1001 Wild Magic Effects

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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1. Fireball is cast, as it leaves casters hand it explodes into a 20' ball of eye stinging soapy suds.
2. Magic Missile is cast, each missile strikes as normal, leaving behind a tacky red paint-like substance.
3. Lightning Bolt is cast, each target struck is left with 10d6 gold pieces in their square.

Shadow Lodge

4. At that moment, the tarrasque becomes aware of the caster's presence. It may not be awake or in the vicinity, but it knows, at that moment, the caster was there.

5. The result of your spell is sentient and in horrible pain, wailing and begging for death until the spell expires. (Works most easily with summoning spells, but can be interesting when applied to other types.)

6. The smell of freshly baked bread infuses the target area (or 30' around the target, if there is no area; or 30' around the caster, if there is no target). Nothing else happens . . . you think.

7. Caster laughs like an evil villain immediately after the spell is completed (if capable of such). They treat this as an unconscious tick or habit and are unaware that they just did it unless called out on it, in which case, they have no explanation.

8. Targets of the spell (or the caster if there are no other targets) glow with the illumination of a candle. The color of this glow is determined by that creature's alignment based on law, neutrality, or chaos. The colors each alignment shows up as are unique to every caster, though it will always be the same each time this effect occurs for a caster. Targets without appreciable alignments glow as neutral.

9. Caster gets a black eye. Highly visible, though painless and likely unnoticed by the caster unless pointed out. Fades and can be healed normally.

10. When the spell is complete, the ground is covered with an item or substance extending in a 5-foot line from the caster to each target, including their spaces. If the spell has no targets or there is no line of effect between them, the caster's space contains the substance. If the space between the caster and target is not on the ground (airborne, water, etc.), the items or substance appears floating, then falls as appropriate. The substance lasts one round per spell level (minimum 1).
Use your own table or this sample:

Sample table:
1. Caltrops.
2. Flower petals.
3. Slippery slime. Adds +2 to Acrobatics DCs in that space and requires a check when running or charging over it.
4. Harmless toads or frogs. Stay in their spaces unless forced to move.
5. Flammable pitch or tar. Sticky.
6. Red carpet. Doesn't roll out, just appears underfoot.
7. Thick dust.
8. As 7 above, but actually sneezing powder. If disturbed, creatures in that space become staggered with sneezing fits (DC 10 Fort, negates). Powder remains active and airborne in that space for its duration once disturbed.
9. Harmless mushrooms and toadstools.
10. Bubblewrap. Unpopped.

Number 10 should be a '5-foot wide line' extending the distance between the caster and their targets.

11. Caster's skin grows hardened scales and plates, giving a +1 natural armor bonus but a –1 penalty to Dexterity and a –1 armor check penalty to appropriate skills. This lasts 10 minutes per spell level (minimum 10 minutes) and can stack with itself.

12. Spell becomes a glittering slime or jelly coating the caster's hand. It has no effect until rubbed onto a target, even the caster themselves (and this generally doesn't have any appreciable effect on spells that are already touch) or thrown as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. Roll for scatter as per a thrown weapon on a miss to determine where it lands. The spell affects the first creature or object touched or struck (if applicable) or treats that location as the point of origin for its effect (choose a random grid intersection as necessary). Spells that allow multiple targets all affect only the single target hit as though it were targeted by them all. For example, a jellied haste would have no appreciable extra effect, but a jellied magic missile or scorching ray would function as though they all struck the target. The nature of the jelly does not allow for critical hits, however. The jelly otherwise counts as the caster holding a charge until they rub, touch, or throw it somewhere else.

13. Caster's hands (or appropriate appendages) leave a trail as they move, as though constantly phasing or moving at incredible speed. They gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat for one round per spell level (minimum 1), whether they meet the prerequisites or not, though they must meet the normal restrictions to use it (ie. free hand, not flat-footed, etc). They become aware of this ability the first time they would be able to use it. A caster already possessing the Deflect Arrows feat can use it one additional time per round.

14. The spell manifests as a slow-moving orb or ball of magical energy that moves towards the target or target area at a speed of 10 feet per round. When it reaches the target it takes effect normally. It does not need to follow a straight path and can wind and maneuver around and through obstacles as long as there is at least an opening of half a foot in diameter. The spell orb and its effects can be identified with Spellcraft as though seeing it cast (though this won't identify the caster if he wasn't observed) and it can be dispelled.

This generally has no effect on touch spells, but it can make teleport or scry effects take much longer as the orb moves to the desired target or destination and spells that travel to or affect creatures on other planes tend to have varied results, either failing or drifting off into space towards obscure portals or meandering paths through the cosmos. In fact, some casters have been known to consider a teleport to be a failure and have cast another one, going about their business, only to be teleported to their original destination days or weeks later depending on the distance the orb traveled when it finally activated. That's better than those who ended up unexpectedly in the presence of a creature or threat that touched and triggered a teleport orb drifting past its lair, however.

Spell orbs:
A spell orb will track and follow mobile targets and is not restricted by the spell's normal range unless they leave the plane. It will continue to track targets on coterminous planes, but may or may not be able to impact them depending on the spell (ie. a magic missile orb can hit an ethereal target), otherwise waiting as long as it takes or until it is disrupted. The orb will avoid antimagic or other interference when possible, as well as creatures it wasn't targeted at (unless they fill their space, like a gelatinous cube, and are blocking the only path), though they can purposefully interpose themselves or try to touch it and take the spell's effect and impact (It has a touch AC of 12 + spell level). It is otherwise impervious to damage, attacks, or spells unless those can dispel or block the magic. If the target gets into total cover in a location the orb cannot reach, it impacts on the cover and detonates with its usual effect (which may be no effect), treating that area as its target location.

15. Targets gain SR 15 + spell level specifically against the caster's spells and spell-like abilities for 10 minutes (though it doesn't apply against the spell just cast). They cannot voluntarily lower this Spell Resistance even if they become aware of it. This effect can stack with itself, renewing the duration and adding the spell level of the new spell to the current SR, even if that spell failed to bypass the SR itself.

16. Target of the spell gets to use their best Saving Throw vs. the spell instead of the suggested Save against the spell.

17. Target of the spell explodes into ectoplasmic goo; no damage. It takes 1d4 rounds per level of the spell to regain original form. totally immune to damage until reformed, can take no other actions other than resuming original form.

18. Caster of the spell automatically teleports adjacent to target.

19. Caster's hair catches fire; no damage. All onlookers in range must save vs. the DC of the spell or be dazzled for 1 round/level.

20. Caster & Target slam together in a stunning collision. Damage is 1d6 per every 10ft between the two. Both must make a fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

21. Target is resurrected. If target is not dead, one item in their possession is resurrected. The effect is immediate and the creature appears in the nearest safe location. More powerful creatures will be chosen over lesser ones with higher intelligence being a deciding factor in the case of ties. For instance, dragon-hide armor will take priority over a salamander-skin cloak over a pair of leather boots over a fishstick). Only one creature is resurrected even if the spell targeted multiple targets, though the one chosen is selected from amongst them all. This effect is limited to creatures dead 100 years or less.

22. Targets gain status towards the caster for 2 hours.

23. Caster and all targets have status shared between all of them for 1 hour.

24. Caster (and clothing) is afflicted with an infestation of fleas, giving –2 distraction penalty to all actions and requiring a concentration check for spellcasting and similar activities for 1 hour, when the fleas vanish, or until the caster bathes in vinegar, alcohol, or other suitably cleansing solution.

25. Caster's footwear is removed and appears on the ground next to them (or in the air if flying) and is replaced by comfy, though impractical, bedroom slippers. This removes even cursed footwear (though any lingering curses are not removed and footwear that reappears on the caster still does so). Creatures without footwear or feet are staggered for one round.

26. Caster retains the cast spell or spell slot and instead loses another one entirely at random (which could end up being the same level spell slot). If a cantrip or otherwise unlimited spell, the caster loses the use of it for one hour. If the caster has no other available spells or slots, they lose it as normal and become fatigued.

27. Target(s) may take an extra 5-foot step on their next turn. They still must be able to take 5-foot steps and have enough movement to pay the cost.

28. Faintly luminescent numerals appear just above the target(s) for 1 minute per spell level. While they provide no illumination, they can be read in normal darkness. The numbers are equal to the target's current hit points and reflect any changes. Targets without Constitution scores gain 1 temporary hit point per spell level instead, which last for one hour if not damaged.

29. Target(s) deals 1 less point of damage per spell level (minimum 1) with all attacks and spell effects until the end of their next turn. Effects placed prior to this are unaffected, such as an already in-place fire shield orwall of fire or an already attacking spiritual weapon. It does apply to area effects and newly created or directed spells or attacks during time. The target also receives that much less damage from all sources until the end of their next turn. Unwilling targets of the spell causing this wild magic receive a Will save to avoid this effect, others do not.

30. Caster gains DR 5/luck for 10 minutes per spell level (cantrips last 1 minute). Unlike normal Damage Reduction, the potency of this protection is reduced by attackers who have luck bonuses to either attack or damage (use the highest if they have both). For instance, an attacker with a +2 luck bonus to attacks and a +1 luck bonus to damage, treats the caster as having DR 3 (2 less than 5). Penalties for bad luck work similarly even though most penalties are untyped. If they are clearly from misfortune or bad luck, such as being jinxed or an enemy affected by prayer, they treat the DR as that much less (though penalties to the damage itself may make it lower).

Man, you're on fire with those, Pizza Lord! I know there's quite a gap between the last post and this but they're worth the wait.

Dark Archive

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31 All food and drink in the effected area or on the affected target is gone, affected as by disintegrate and the caster does not have to eat or drink for an appropriate amount of time, as if he had consumed the affected material, even that would normally not be physically possible for him or her. (Possibly weeks or months, if fireballing a warehouse full of food, or something!)

[Never design these effects when hungry. :)]

Or read them!

32. When casting a range touch attack, white doves appear from the caster's hand instead, which then fly to the intended target and deliver the spell.

33. Roll a percentile die. Gravity is inverted this percentage in a 50ft circle centered on the caster for 1d4 rounds. 50% inversion results in no gravity, 100% inversion means anyone in the circle falls upward as if falling normally.

34. When summoning a creature, you take the creature's place on its original plane until the creature is defeated or the spell ends.

35. Spells with a target of "you" create an exact double of yourself, with all your memories, abilities, and gear. Both of you are compelled to attack each other until one is dead. The one left is now the player character, whether that was the original or the duplicate.

36. The target of the spell becomes invisible. The invisibility effect then spreads to the closest creature less than 30ft away, and continues spreading, to a total of 1 creature per level of the spell that was cast. Cantrips cast blur on the target.

37. Caster and target rush to each other and begin dancing, as the spell Irresistible Dance. Neither may attack each other, but may attack others as normal. To move, you must beat the other character's CMD to start leading the dance. Both characters must move together and may only move a number of feet equal to the character with the lower base speed.

38. Leprechauns appear next to each person 30ft or less away from the caster. Flip a coin for each person. Heads means the Leprechaun gives the person 100 x spell level gp. Tails means the Leprechaun steals all the money the person is carrying.

39. The cast spell instead becomes Create Water, centered on the target of the spell, but creates 10,000 gallons times the level of the original spell cast.

40. Any spells that alter the weather force the caster to sing for the entire duration of the spell. He cannot speak normally, but must sing anything he wants to say. He is also completely unaware that he is doing this.

41. All creatures within 200ft of the caster become plush toys for 1d10 minutes. Weapons and armor become a small child's equivalent and may only deal non-lethal damage.

42. 12’ iron statue of caster sprouts from the ground somewhere within
a 60' foot radius.

43. A hole penetrates caster’s torso; caster remains unharmed.

44. All clothing touched by caster crumbles to dust.

45. All flesh on caster’s face turns invisible when he smiles.

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46. Caster inspires courage in allies (not self) as a bard of their CL (this doesn't stack with any bard levels). Rather than concentrate to maintain the effect, it persists as long as the caster casts a verbal spell every round and for 5 rounds after they fail to do so (it doesn't renew if a verbal spell is cast during that period). The spell that triggers this wild magic effect does not need to be verbal. It otherwise functions as the bard ability using Spellcraft in place of Performance should it become needed.

47. Targets get a -3 luck penalty to attacks and damage until the end of the caster's next turn, when it becomes a -2 penalty for one round before becoming a -1 penalty. The next round it becomes a +1 luck bonus (skipping 0) and continues to increase each round until +5, stacking with other luck bonuses and penalties to attack and damage (max +6, no lower end limit), ending after that round. Unwilling targets of the spell may make a Will save to avoid this effect (without knowing what they are resisting), others do not.

48. Everything the caster says sounds uproariously funny (except to themselves, they don't get it) for one round per spell level (minimum 1). Any creature within 30 feet hearing the caster speak must save against hideous laughter (CL 3, DC 13, no more than once per round). Familiars are not exempt. This applies to command words and verbal spells (though they must be words, ie. a bard whistling to cast will not trigger this).

49. Spell becomes a jack-in-the-box (box with a small crank on the side) in the caster's hands or on the ground if their hands are full. The sides are decorated with stylistic renderings of the spell's intended effect (fire, red cross or bandages, skulls, etc.) Spellcraft can identify the spell in the box at a +4 to the DC. Until the crank is turned continuously for a number of rounds equal to its spell level (minimum 1) nothing happens.

The box plays a jaunty tune while the crank is turned (typically Pop Goes the Weasel but it might change depending on the spell contained). Anyone can turn the crank. Failure to continue turning the crank continuously resets the charge up time. After the last round of cranking, the box's lid begins vibrating and the user has one round to drop it, throw it (10 foot increment, scatter result on a miss) or just hold it if they want the effect (or don't know what will happen) at which time the box opens and the contained spell affects any viable targets within 15 feet (up to caster's level) if it doesn't otherwise specify a number (to keep from having to target every single object in an area for certain spells)) or as the origin of area effects regardless of the spell's normal area or shape (choose a grid intersection as necessary). Effect spells that create objects, like wall of stone, can extend beyond this. Ranged and ray attacks originate from the box's location for purposes of cover and other effects. The original caster is still considered the caster for the spell and all effects dependent on their abilities use them from the time the box was created. Otherwise the jack-in-the-box is permanent until used and it cannot be opened in any way, though it can be destroyed (hardness equals spell level and hit points equal to half the caster's maximum) or dispelled (either of which dissipates the spell with no effect).

50. A deep, booming, dramatic voice declares the spell's name out loud (including any metamagic applied) It is comprehensible in any language but there is no other effect.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Man, you're on fire with those, Pizza Lord! I know there's quite a gap between the last post and this but they're worth the wait.

I like to give one or two others a chance so it doesn't seem like I'm a forum hog. Since the thread got all the way to the bottom (and I still had some ideas) I thought it was safe.

Dark Archive

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51 The caster's eyes become black with blazing gold irises, fascinating everyone who was looking his way within 30 ft. so long as he takes no other standard action, keeps his gaze upon them, and nothing or no one breaks line of sight between him and the target(s). The effect only applies to those present at the time the spell was attempted, and whatever the normal effects would been do not occur. This is a mind-affecting effect, is sight-dependent, and has no saving throw, and otherwise acts like the fascinate condition (breaking immediately if the target is threatened, not rendering them helpless, etc.).

52 An imp or tiny genie appears and casts the spell that was attempted, causing it to occur one round later. If the sub-contracted 'caster' was an imp, the spell gains the [evil] type, in addition to it's usual qualities. If the caster was instead a genie, and the spell was a conjuration or evocation spell, it is instead a shadow conjuration or evocation, and only 50% real, but if it was an illusion, it is either Extended or Empowered (your choice) and has a +1 save DC and +2 to rolls to penetrate Spell Resistance. The tiny spellcaster has your AC, saves, concentration checks and hit points, and can be interrupted normally, and disappears at the end of the round (a spell that requires any intervention from the caster, such as concentration to maintain, treats you as the caster, after the imp or genie vanishes).

@Pizza Lord:

I have two lists of 10,000 magical and chaotic spell effects. They were made for 2e but it's easy enough to update them on the fly. I'm going to try really hard to not hog the forum with posting from them.

53. All air between 1’ and 10’ of caster turns to iron.

54. All allies appear identical to caster for d12 rounds

55. All items carried by caster are enchanted with Explosive Runes

56. All items carried by caster fly 30' in random directions

57. Anyone injuring the caster in the next round vanishes

58. Caster and target swap skeletons; 10d6 HP damage each

59. Caster becomes a turkey under every Full Moon

60. Caster begins tap-dancing loudly whenever stealth is required

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55a) The Explosive Runes that are created are also modified for nonlethal damage, but cover the caster in soot when detonated.

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Here's a list of 50 mostly minor effects I came up with for my PFS spellscar oracle.
61-110, I guess?

My favorites are "Caster must respond to everything in rhyme," and "Caster's mother uses a sending to complain that she doesn't have grandchildren."

"A wheel rolls by". That made me laugh straight out loud. Those weird "little" things are the best.

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Bonus if the dice just keep coming up wheels. Triple bonus if it comes up during the climactic final battle and trips up/blocks the BBEG, turning the tide of the battle, or if it turns out the wheel was an angel following your exploits or something.

Very cool.

111. 4d6 non-functioning eyes appear on the casterís face and head

112. 8 After each spell, caster feels compelled to wash his hands

113. 1d10 of caster's fingers turn to stone

114. Any missile fired at caster explodes upon impact, doing 1d6

115. Caster can discern which spells another spellcaster has memorized

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116. Caster is the target of deific science fair projects:
(1d4) 1. Paper mache volcano forms around caster, entangling them (waist-high, hardness 0, hit points 5 per five foot section, break DC 12). 'Lava' (baking soda with vinegar and red food coloring) bursts up, dousing the caster and giving them a –2 distraction penalty until cleaned off.

2. Cone of intense sunlight focuses on caster, as though from some immense magnifying glass, even if in the dark or underground. Optionally, faint sniggers and muttered 'heh, hehs' may also be heard. Caster receives 5d6 fire damage (DC 15 Reflex, half) and, if they take any damage, requires a second Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid catching fire each round for a number of rounds equal to the spell level (minimum 1). This counts as a light effect of the spell's level +1 for purposes of overcoming darkness effects (though it only illuminates its specific beam, not the surroundings. Stronger darkness effects that cause dim lighting reduce the damage by half, darkness or darker negates it.

3. Van de Graaff generator simulation manifests around caster (treat as a tiny hit) which looks like a steel sphere with writhing crackles of electricity from the outside. Creatures inside the sphere take 1d6 electricity damage per round (Fort DC equals spell DC; half). Creatures within 20 feet of the sphere take 1d6 electricity per round from arcs of lightning (Reflex, half). Passing the boundary of the sphere in either direction deals 1d6 electricity damage (no save). The static electricity in the area also causes hair and fur to stand on end and certain clothing and items to cling. The sphere exists for 1 minute before vanishing, even if the caster leaves its area.

4. A red button appears on a stand or wall near the caster. Anyone pushing this button experiences rapturous ecstasy for 30 seconds. This occurs every time the button is pressed. The caster must make a DC 15 Will save or immediately push the button. Any creature pressing the button must make a DC 15 Will save after 30 seconds (or as soon as any danger passes) or push it again. Treat this as a mind-affecting, fascination effect. The button disappears after one hour of not being pressed.

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117. The caster's staff/wand/whatever turns into a snake and attacks them

118. Every time a spell is cast the caster must shout in a booming, stentorian voice "See you next Wednesday!" (bonus points if you know where that phrase was introduced).

119. Spell effects are illusory. In the case of spells that directly affect creatures when cast, those creatures are innately aware of what the spell should be doing and treat them as mind-affecting figments and glamers. They receive a Will save in place of any normal saves (even if the spell normally doesn't allow one but directly affects the target) at the spell's DC +2 or be deluded into believing they are fully under its effects, and acting appropriately, though it still has to be physically possible for them to do so (they will make checks to climb while believing they can spider climb, they will feel healed and not notice any wounds supposedly cured, they will move slower if slowed but can't move faster than normal if hasted believing they only wanted to move that far or that some other effect is interfering).

120. Caster is deluded into believing the spell worked as intended, but it didn't. Nothing happened. The spell or spell slot is lost, however.

121. Caster's clothing ages drastically. This only affects clothing (including hats, belts, boots, etc), not armor (but thick clothing, outfits, or even armored coats that grant armor bonuses may count) and typically only organic materials like cloth or leather are appreciably affected, losing 1 hardness and 1 hit point permanently. This effect never reduces an item below 1 hit point. The visual effects of this vary depending on the item (cloth may yellow, leather may become brittle or cracked). This can only be reversed with a limited wish or greater effect.

122. One random affected target is encased in a giant wheel or block of cheese. The cheese has a hardened rind but contains numerous sizable air holes (similar to Swiss, though you can make it any brand) and the creature's face will always be looking out one such hole, allowing speech and breathing to be relatively unhindered. Though they can also see, interference with peripheral vision and hearing may give penalties to Perception checks at GM discretion.

The target's legs (or leg analogues) are free, but each other limb (arms, tail, wings, tentacles, etc) has only a 20% chance to be protruding from such a hole and, if so, can be used with appropriate difficulty (ie. one free wing is likely of no help for flying, but could be used for a wing attack). The target is considered entangled and moves at half speed, losing shield bonuses to AC (unless their shield arm is free). Encased targets can break free with three successful, non-consecutive Strength checks (standard action, DC 12) or with 2 minutes of dedicated work wearing the cheese away (rubbing against a wall, falling onto the floor heavily, etc.) The cheese can intercept attacks and damage to the target (hardness 2, hit points equal to 2 x spell level, minimum 2 hit points) and does interfere with touch attacks unless the attacker can specifically target an exposed limb (with appropriate penalties at a GM's discretion). If the spell has no target or the target of the spell is unable to be encased (like a wall or door), a normal wheel of cheese appears nearby.

123. The spell is not cast and instead becomes a wand in the caster's hand (displacing a held object safely to the ground if necessary). The wand is at half the caster's caster level (or minimum for the spell) and contains [10 – 1 per spell level] charges. The command word is always the name of the spell, including any metamagic applied to it, which is clearly written in a language the caster can read along its length. Any expensive components or focuses for a stored spell must still be provided or on the caster's person or the spell fails (the charge is not expended). This effect can create wands containing spells greater than 4th level.

124. All targets (or targets in the area if an area effect) are given a personal, visible aura (treat as lesser globe of invulnerability), for 1 round per spell level immediately prior to the spell going off. This may prevent them from being affected by the cast spell if it was 3rd level or lower.

125. Caster's hands reverse (like a rakshasa's). They are fully functional but the caster receives a –2 penalty to any skills or checks involving their hands until they grow accustomed to their new orientation. This includes concentration checks for casting somatic spells and attacks with their hands. Every week, the caster may attempt a DC 15 Intelligence check to become accustomed. This check is at a +1 bonus for each previous check.

126. The caster ressurects the thread.

Seterian wrote:
126. The caster ressurects the thread.

The thread is made from devil hair.

127. Spell functions normally and dramatic theme music plays within 60 feet of the caster. Caster's allies (including the caster) able to hear it are inspired as the Inspire Courage bardic performance ability (level equals caster's CL). This effect lasts 1 round per spell level (minimum 1). It has no lingering effects after it ends.

128. As 127, but enemies of the caster are inspired.

129. Caster is instantly facing the opposite direction as the spell is cast, firing rays and other effects in that direction. Targeted spells instead target any valid targets they may be facing instead of the intended ones. Touch spells cause the touched target to be teleported to the opposite side of the caster (or swap places if there is no free space).

130. Spell functions normally and a medium-sized, statue-like representation of the caster (at the time of casting) appears. It is made from magical essence (though it may resemble stone, ice, wood, or other substances). It appears in the closest open space and only blocks movement if the creature it represents would fill its space (such as a gelatinous cube).

As long as the caster is within 30 feet of the statue and has line of effect, a noticeable tether of power stretches between them. The caster gains Fast Healing equal to the spell level. Any damage done to the statue is similarly dealt to caster if they're in range (up to the statue's hit points). The statue is considered to have AC 10 + spell level and reduces any damage taken by spell level (minimum 1). It has hit points equal to 1/3rd the caster's normal max (rounded up). Unless otherwise destroyed, it exists for 1 minute per spell level (minimum 1). Creatures without Constitution instead gain temporary hit points every round (capped at 4x spell level at one time). These fade 1 hour after the statue does.

Dark Archive

131. A potted flowering plant falls from overhead, striking the target of the spell for 1d6 damage (Reflex save for no damage). Just before impact, it says, "Oh no, not again!"

132. Instead of the spell's normal effect, caster makes a Fortitude save (DC 12 + spell level). Failure indicates they are polymorphed into a baby bunny (size Tiny, Str and Con 1, Dex 14, no chance of mental change. This polymorph effect overrides or negates any others). At the same time, a bearded human man wearing rabbit skins appears as though from nowhere and makes two attacks with a stone axe (+8/+2 to hit, 1d6+1 damage) before vanishing. If the caster survives, the polymorph effect wears off after 1 round per spell level (minimum 1).
On a successful save, the caster is not polymorphed. Instead the man appears, declares in Common,"Take this." and vanishes, leaving behind a towel and a package of biscuits.
If the caster is killed by the man, they have an immediate option to be reincarnated as a whale, a potted plant, or a dire bat (they need not chose one, opting instead to remain dead). Any of those choices end almost immediately badly (read: fatally), but this does not negatively impact the character (such as negative levels or Con loss).

133. Spell functions normally but an onion falls on the caster's head (1 nonlethal damage). Sometimes this is different; a turnip, tomato, summer squash, etc.

Dark Archive

134. Law of Conservation of Magic bites back. A spell or spells equalling the spell level to be cast nearest to the target area or caster are dispelled, as if by a targetted dispel magic. If this is successful, the spell being cast occurs normally and the spell slot is not expended. If the dispel is not successful, your spell fails and is expended and a paracletus aeon fades into view momentarily near your shoulder and telepathically alerts everyone within 100' that 'magic is full, please try again.' before fading away. (Despite this pronouncement, any attempts at spellcasting after this work normally.)

135. If the spell being cast would heal or inflict hit point damage, the caster immediately senses that they can expend their own hit points to increase the healing or damage at a 2:1 ratio. They are also aware of the following Notes:

The caster cannot expend more than half their max hit points (rounded down) nor can they reduce themselves below zero. Temporary hit points cannot be spent.

The increased healing or damage only applies to one target of the caster's choice if the spell would affect multiple targets and it cannot increase the extra total to more than double the max healing or damage of the spell or effect normally (ie. what one magic missile or one scorching ray would deal even if the spell creates multiple.)

This extra healing or damage is not increased on a critical hit and, in addition, if the target saves to resist the spell it receives none of the extra healing or damage, even if a save would have partial effects or deal half damage.

If the spell does not heal or deal damage, instead the caster can immediately choose to convert the spell energy into healing, gaining fast healing equal to the spell's level for a number of rounds equal to the caster level. The spell will have none of its other effects.

136. The next time someone says the caster's name in their presence, the caster falls asleep for 1 minute (no save). Can be awakened as per sleep (slapping or wounding, not noise). If caster is immune to sleep effects or doesn't sleep, they fall unconscious for 1 minute. A DC 15 Heal check or certain items, like smelling salts, can rouse them early, but healing does not.

If the caster has a familiar, animal companion, eidolon, or other such bonded creature, it is affected as well.

137. Unbeknownst to the caster, the next day they will not be able to cast any spells. They receive or prepare spells as normal, but the first time they attempt to cast one, they sense they cannot. At that time, all spells that the caster cast upon themselves today will be recast upon them (at the same CL). This includes spells they cast using wands and scrolls.

The caster can still expend spells or spell levels for other purposes and they can still use scrolls or wands to cast spells. This does not apply to spell-like abilities, nor do they get recast as above.

138. The next time the target tells a lie, they lose a tooth. If the target has no teeth (or isn't a creature or the spell is an area effect), the next time someone else lies in their presence (or the area where the spell was cast), that person loses a tooth.

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