Interest Check - Xcrawl?


Dark Archive

In Xcrawl, the players are superstar athletes taking their chances in a live-on-pay-per-view death sport. It’s a modern-day world with a fantasy twist, and the game is simple: the Dungeon Judge, or DJ, creates an artificial dungeon under controlled – but lethal – conditions. He designs the maze and stocks it with monsters, secret doors, magical traps, treasure, and prizes. The players must go through the dungeon and fulfill whatever conditions the DJ puts forth in order to win.

Xcrawl is a sport and the challenges are created, but the danger is no less real. If you die, you die. There are no second chances. Citizens of the North American Empire tune in every week to watch their favorite celebrities get eaten, paralyzed, turned to stone, and ripped apart. The nation’s hunger for blood and mayhem grows with every contest. How will you fare?

Does anyone here play the Pathfinder version of Xcrawl? I've recently recovered my copy of the book and it looks like a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I'm ready to run a campaign, but if there is sufficient interest (and no one else is willing), I might be talked into it. Players would need access to the rules, but you can get them at Drive-Thru RPG.

I would love to join... reminds me of my favorite Novels.... Dreampark.

I'm in. I already got the books and my character concept. Gnome Luchadore. Probably build him off a Tetori Monk... I've been waiting to play this guy FOREVER

I'm also very familiar with the world history as presented in the classic edition. I did serious studying in preparation for running.

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