Monsters and Resonance

Monsters and Hazards

I am prepping Heroes of Undarin and run into a snag. Looking at the entries for Lich and Demilich, I notice both use magic items and resonance points - the Lich implicitly by having a Greater Staff of Fire and the Demilich explicitly with its Joined Items ability. I searched the Beastiary and the Paizo boards, but can't find a rule indicating how you calculate how many Resonance Points a monster has - is it the creature's level + Charisma modifier, like for a player?

monsters don't have resonance - or alternatively assumed to have as much resonance as they need.

Monsters don't play by the rules, they simply have what they need to do it.

Not sure if you still can, but can we get stuff like this spoiler tagged?

My players haven't played Undarin yet as we're a few weeks behind schedule, and I'd love for certain monsters to not be expected.

Elleth wrote:

Not sure if you still can, but can we get stuff like this spoiler tagged?

My players haven't played Undarin yet as we're a few weeks behind schedule, and I'd love for certain monsters to not be expected.

Shouldn't need spoilers in the games masters rules section.

dragonhunterq wrote:
Elleth wrote:

Not sure if you still can, but can we get stuff like this spoiler tagged?

My players haven't played Undarin yet as we're a few weeks behind schedule, and I'd love for certain monsters to not be expected.

Shouldn't need spoilers in the games masters rules section.

Whoops. Tired. So used to looking at all the threads I forgot some of them were GM only.

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