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Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


37. Caster and target rush to each other and begin dancing, as the spell Irresistible Dance. Neither may attack each other, but may attack others as normal. To move, you must beat the other character's CMD to start leading the dance. Both characters must move together and may only move a number of feet equal to the character with the lower base speed.

38. Leprechauns appear next to each person 30ft or less away from the caster. Flip a coin for each person. Heads means the Leprechaun gives the person 100 x spell level gp. Tails means the Leprechaun steals all the money the person is carrying.

39. The cast spell instead becomes Create Water, centered on the target of the spell, but creates 10,000 gallons times the level of the original spell cast.

40. Any spells that alter the weather force the caster to sing for the entire duration of the spell. He cannot speak normally, but must sing anything he wants to say. He is also completely unaware that he is doing this.

41. All creatures within 200ft of the caster become plush toys for 1d10 minutes. Weapons and armor become a small child's equivalent and may only deal non-lethal damage.

32. When casting a range touch attack, white doves appear from the caster's hand instead, which then fly to the intended target and deliver the spell.

33. Roll a percentile die. Gravity is inverted this percentage in a 50ft circle centered on the caster for 1d4 rounds. 50% inversion results in no gravity, 100% inversion means anyone in the circle falls upward as if falling normally.

34. When summoning a creature, you take the creature's place on its original plane until the creature is defeated or the spell ends.

35. Spells with a target of "you" create an exact double of yourself, with all your memories, abilities, and gear. Both of you are compelled to attack each other until one is dead. The one left is now the player character, whether that was the original or the duplicate.

36. The target of the spell becomes invisible. The invisibility effect then spreads to the closest creature less than 30ft away, and continues spreading, to a total of 1 creature per level of the spell that was cast. Cantrips cast blur on the target.