Celeborne |

So far, I'm sitting at 11th level and I think I'm pretty happy with the way the build is playing out. Here's a few aspects of the build to look at:
Angel-blooded Aasimar
25 point buy, current ability scores look like this:
Asterisk and number denote level stat bumps
STR 16, +2 racial, +2 Large, +6 enhancement, final 24 (*8, 12, 16, and 20)
DEX 14, -2 large, final 12
CON 14
INT 13, final 14 (*4)
WIS 10
CHA 12, +2 racial, final 14
Dangerously Curious for UMD
Heirloom Weapon for Fauchard proficiency
Bloody-Minded for Init and Intimidate
Power Hungry Drawback
Straight Fighter
Two-handed Archetype (2x strength and power attack damage)
Opting for Advanced Weapon Training
Group: Polearms
9th: Warrior Spirit for extra enchanting capabilities depending on circumstances and foes (DR, etc.)
13th: Defensive Weapon Training for tankyness
17th: Focused Weapon for Warpriest damage dice bumps to boost Vital Strike
20th: Weapon Mastery in Fauchard for 15-20 crit and x3 damage
1 Weapon Trick (Cleaving Smash for Vital Strikes on Cleave, Two-Handed Menace for Cornugon Smash/Hurtful, and Haft Bash for Polearm)
1 Shield Focus
2 Combat Reflexes
3 Power Attack
4 Shield Brace
5 Weapon Focus: Fauchard
6 Cornugon Smash
7 Hurtful
8 Vital Strike
8 Furious Focus (Campaign bonus feat)
9 Cleave
10 Cleaving Finish
11 Improved Vital Strike *current level*
12 Critical Focus
13 Great Cleave
14 Improved Cleaving Finish
15 Lunge
16 Greater Vital Strike
17 Monkey Lunge
18 Critical Feat
19 Critical Feat
20 Critical Feat
At this point, I'm not sure what feats I should be looking at to augment my build profile. The tactic is for my caster to soften them up with a blast or two, run in, Imp. Vital Strike, Cleave+Vital Strike or Imp. Vital Strike at 16th, Cornugon Smash and trigger Hurtful, hopefully crit at some point, kill something at some point, and Cleaving Finish with more Imp. Vital Strikes. I'll be perma-large, and with lunge should have a 20' reach.
Critical Feats seem to make the most sense, and aside from Greater Vital Strike at 16 and feat prereqs like BAB, the order of the feats taken doesn't matter much after 14th level... but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to which feats might best fit the bill for the direction I'm headed so far.
As far as equipment goes, is there anything outside of the obvious I be looking for?
Some essentials I know of so far are:
Mithril shield to reduce ACP and attack penalty from Shield Brace
Charisma for Cornugon Smash/Hurtful
Gloves of Dueling to bump Weapon Training
Boots of Striding/Springing
Keen/Impact on Fauchard
Thanks in advance! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

avr |

With weapon trick you choose one option for the type of weapon, like polearms or two-handed, and can use the tricks you qualify for from that option. 'Choose one weapon trick option (one-handed weapon, polearm, ranged, two-handed weapon, two-weapon, or weapon and shield).'
You've traded out bravery and your only defensive feats are combat reflexes and shield brace. This means that against will saves and reflex saves you have a poor save progression and a +1 or zero stat modifier. Even with a +5 cloak of resistance that means +8-9 on those saves at this level. Save DCs tend to be in the low 20s for CR 11; you'll fail most of the time. You're not concerned by this?
How are you size Large?

Celeborne |

With weapon trick you choose one option for the type of weapon, like polearms or two-handed, and can use the tricks you qualify for from that option. 'Choose one weapon trick option (one-handed weapon, polearm, ranged, two-handed weapon, two-weapon, or weapon and shield).'
Thanks. This has been house ruled by our DM. I suppose I should have prefaced this aspect of the build with that.
You've traded out bravery and your only defensive feats are combat reflexes and shield brace. This means that against will saves and reflex saves you have a poor save progression and a +1 or zero stat modifier. Even with a +5 cloak of resistance that means +8-9 on those saves at this level. Save DCs tend to be in the low 20s for CR 11; you'll fail most of the time. You're not concerned by this?
How are you size Large?
Again, thanks for bringing that up. You're suggesting some defensive feats, then? Iron Will and Lightning Reflexes? Or were you simply intent on finding a chink in the build? Really just looking for advice... so if you have some of that, great!
As for being large: the caster in my party has most of the craft feats, with campaign and backstory advantages in that regard. I've got a Belt of Giant Strength that is enchanted with Enlarge Person as a constant effect.

avr |
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Thinking out loud rather than having a solution decided already. The saves are something that stood out to me.
The +2 save feats aren't going to be enough on their own, you're too far behind. If the stats are set it might be worth dipping a level or two in classes with better saves e.g. monk (lose a point of BAB, get bonus feats at levels 1 & 2; some archetypes work with armor more or less) or paladin (full BAB, no bonus feats) or even bard.
Another partial patch might be magic items like a headband of unshakeable resolve; fear is no longer a problem with that one. An azata's whimsy can protect against confusion. While the neck slot also wants an amulet of natural armor, if you have a magic item crafter who can combine items that could help. Trying to patch all the major will save effects that way could get very expensive though.

Celeborne |

Question to OP: As an 11th level large reach-specialist fighter, what fraction of your total damage output comes from AoOs? How many AoOs per round do you typically get?
As I'm sure you're aware, AoO's are entirely dependent on the composition of the encounter. That being said, 15' reach is fantastic, especially with Vital Strike.
Single encounters or encounters with low numbers of enemies call for a different tactic. Having a high crit threat range and a good BAB, I don't have to rely on AoO's for efficacy. I can switch to iterative attacks, hopefully trigger Hurtful, and hopefully crit once or twice. Having double strength to damage and eventually double power attack also helps with iterative attack damage.
The +2 save feats aren't going to be enough on their own, you're too far behind. If the stats are set it might be worth dipping a level or two in classes with better saves e.g. monk (lose a point of BAB, get bonus feats at levels 1 & 2; some archetypes work with armor more or less) or paladin (full BAB, no bonus feats) or even bard.
A level dip in monk could be good. Imp. Unarmed strike would qualify me for crane style for a little extra AC if needed, and a little boost in saves. On the contrary, I can enchant my weapon with the cruel enchant, which causes the sickened condition to any enemy that it hits that is affected by a fear type of status. Demoralized and sickened provides -4 to attacks. That doesn't solve the low dex and will save issues, however.
I think I may continue with the build the way it is and focus on magical means of bolstering against common prohibitive conditions from failed will saves.
That being said... the issue of the upper level feat selection still remains. Thoughts?

avr |

There's even more feats you can spend on vital strike. Devastating strike is the best for this character, I wouldn't bother with the others. Also you've got critical focus, I assume you plan to take critical feats - staggering and stunning critical work best.
That would be all 3 remaining feats but if you don't like those for whatever reason then you could take advanced weapon training feats for more options, or take teleport tactician and its prereqs, or take a divine obedience (and probably diverse obedience too), or take the owl style line if you're feeling the need for skills... there's a lot of options.
If you do take a monk dip consider master of many styles. It's not what it once was but it does give style feats without prereqs required.