Insightful Advice: how does this work?

Rules Questions

"Benefit: You can attempt a skill check to aid an ally within 30 feet with a skill in which you are trained. This takes 1 minute, and during that time, you need only speak and be heard by your chosen ally to offer this aid. The bonus you grant is +2, regardless of any other effects that would alter your aid another bonus. This bonus applies to all checks the ally attempts with that skill for 1 day and does not stack with any other aid another bonus. Whether you succeed at or fail the skill check to aid another, you can attempt to use this ability only once per day for each ally."

This would be for Society play.

1. In what situation does the aid another check take place? At the start of the scenario or only during a skill attempt by an ally?

2. What is the DC?

The DC seems like it would just be the DC 10 Aid Another check.

Seems like the first time another player would attempt a skill check, you could offer advice for 1 minute and they get a +2 bonus to that skill for the rest of the day. So probably you talk to your team and ask them what they'd like a bonus on and you give them some pep talks at the start of the day.

"Oh, you want to be better at hiding? Come over here I have some tips for you. Go try hiding in that corner over there. No, more like this..."

Claxon wrote:

The DC seems like it would just be the DC 10 Aid Another check.

Seems like the first time another player would attempt a skill check, you could offer advice for 1 minute and they get a +2 bonus to that skill for the rest of the day. So probably you talk to your team and ask them what they'd like a bonus on and you give them some pep talks at the start of the day.

"Oh, you want to be better at hiding? Come over here I have some tips for you. Go try hiding in that corner over there. No, more like this..."

So I can just manufacture an opportunity for an ally to use a skill? If that is so it seems pretty powerful. I am going to be playing a "Chronicler of Worlds" bard archetype that swaps Chr for Int for all bard class features. I could have all(except Craft, Profession, and Perform) skills trained by level 3.

Wouldn't skills that are barred from aiding be off limits like disable device? Would that be situational?

Nothing says you can't. It just says they have to make the skill check.

It's not that powerful, it's a +2 bonus. And doesn't stack with any other aid another bonuses (not that those are super common).

And yes, if you can't aid another for some reason on a skill, you would probably be prevented from providing this bonus to someone on that skill. This is essentially an all day aid another effect.

Meager Rolmug wrote:

"Benefit: You can attempt a skill check to aid an ally within 30 feet with a skill in which you are trained. This takes 1 minute, and during that time, you need only speak and be heard by your chosen ally to offer this aid. The bonus you grant is +2, regardless of any other effects that would alter your aid another bonus. This bonus applies to all checks the ally attempts with that skill for 1 day and does not stack with any other aid another bonus. Whether you succeed at or fail the skill check to aid another, you can attempt to use this ability only once per day for each ally."

This would be for Society play.

1. In what situation does the aid another check take place? At the start of the scenario or only during a skill attempt by an ally?

2. What is the DC?

1. As the bonus lasts all day, the advice is general and applies to any use of the check. Therefore, it would best to use this at the start of each day. Ask each player what skill you have that they would like the all day +2 aid on. They could decline to leave the skill aided open to later so that they could get aid on a skill they didn't need.

2. "You can attempt a skill check to aid an ally": this is the aid another check, so the DC is 10.

For PFS, this would be especially helpful to others doing "Day Job" checks. Only one minute consumed per PC. This leaves you time to make your own "Day Job" check. I don't think that you can count as your own ally for this.


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