Core Set Card List

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Can we get an official card list for the new core set?
While I'm certain I've got all the cards I do like to double check.

If Vic is Ok with it, I can post a full list.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

An official list will be posted shortly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The character sheets and deck list for the Core Set are now available for download.

The character sheets (same link as for the Core Set), deck list, and rallied supporters cards for CotCT are now available for download.

Wow! THIS is the Seoni I've been waiting for! And looks like they switched Merisiel's "backstab" and "sneak" to make more thematic sense regarding being alone at a location. Now my LGS needs to hurry up and get their copies in so I can go pick up my preorders. Can't wait to play this!

Thanks Vic!

Nice but that only gives the list of boons. Can someone help me check if I have all the cards right since (out of promos) whenever I count them I never reach 440 for Core and 550 for CotCC.


Rules > 29 cards
9 level 0 - including scourges
and 20 without level - including proxies

Characters > 24 cards

Locations > 37 cards

Banes > 119 cards
17 level 0 including 5 story banes
64 level 1 including 25 story banes
28 level 2 including 6 story banes
10 level 3

Boons > 232 cards
100 level 0 (including 5 copies of 4 blessings)
67 level 1 (including 2 copies of 14 blessings)
31 level 2
34 level 3

Total 441 (?!) maybe I counted a CotCC card in...


Rules > 3 cards
2 level 0 (scourges)
and 1 level 1 (wilcard)

Characters > 9 cards (including blackjack role)

Locations > 24 cards

Banes > 193 cards
12 level 0 including 6 story banes
32 level 1 including 12 story banes
34 level 2 including 12 story banes
29 level 3 including 11 story banes
23 level 4 including 6 story banes
30 level 5 including 11 story banes
32 level 6 including 15 story banes
1 level 7 story bane

Boons > 303 cards
45 level 0 (including 8 copies of a blessing)
91 level 1
36 level 2 (incuding 1 loot)
32 level 3 (incuding 2 loots)
37 level 4 (incuding 4 loots)
29 level 5 (incuding 2 loots)
31 level 6 (incuding 6 loots)
2 loots level 7

Support > 16 cards
1 cohort
15 supporters

Total 548 (?!) where am I missing something ?

Having sleeved every card of the Core, Curse, and promo sets I can attest that there are in fact 996 cards in total (440/550/6 as advertised).

Frencois, I have 21 proxies: 8 A, 8 B, 3 V (your count is 20).
You seem to have counted 3 Core level 3 Story Banes as level 2.

Brother Tyler linked to the deck lists. I would suggest starting there as all the cards are listed.

If you count them by category you should come out with:
Character/role 24
Wildcard 2
Location 37
Scourge 7
Proxy 19
Story Bane 36
Monster 48
Barrier 35
Weapon 31
Spell 40
Armor 24
Item 33
Ally 30
Blessing 74
Total 440

Hope this helps.

Brother Tyler wrote:

The character sheets and deck list for the Core Set are now available for download.

The character sheets (same link as for the Core Set), deck list, and rallied supporters cards for CotCT are now available for download.

Malcolm_Reynolds wrote:

Having sleeved every card of the Core, Curse, and promo sets I can attest that there are in fact 996 cards in total (440/550/6 as advertised).

I can also support this - I'm left with 4 empty sleeves now, after just having sleeved all Core+Curse+Promo cards. Did not check card list, though :) No card is there twice except for many blessings (gods of Core, Sands in Curse), so I am confident it is OK :)

Lone Shark Games

Jenceslav wrote:
I can also support this - I'm left with 4 empty sleeves now

Hold onto those until Free RPG Day.

OK I get everything right now...
Waiting to see how I can get hold of the RPG Free Day promos

Frencois wrote:

OK I get everything right now...

Waiting to see how I can get hold of the RPG Free Day promos

You can get more information about Free RPG Day here. They have a store locator on their page you can look up local game stores that are participating.

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