Forester (Hunter Archetype) Favored Terrain progression

Rules Questions

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I have a question about the Hunter's Forester archetype. The archetype replaces the Hunter's companion with Favored Terrain. On the one hand, the wording's fairly clear: it says "She gains her first favored terrain at 5th level." but I wonder if that's a typo, given a few oddities:

1) It's listed above the second level ability (where 1st level abilities would tend to be listed)
2) It replaces a (major) 1st level ability but, as written, doesn't provide any benefit until 5th level (which seems unusual for archetypes).
3) It has a second part (damage bonus) that it calls out as starting at 5th level, even though the ability as a whole also starts at 5th level.

Those together make me wonder if it got messed up along the way, and was supposed to read more like:

Favored Terrain wrote:

A forester gains the ranger’s favored terrain ability. She gains her first favored terrain at 5th 1st level and a new favored terrain every 4 levels thereafter. In addition, at each such interval, the bonuses on initiative checks and skill checks in one favored terrain (including the one just selected, if so desired) increase by 2. Starting at 5th level, a forester adds half her favored terrain bonus on damage rolls while in her favored terrain and fighting a creature native to that terrain.

This replaces animal companion.


Bump. I have the same question. Also... Forester basically makes the Nature Training class feature moot. It really should change that feature or something. Then again, from what I've read, the Nature Training hunter class feature is already pointless so... meh. Paizo! Fix your game!

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