Escrima sticks...


I was wanting to have a vigilante character(ala nightwing) that uses them.
Now seeing that there are no stats for them...

Would the stats of a tonfa be suitable or not?

Comments,criticism, approval feel free

I want to hear what you all think.


Dark Archive

Whitefyre wrote:

I was wanting to have a vigilante character(ala nightwing) that uses them.

Now seeing that there are no stats for them...

Would the stats of a tonfa be suitable or not?

Comments,criticism, approval feel free

I want to hear what you all think.


Either Tonfa or club.


Really, Escrima sticks are closer to clubs than tonfa (in fact they are generally used for club self defense practice for lower belts). I'd give Escrima Sticks masterwork dan bong stats from ultimate equipment, since the only real difference is the cord on the Dan Bong, and the length.. both are used similarly.

There is the hanbo, although I don't know which book it is in.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Handbo. Light, finesse. Same book that the samurai class is in and dragon empire primer

Grand Lodge

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Really, Escrima sticks are closer to clubs than tonfa (in fact they are generally used for club self defense practice for lower belts). I'd give Escrima Sticks masterwork dan bong stats from ultimate equipment, since the only real difference is the cord on the Dan Bong, and the length.. both are used similarly.

Why masterwork?

Helaman wrote:
Handbo. Light, finesse. Same book that the samurai class is in and dragon empire primer

ultimate combat is where samurai is.. didnt see in there

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