Greater called shot and attack of oppotunity

Rules Questions

Greater called shot says:

"Whenever you make an attack, you can choose to replace that attack with a called shot. You can make multiple called shots in a single round"

Does this mean that I can use called shots as attacks of opportunity?

Yes. The same language that allows you to use Disarm, Trip, or Sunder as an attack of opportunity also would allow you to use Called Shot as an AoO. Unless there's some other obscure ruling I'd say you're good to go.

EDIT: would allow you to use *Greater* Called Shot as an AoO

EDIT: not to mention that the feat specifies you can use multiple Greater Called Shots in a *round*. Which necessitates the ability to use it outside of your turn, or else they would say multiple Greater Called Shots in your turn. Implications of word choice shouldn't be ignored - if dev's want to errata it they can, but as written you can use it in AoO's

I believe that you can. It’s any attack, even an AO. I couldn’t find anything that says you can’t.

Thank you all :)

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