Air School Wizard

Rules Questions

I was trying to find out if more spells were added to the Air School spell list and came across this website.

It says that Air Bubbles, for example, is an air spell. However, the spell doesn't state that it is nor does it say in the book that it was added to the air school spell list.

Are there any spells that were added over the years? Or is it only the spells in the Advanced Player's Guide?

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Archives of Nethys is the now-official reference site and only contains Paizo material, so anything you find there is legitimate.
I do believe there were spells added to the Elemental Schools' lists at one point in a later book.

Its from Planes of Power (page 9):


Some wizards choose to master one of the elemental
forces rather than one of the classic schools of magic
(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 142, Pathfinder
RPG Ultimate Magic 87). The following list presents
a number of spells introduced since those books
were published that also belong to these respective
elemental schools.

Any: 3rd—communal resist energyUC. 4th—communal
protection from energyUC.

Air: 1st—air bubbleUC, gentle breezeACG, windy
; 2nd—aggressive thundercloudACG, gusting
sphereARG; 3rd—air geyserACG, hostile levitationUC;
4th—absorbing inhalationARG, cloud shapeARG, greater
aggressive thundercloudACG, miasmatic formARG; 5th—
fickle windsUM, lightning arcUM, wind bladesARG; 6th—
path of the windsARG; 7th—scouring windsUM; 9th—ride
the lightningUM.

Earth: 1st—corrosive touchUM, mudballARG, stone
shieldARG, thunderstompACG; 2nd—molten orbACG, stone
discusACG; 3rd—burrowUM, greater thunderstompACG, heart
of the metalACG, raging rubbleARG; 4th—earth glideARG,
obsidian flowUC, vitriolic mistUM; 5th—acidic sprayUM,
communal stoneskinUC, corrosive consumptionUM; 6th—
tar poolUC; 7th—caustic eruptionUM.

Fire: 1st—touch of combustionARG; 2nd—fiery shurikenUC,
molten orbACG; 3rd—ash stormUM, fire streamARG, fire trailARG,
flash fireUC; 4th—controlled fireballUI, greater flaming
sphereACG, obsidian flowUC, scorching ash formARG, volcanic
stormUM; 5th—damnation strideARG; 6th—chains of fireARG,
tar poolUC.

Metal: 1st—body capacitanceACG, mirror polishACG,
reinforce armamentsUC, shock shieldUC; 2nd—aggressive
thundercloudACG, bullet shieldUC, bullet wardACG, warding
weaponUC; 3rd—pellet blastUC, silver dartsACG; 4th—
greater aggressive thundercloudACG, named bulletUC; 5th—
wreath of bladesUC; 6th—greater named bulletUC; 7th—
arcane cannonUC, awaken constructOA.

Water: 1st—damp powderUC, icicle daggerUM, marid’s
masteryARG, wave shieldACG; 2nd—frigid touchUM, frost
fallUC, river whipACG, unshakable chillUM; 4th—ride the
wavesUM; 5th—icy prisonUM; 6th—cold ice strikeUM,
ice crystal teleportUM; 7th—ice bodyUM; 9th—mass
icy prisonUM.

Wood: 1st—cultural adaptationUI, handy grapnelUI,
illusion of calmUC, liberating commandUC, quintessenceOA;
2nd—companion life linkACG, extreme flexibilityACG, life
pactACG, squeezeARG; 3rd—air geyserACG, anchored stepACG,
pack empathyUI; 4th—lesser age resistanceUM; 5th—mass
charm personUI, plant shape I; 6th—age resistanceUM,
plant shape II, serenityUM; 7th—greater age resistanceUM,
plant shape III; 9th—wooden phalanxUM.

Yeah. The archives of nethys are official. And while they may have errors, they are almost always errors of omission and not errors of addition.

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