CzarGarrett |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So I realize a lot of Casmaron has not really been detailed, but that which has seems to be mostly to the south and east. I seem to have exhausted most of what I could find online in the Pathfinder Wikis and here on the forums.
I’m looking for any resources specific towards the area of Casmaron directly east of Iobaria, so the very northwest corner of Casmaron. These sources could be in-game or just general information about any “real life” analogs for cultures that might be appropriate for the region.
Thank you in advance.

TheOrganGrinder |
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Given the characterisation of Brevoy and Iobaria as the setting's equivalent of Russia, and the Castrovin Sea standing in for the real-world Caspian Sea, I figure the real-world analogues for the region you're describing would be equivalent to present-day Kazakhstan and Siberia. Those are both regions whose history is heavily influenced by the Mongol conquests, and given that Golarion's equivalent (Hongal) is on the other side of the Embaral Ocean and thus not really in a position to do the same thing here, you've got a fair bit of freedom to extrapolate how those regions might develop sans Mongol influence, but not a lot of guidance as to how that might turn out.

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YlothofMerab |
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You've seen this map, right?
This map is great, but it is fan made. The Lost Omens Campaign book will have an official map of the entire world, but how much detail that part of the world gets is in question. I actually asked during the last Pathfinder Friday if the 2e Kingmaker will expand on that part of the map since it's so close, but James Jacobs said it won't, sadly.
Given how much disease and death has swept through the area, I can totally see that part of the map being abandoned. A great deal of northern Russia is just straight up bear country (Watch the documentary series Long Way Round for some great footage.) And honestly, given how many sentient, non humanoid creatures there are in Pathfinder, it would be really cool to see that large territory settled by other creatures. We know Sasquatch is official canon, maybe they have a society. I can totally see a whole hobgoblin kingdom chillin out (Literally) in the Siberian-esque wastes. Or bald eagle like Tengu. Maybe there's a lycanthrope haven up there. Or moose people like in WoW. I think that would be even better than trying to create more humanoid tribes.

CzarGarrett |
Excellent. Thank you all. Definitely given me some strong foundations to work with.
I was thinking central Asian kind of themed, but I wasn’t entirely sure.
I was also planning on doing some stuff with Centaurs, given that they are mentioned with Iobaria, and with the plagues I’m guessing they might have moved eastward to avoid.
I like the idea of a large smattering of humanoid types.

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The step of us actually producing a more accurate world map in the Core Rulebook is one more step toward being able to more easily explore content like this. If you want to know more about other parts of the world, keep letting us know. In particular, let the folks at the top know, since they're the ones who make the decisions about what sorts of things we actually produce! And give good reviews to related products and buy them, so we know that content beyond the Inner Sea region is viable as well.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The step of us actually producing a more accurate world map in the Core Rulebook is one more step toward being able to more easily explore content like this. If you want to know more about other parts of the world, keep letting us know.
After seeing that 3D globe render at PaizoCon, I would love a physical globe.

YlothofMerab |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:The step of us actually producing a more accurate world map in the Core Rulebook is one more step toward being able to more easily explore content like this. If you want to know more about other parts of the world, keep letting us know.After seeing that 3D globe render at PaizoCon, I would love a physical globe.
I second the motion.

pad300 |
James Jacobs wrote:The step of us actually producing a more accurate world map in the Core Rulebook is one more step toward being able to more easily explore content like this. If you want to know more about other parts of the world, keep letting us know.After seeing that 3D globe render at PaizoCon, I would love a physical globe.
There is no way the econ works for selling a physical globe (IMO), but could they sell a digital model?

David knott 242 |

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Mosaic wrote:You've seen this map, right?
Even without the official PF2 map to go by, I did catch a few inaccuracies in that world map, primarily from material published after that map was made.
which, imho, is all for the better.
personally, i like the constrained space of the Inner Sea. I get that Tian Xia was sketched out as well for those looking for the Oriental Adventures adventure.
Beyond that, well... vagaries and the DM's imagination would be my preference.