gorambrowncoat |
Is it possible for party members to devise their own language by putting a rank in linguistics?
F.e. A party might want a secret language of their own for communicating. Or it might be usefull to learn a language of yelps and yips for the druid to be able to communicate with the party while in wolf form or whatever.
blahpers |
As far as I know, there are no rules for creating your own language. Anything in that realm is GM fiat.
Our party had so many shapeshifters that we ended up concocting a "cat cant" for communicating when in animal form using gestures and posture. The GM let us use a language slot for this purpose. This was purely his call, though, not something backed by the rules.
deuxhero |
Just found this.
Examining and Creating Documents: At times during this Adventure Path, you’ll need to examine old documents, complex contracts, and other written works. Some of these documents are simply archaic and written strangely, but others contain hidden messages or obfuscated truths. Doing so generally requires both knowledge in the language in which the document is written and a successful Linguistics check against a set DC known by your GM. In addition, you can use Linguistics checks to create secret messages, much in the same way you use Bluff to verbally pass a hidden message to another. Someone who doesn’t know the code must make a successful Linguistics check to decipher your message (DC = the Linguistics check result you achieved in creating the message in the first place)
Isaac Zephyr |
Allowing a single skill point to do something generally requiring a feat is something I would be hesitant at best to allow. Feats such as the Bonded Mind teamwork feat accomplish similar.
Bonded Mind
"As long as you can see each other, you and an ally who also has this feat can trade nonverbal messages. These function as the message spell, except that you don’t need to whisper or point, and you cannot be overheard."
There's also the message spell as mentioned in the feat, and a handful of magic items. You also have traits.
Expressive Pantomime
"You have learned to express yourself without having to depend on words. When attempting a Bluff check to deliver a secret message, you can take a –5 penalty on the check to communicate a simple message even to creatures that do not share a language with you. You cannot communicate with mindless creatures."
If every member of the party wanted to learn an existing language that's their prerogative. Alternatively as ponted out, both Bluff and Linguistics have built in uses to pass secret messages, though they require appropriate skill checks, and therefore actions.
Daw |
Since comprehend languages is a first level common spell...
Varisian Sign Language allows for a bluff check to disguise the fact that any message is being passed. It is uncommon at best.
It sounds like they are looking for something cheap and foolproof, which shouldn't happen. Finding an obscure language is likely the easiest choice. Do species specific meta-languages exist on your version of the world, like Canine or whatever?