What happens if you are stunned and then dragged in to water.

Rules Questions

What happens if you are stunned and then dragged into water?

Can you hold your breath?

Do any condition stop you from holding your breath?

According to stunned, they can't take actions specifically. Holding one's breath isn't really an action.

Paralyzed seems to have a grey area in that targets "can't swim and may drown", but doesn't specify anything in particular about itself that drowns them, so normal drowning rules they're holding breath.

The only one for sure I'd say is Unconscious, and by proxy ones that count you Unconscious such as Petrified, or Dying. Those would stop you holding your breath.

EDIT: Actually, I'm semi-wrong. Drowning says:

Unconscious characters must begin making Constitution checks immediately upon being submerged (or upon becoming unconscious if the character was conscious when submerged). Once she fails one of these checks, she immediately drops to –1 (or loses 1 additional hit point, if her total is below –1). On the following round, she drowns.

So Unconscious skips the number of rounds equal to twice your Con score and goes right to the con checks to hold breath, but you are still holding your breath.

Stunned would allow you to get somebody in the water really easily (due to the lost Dexterity to CMD) and hold them under. Stunned doesn't prohibit breathing though, so they're capable of controlling their breath.

A DM may rule that the person having themselves smacked somehow into having their standard action denied is therefore under duress (so they can't hold their breath as long, as per taking standard actions underwater), but that would be a houserule.

On a side note, there are spells to prevent somebody from breathing, and there's a cool psionic power that springs to mind which forces them to take deep breaths to not get wrecked.

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I once gave my players a dorje of Crisis of Breath and they threw it away because they felt it was too evil to use. I thought they should have at least try to sell it, but nope. Goody Two Shoes, all of them.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I once gave my players a dorje of Crisis of Breath and they threw it away because they felt it was too evil to use. I thought they should have at least try to sell it, but nope. Goody Two Shoes, all of them.

"What? It makes them pass out and die in their sleep? That's terrible!"

> Rams a greatsword into an orc's left lung, tearing partially into the bottom of its heart as it cries out in anguish for a wasted life. The fighter then pulls the sword loose from the still-living orc before it falls to lie bleeding to death in agony with nobody caring for its suffering.

"I can't believe you tried to give us that dorje! You absolute bastard."
> Forces another orc's best friend and comrade warrior to lift its axe. The faux-betrayer orc tries to fight but its will is overpowered as it is compelled to murder the one it wished to one day tell its love to. She wails in anguish as the man she loves is cut down, and the cleric doesn't even seem to care.

"Why would you bring such a sick, twisted thing into our game?"
> Slips up behind the orc woman who is desperate for revenge after being forced to kill her lover, denying her the chance by ramming a short sword into her lower back from behind and twisting with a cowardly backstab.

Yep. That's pretty much it.

essentially you are in the GM's gray area.

CRB wrote:

Stunned A stunned creature drops everything held, can’t take actions, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).

Attackers receive a +4 bonus on attack rolls to perform combat maneuvers against a stunned opponent.

Unconscious Unconscious creatures are knocked out and helpless. Unconsciousness can result from having negative hit points (but not more than the creature’s Constitution score), or from nonlethal damage in excess of current hit points.

given that text, Stunned does not make the creature Helpless and that would be a key difference.

Breathing (or not breathing) is not an action. The stunned condition has no effect on the character's ability to hold their breath.

blahpers wrote:
Breathing (or not breathing) is not an action. The stunned condition has no effect on the character's ability to hold their breath.

^ This

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