidmaster7 |

World's hottest pepper: Carolina Reaper
Apparently their is a hotter one now. the botanist(?)/mad genius has't named it yet.

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We have twice daily temperature taking, and anyone who has any cold etc - doctors are giving extended medical certificates. The office is split into 2 teams so that Team A does not have contact with Team B. My company has also implemented that I have to report to them on my travel plans. Also we need to wash our cups everytime we want to use the water dispenser, so everyone's now using disposable bottles (eh not very good for the environment). I'm drinking from the tap because I don't want to be environmentally unfriendly.
I don't think I intend to go traveling anywhere anymore(that includes visiting my brother in United States) because the cases in Europe suddenly surged(italy being its centre point). My cousin told her mother in law not to come to Singapore due to Corvid 19, but now we're wondering if Singapore is safer then Italy.
I met up with a friend over lunch and she said her friend who went back to Amsterdam - people are telling him to stay away because he came from Singapore. That's kinda sad since I think of all the countries with Corvid 19 cases, Singapore is handling it well. I am worried about other countries, like California has had a case - but California has a lot of homeless people and with people living out of their vans. How is a home quarantine order supposed to be served if you can't find where they parked their van? And god knows where they backpacked to during the duration before the van quarantine order was served.
I am also worried that less developed countries like Malaysia and Thailand may not actively try to trace all their corvid 19 cases down. The worst part of it is that a person can have no symptoms, yet pass the disease to others >.<

Vanykrye |

I suspect it's been circulating around the states for a while but it was just misdiagnosed as the flu.
Or probably even more frequently not diagnosed at all.
I've been sick for 3 weeks. They gave me an influenza test. That came back negative. "Well, it's not the flu, so you just have some random virus. Doesn't really matter what it is, stay home for a few days, drink plenty of fluids. Here's a prescription cough suppressant."
Aiymi has had it for 2 weeks. She got it from me. Zelda is still fighting a cough, and I got it from her.

Vidmaster7 |

Nashville hit with a Tornado yesterday. 40 collapsed building so far a lot of damage. The one plus side of the corona virus is people in the area were already stocked up on emergency supplies anyways. I'm about 2 hours out nothing but a nasty thunderstorm that passed quickly for us. I do have a friend in that area but it didn't hit him.

Vanykrye |

Woran wrote:I'm not too concerned about Corona. If the vaccine they are working on is successfull, we'll most likely all get vaccinated, distributed by the government.starting to wish we were neighbors for reasons beyond the stereotypical freeholdian ones.
Wisconsin or the Netherlands. You're going to have to pick one. New York is clearly not your Forever Home.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Wisconsin or the Netherlands. You're going to have to pick one. New York is clearly not your Forever Home.Woran wrote:I'm not too concerned about Corona. If the vaccine they are working on is successfull, we'll most likely all get vaccinated, distributed by the government.starting to wish we were neighbors for reasons beyond the stereotypical freeholdian ones.
I am going to have to do some milk, cold, and boob related research regarding the two areas.

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Woran wrote:...do you have dairy queens, though?Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:I'm pretty sure we win in all three categories.Yeah, but our cheese is the best.
Yes, here name is Big Boukje from Overijssel. She has produced 200.000 liter of milk in her lifetime.
We are talking about cows right?

Vanykrye |

Freehold DM wrote:Woran wrote:...do you have dairy queens, though?Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:I'm pretty sure we win in all three categories.Yeah, but our cheese is the best.Yes, here name is Big Boukje from Overijssel. She has produced 200.000 liter of milk in her lifetime.
We are talking about cows right?

captain yesterday |
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Woran wrote:He's not.Freehold DM wrote:Woran wrote:...do you have dairy queens, though?Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:I'm pretty sure we win in all three categories.Yeah, but our cheese is the best.Yes, here name is Big Boukje from Overijssel. She has produced 200.000 liter of milk in her lifetime.
We are talking about cows right?

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:So is it a little to on the nose when a Lady named Karen calls and wants to negotiate our rate?Tell her she needs to talk to your manager.
Heh It's alright she said she would call back and in the mean time someone got our last room. so not my problem anymore.

gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los mono wrote:Heh It's alright she said she would call back and in the mean time someone got our last room. so not my problem anymore.Vidmaster7 wrote:So is it a little to on the nose when a Lady named Karen calls and wants to negotiate our rate?Tell her she needs to talk to your manager.

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:Lucky.gran rey de los mono wrote:Heh It's alright she said she would call back and in the mean time someone got our last room. so not my problem anymore.Vidmaster7 wrote:So is it a little to on the nose when a Lady named Karen calls and wants to negotiate our rate?Tell her she needs to talk to your manager.
Not usually a descriptor that applies to me but If I get this job then I'll agree. I suppose I should do that Lee Child thing and “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.”

Vidmaster7 |

Some people.. Called the wrong place took her like half the conversation for her to realize she called the wrong place. (Keep in mind as soon as I answer the phone I say the name of our location) I offer to get the right number for her the second I say the last digit immediately hangs up without another word.