Is Weapon Property Damage Multiplied

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

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We have a +2 Flaming Falchion

Item Traits: Forceful, Sweep, Conjuration, Fire, Magic
Item Bonus: +2

Is the Damage?

3d10 S + 1d6 Fire (1d10 on a crit)


3d10 S + 3d6 Fire (3d10 on a crit)

Basically, does damage from Property Runes get multiplied too?

Property runes get multiplied too. They aren't "only on a crit" damage, so they happily double.


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I'm pretty sure they don't get multiplied in the way you are talking about Urlord. Potency runes just adds a weapon damage dice (so no extra dice on the property runes).

I think Draco is referring to critical hits multiplying property rune damage, which they should do.

So the damage should be 3d10 S + 1d6 F + Str on a hit and 6d10 S + 2d6 F +2x Str + 1d10 persistent fire damage on a critical hit.

Yeah, Nettah is correct.

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