Trying to build an Investigator


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We’re coming up on Red Flags, and after the DM passed on the character concepts we were to roll up, I thought I’d try to recreate my Varisian Investigator under the PF2 rules. Under PF1 he is a fiddler/singer, nomadic as most “gypsy” Varisians tend to be (as opposed to their city-dwelling cousins), uses a starknife or bombs usually, dabbled as a healer, and is loosely modeled after a “Sherlock Holmes” type of character.

I’m contemplating a Lore Muse Bard, Human (Varisian) ancestry, Entertainer or Nomad background, Skilled (Crafting) heritage, Alchemist archetype (with some attempt at modifying it for 1.6 changes to Alchemist although there’s no official rules for that.

I’m also contemplating a Bomber or Chirurgeon Alchemist with some cognitive mutagen recipes, Human (Varisian) ancestry, Entertainer or Nomad background, Skilled (Performance) heritage, and maybe bard archetype (lore muse).

Obviously, Inspiration from the PF1 class is not able to be recreated, and during the play test I don’t want to ask for a house-rule feat to make that happen.

Has anyone else thought about recreating an Investigator under PF2 rules? Any thoughts about the two variations above?

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I'd think alchemist/rogue would be a better combo. I can see the appeal of bard, but if anything multiclassing into it to get Bardic Lore seems more fitting. Unless you really see this character as a full Caster, but that doesn't fit my notion or the PF1 investigator.

Alchemist gives you that nice intelligence focus, and maximizes your infusion access. You'll wind up trained in plenty of skills, including lots of lores if you so choose. Rogue can add more skills and a studied strike type mechanic, but it ultimately feels secondary to the alchemist. I can't think of a ton of alchemist feats you need though, so you can multiclass to your heart's content.

Edit: I guess rogue as the base class could work too. You don't need a lot of rogue feats so you can multiclass, and the increased skill progression will make you a really good skill monkey.

I think either of those is a good idea, which being really down to whether you want more Bard magic or better alchemical items with Advanced/Quick Alchemy.

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