Cleric Lightning Domain Power

Rules Questions

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about a lightning domain theologian cleric. The build would take a single level dip into crossblooded sorcerer, use traits to get empower spell for free on lightning bolt, and then use incenses of meditation/bead of karma at opportune times. My wonder is whether the domain power from lightning domain stacks with regular empower spell, allowing the end result lightning bolt to deal upwards of 250 damage to the primary target (absorbing the recoil damage with protection from energy).

The domain power granted by lightning domain reads as follows:

Lightning Rod (Su)
As a swift action when you cast a spell with the electricity descriptor, you can designate one creature within line of sight. The spell’s damage against that creature increases by 50%, as if affected by the Empower Spell feat. This additional damage results from divine power that is not subject to being reduced by electricity resistance, and you take an equal amount of electricity damage immediately after you cast the spell.
The spell can deal this additional damage only once, even if it could affect the target multiple times.
You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day for every 4 cleric levels you have beyond 8th.

What do you think?

Empower spell doesn't stack with itself, so won't stack with 'as if affected by the Empower Spell feat' IMO.

I disagree. I think the 'as if affect by the Empower Spell feat' is just guidelines on how to do the math. The damage type and you take the damage clause makes it clear to me that it isn't just an alternate way to empower the spell, it is it's own thing.

To be clear though, they would each apply separately based on the original spell.

So if your lightning bolt would do 60 damage normally, it would add 30 from the Empower and 30 (divine) from the lightning rod.

Simply worship Hei Feng and get to cast Lightning Bolt anyway without having to worry about taking damage yourself!

Not to necro but just wanted to see if people's opinions on this has changed in the past few years?

Can I use my Lightning Rod Domain ability on a prepared Empowered Lightning Bolt?

Bonus Question: How would you do the math for that?

Character Example:
Class: 14th level Theologian Cleric/1st level Cross Blooded Blue Dragon/Primal Air Elemental Sorcerer.
Spell: an Intensified Empowered Lightning Bolt prepared as a 5th level spell thanks to Domain Secret and Magical Lineage(Lightning bolt).

Damage Example #1:
Damage dice is 14D6+28
Result: Roll: 42+28 = 70 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Feat): +35 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Lightning Rod): +35 Divine dmg

Final Results: 105 Lightning + 35 Divine to enemy(s). You take 35 Lightning.


Damage Example #2:
Damage dice is 14D6+28
Result: Roll: 42+28 = 70 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Feat): +35 Lightning dmg
Results: 105 Lightning dmg
Add Empowered (Lightning Rod): +52 Divine dmg

Final Results: 105 Lightning Damage + 52 Divine dmg to enemies, you take 52 Lightning Dmg

Elias Darrowphayne wrote:
Not to necro but just wanted to see if people's opinions on this has changed in the past few years?

You can't stack the same metamagic effect on a spell even from different sources. If you can already apply the metamagic to the spell, don't use the version that has a downside for that casting.

The Exchange

CRB page 113 wrote:
You can’t apply the same metamagic feat more than once to a single spell.

"As if affected by the Empower Spell feat" means that the spell has been affected by the Empower Spell feat. You can't then apply the Empower Spell feat.

You can't use an Empower Metamagic rod on a spell you have already applied the Empower Spell metamagic to. There's no difference between this and the domain power.

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