Lifesurge bonus to saves

Rules Questions

Question for everyone. For Lifesurge, concerning this part:

The wielder gains a bonus on saving throws against necromantic effects—including the ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain powers of the undead—equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus. 

Is the enhancement bonus the bonus to hit/damage? Or the sum of all the enchantments?

Example: PC has a +1 spell storing heavy mace. If lifesurge is added, would the bonus to save be +4 or +1?


Agreed, +1.

Another question about this. The bonus it´s a resistance bonus or a enchancement bonus?

vojciechowski wrote:
Another question about this. The bonus it´s a resistance bonus or a enchancement bonus?

It Seems to me that it would be an unnamed bonus.

Yup, if a bonus doesn't have a type it's an "untyped" bonus.

Untyped bonuses stack with all other bonuses, even other untyped bonuses. The only time they don't stack is when you get two untyped bonuses from the same source (eg. if you somehow had two untyped bonuses to saves equal to your CHA modifier they'd count as being from the same source and wouldn't stack).

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