Is there a way to demoralize with diplomacy?


Or intimidate in general trying to help a face character (with almost no combat usefulness) have something to do in combat.

Intimidate has rules for demoralize. It's pretty easy to do actually. IF you want to break the game with it a single level dip into rouge with the thug archetype allows you to make creatures frightened. Unless you're outright immune it's almost impossible to stop a character focused on it.

Is there a way to intimidate with diplomacy? Or at least the bonus for diplomacy? (Hes going all in with diplomacy atm)

I don't know of any outside of mythic rules.

Darc1396 wrote:
Is there a way to intimidate with diplomacy? Or at least the bonus for diplomacy? (Hes going all in with diplomacy atm)

"I know I am not dress as imposing, but I am a diplomat for the Za'Kar Empire, you know, the guys with the deaths head helmets that level entire communities for breakfast? Well not to be uncivil or any thing to bring up your terms of surrender, but I am feeling most generous today, so let us instead discuss the benefit of a mutual alliance, and not have a diplomatic incident where this little dirt patch is razed from existence, shall we?"

Darc1396 wrote:
Or intimidate in general trying to help a face character (with almost no combat usefulness) have something to do in combat.

The Antagonize feat.

"Diplomacy: You fluster your enemy. For the next minute, the target takes a –2 penalty on all attacks rolls made against creatures other than you and has a 10% spell failure chance on all spells that do not target you or that have you within their area of effect."

That's the best way that I can think of to have a DIRECT combat benefit with diplomacy.

The intimidate use of Antagonize will drive the target towards you, hopefully forcing the target to eat many attacks of opportunity.

Where can I find thos way to fluster enemy's? Its not listed on the pfsrd under diplomacy

It's under the Antagonize feat, as JiaYou said.

Yeah sorry didn't have time to link to the feat from my phone.

Darc1396 wrote:
Or intimidate in general trying to help a face character (with almost no combat usefulness) have something to do in combat.

1. Be a Bard [either standard or an archetype that keeps Versatile Performance] with high Charisma [for at least 2 levels].

Put 1 rank each in Diplomacy and Intimidate to get through level 1, and never again.
2. Max out Perform Keyboard Instruments ranks every level.
[select Skill Focus, buy a cracked Pink and Green Sphere ioun stone, max ranks, headband of charisma, circlet of persuasion {over time}]
3. Select the Versatile Performance with Keyboard Instruments at bard level 2. Now your maxed out Perform Keyboard Instruments works on both Diplomacy and Intimidate.
4. At level 4, learn and use the spell Blistering Invective.
Now, enemies within 30 feet are all subject to the Demoralize with no save for 1 round and 1 round/5 points by which you exceed the DC. They get a reflex save against the recurring d6 of fire damage, but none against the demoralize or the d10 of fire damage in round 1.

My level 8 PFS bard has a 21 in Perform Keyboard Instruments, Diplomacy, and Intimidate. The average roll of 10 totals to 31. The DC for demoralize of 10 plus HD plus Wisdom is probably a total of 20-25 at this level. I've effectively given the shaken condition to all opponents for 2 or 3 rounds.

At level 7 you can also start your bardic performance as a move action so still be able to open with that spell (though I would recommend Haste or Good Hope [which increases skills another 2 points to aid the check], and Blistering Invective on round 2).

If you only have one opponent or are 2nd level, you don't need the spell. Just do the standard action demoralize via the Intimidate skill. Keep in mind that there is a size penalty though of -2 per step, so my halfling is taking -2 vs. medium creatures, and worse for large or huge creatures. Dirge of Doom at level 8 also applies shaken in an area with no save, but it takes your bardic rounds and prevents you from inspiring courage [unless you select a way to use 2 performances when you get to a higher level].

Persuasive Performer (must worship Shelyn) allows you to use any Perform for Diplomacy. Of note are: Comedy (Bluff and Intimidate) and Percussion (Handle Animal and Intimidate).

Playing a character who is a complete noncombatant is very much not advisable. It just doesn't mesh with the type of game Pathfinder is.
I have a hard time believing this character has only 1 skill rank per level and absolutely no combat presence. Put ranks in Intimidate; if you're a diplomancer, you've got the right ability score for it.

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