Scranford's Savage Iron Kingdoms - The Witchfire Trilogy (Inactive)

Game Master scranford

Steampunk, and magic guns take on a hoard of enemies, in this classic 3.5 revised edition of the game, converted to Savage Worlds for ease of use.

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Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

The "Shaken" condition can be a little confusing at first, though it's pretty straight forward. I have printed it below, and will include it in the campaign info.



If the damage of an attack is a simple success (0-3 points
over Toughness), the target is Shaken. Shaken characters
are rattled, distracted, or momentarily shocked. They aren’t
stunned but are temporarily suppressed enough that they
must make a Spirit roll to be effective.
On their action, a Shaken character must attempt to recover
from being Shaken by making a Spirit roll:

• Failure: The character remains Shaken. He can only
perform free actions (see page 66).

• Success: The character is no longer Shaken, but can
still only perform free actions.

• Raise: The character is no longer Shaken and may act

►►Spending Bennies: A player may spend a Benny at any
time to remove his Shaken status. If it’s currently his action,
he may act as if he gained a raise on the Spirit roll.



So Satinius, you would still need to spend a benny to act normally in this round, since you didn't get a raise on your spirit roll. If you spent a benny then regardless of the roll you can act normally on your time. In addition, you must still make a spell roll to cast your spell if you could act...and I realized that I didn't give you an arcane skill roll (My bad) we'll have to free up some skill points somewhere for ARCANE POWER: GRIT based on your Spirit. We'll need to take a couple of skill points from somewhere, and bump that up to a d6 at least. (Maybe Riding down to d4, and give up healing?

A final note on Bennies. My advice is to not horde them. They are your plot control device, and you get them back at the beginning of every scene, and everytime I deem your character does something "cool" or "In character".

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

Andrej fires an arrow at the Goblin who had been holding on the escaping horses rope, spinning him about but only lodging in the loose folds of his garment, but it spins him right around into the oncoming blow of the newest arrival to the scene, who proceeds to lift him off the ground with a swing of his mighty club.

Gunner fires again at the reeling goblin in front of him...

1d8 ⇒ 5 Shooting
1d6 ⇒ 5 WD

2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 Damage

The arrow joining it's brother, and taking down the offending gobber.

Now the only live Gobber in sight is the one who just took off running from under wagon #3

Everyone gets a free attack on the running Gobber if they wish before he drifts into the forest.

Otherwise combat is over unless you wish to follow the gobbers into the swampy forest.

"Bah". "Stinking Swamp Gobbers". "Let them go they only got one chest and a pack horse". "Shame about Silas though". "I'll have to find his mother and return his remains". "Caleb". Gunner calls to the spare driver. "Looks like you're driving now". "Just stretch Silas out in the back". "Let's get out of here before they strike again".

Gunner seems to be fine with this being the only losses he has taken.

If you wish to pursue the Gobbers into the swamp...just let me know, though Gunner probably won't approve leaving the caravan unguarded.

"You lot held your own pretty well". "I reckon I can give you your full pay". "We'll stop at the Cathedral of Morrow when we get into town and you can get patched up there". "Keep you're eyes open now".

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

Andrej takes his last shot at the final goblin in sight, slowing it down a bit. 4 damage vs. 4 Toughness means it's Shaken, right?

"What about chest, Gunner?"

Parting shot at last gobber: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

The Ogrun looks down at the gobber with great satisfaction when the last goblin makes a run for it.

The goblin stumbles a bit when Andrej's arrow strikes home, allowing Gorrum a chance to intercept .

Fighting 1d8 ⇒ 7
Wild 1d6 ⇒ 2

Damage Str+1d6 1d12 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (3) = 4

Not in use

Zadlu lets the last gobber run, instead turning to the trollkin beside him and grunting "Hit good... almost as strong as mother" before he drops to the ground and rifles through gobber pockets for anything that might be of use.

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

Gunner acknowledges the man's quest with a nod and an almost smile. "Don't fret it". "It was only a crate of Ulgaran Lava Peppers". "We figure in some loss, and put the less valuable items inside the wagons". "Let's just get into Corvis, before they regroup and hit us again".

Caleb brings forth the spare packhorse, and begins hitching it to the lead wagon, spreading it's packs among the remaining wagons. Gunner instructs him to burn the corpse of the horse to keep it from serving as another free meal for the Gobbers; and the remaining drovers set about that grizzly task.

Morven finds the smell of the roasting horseflesh irresistible, and after hesitating for just a moment, rushes forth, and tears off a huge haunch of horsemeat, and begins to devour it. Kind of jumping ahead here, but this would be an example of playing your hinderance, that might just invoke reward of a benny from a GM who loves roleplay.

Zadlu, searching the Gobbers blood soaked pockets finds a ball of string, some bent nails, two shiney rocks, a chipped red marble, and 12 Copper bits.

Searching the rest of the dead gobbers turns up 16 cp, and 4 sp. Of more interest is something Satinius spots from atop his mount, near where the last Gobber attacked from. Some sort of weird device sits just off the road about 40' in front of the first wagon. It is the size of a large chest and consists of a crude bellows with some kind of crucible to mix regents.

Knowledge: Mechanika - Success


This is a gobber smoke/fog generator.

Knowledge: Mechanika - Raise


Different regents can be mixed into here for varying effects. Any Alchemist in Corvis would gladly pay 50-75 gp for such a device.

Of even more interest is the giant Ogrun who just stepped into the combat...apparently on your side. Who is he and where did he come from?

Combat is over at this time. If anyone has any actions they'd like to perform before the caravan begins to head onward, then state so at this time, otherwise we'll continue the journey.

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

"Machine makes fog? Bah. For weaklings."

Looking up at the huge Ogrun, Andrej nods once. "Good fighting."

Gorrum looks up from the smashed body of the goblin, "Hmmm, thanks. You fight good too. " he rumbles to Andrej.

Looking at Gunner, he says "You're caravan master? Gorrum was waiting to join caravan, but stupid gobbies tried to tie Gorrum to tree...stupid gobbies. " He pauses to give the goblin corpse a kick. "You need more guards? Gorrum is strong."

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........
Gorrum wrote:

Gorrum looks up from the smashed body of the goblin, "Hmmm, thanks. You fight good too. " he rumbles to Andrej.

Looking at Gunner, he says "You're caravan master? Gorrum was waiting to join caravan, but stupid gobbies tried to tie Gorrum to tree...stupid gobbies. " He pauses to give the goblin corpse a kick. "You need more guards? Gorrum is strong."

"Hmmm". "From the looks of ya, you'd make a replacement for my missing horse, but that flail of your'es speaks otherwise". "I guess I owe you for your part anyway". "Come along, and I'll make sure you get a good meal, and a little gold for your trouble".

Female Trollkin Scrapper/Fell Caller

At Zadlu's comment Morven chuckles deeply;

"Almaist as strang? Sure yer Mammy wisnae O' the Kriel Zadlu?"

The trollkin chuckles some more and helps scavenge from the Gobbers afore carving another notch in her war-club.

Upon seeing the Ogrun she whistles under her breath;

"Feck eh's a muckle ein! Ogrun? Oh aye - strang like yer mither Zadlu, but heids like neeps ken?"

Gorrum nods and says to Gunner "Ya, that's fair." he then sniffs and indicates the roasting horse "I can have some?"

Not in use

Zadlu spits to the side after discarding all held by the gobbers bar the coin. Narrowing eyes at the ogrun he shrugs at Morven's assessment "Good for take order, yes... not good if try do more than beat head with club."

Female LE Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel of Asmodeus) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Ah so. I've taken your advice and made those changes to allow some spellcasting rolls. Also I'd have used a benny to cast the spell so I'll assume I am down one.

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........



Thanks. We'll move forward, but in the future, you would still need to make your spellcasting roll to successfully cast the spell. (Grit and bonus die, taking the higher, target number of 4).

As the caravan gathers itself and prepares to leave once again, Gunner stomps about cussing gobbers, and their mothers, and making sure that everything is secure and ready for departure. He places the dead drover's body to one of the wagons, and the party sets forth.

Did anyone take the Gobber Smoke machine?

At last you are free of the swampy morass of Widower's Wood. the black, twisted trees part and the ever-present mist finally thins and clears. Ahead of you is Corvis, City of Ghosts. A stout wall surrounds an impossibly dense mass of stone structures. Granite and marble spires, some topped with gold embellishments, burst through the fog and smoke at street level and reach for the heavens. A tangle of bridges and arches ensnares everything in a stony grasp. After so long in the woods, it is an impressive sight. Closer in and once past the initial grandeur, the stains and cracks can be seen. With buildings askew their corners sinking into unstable foundations, the old city struggles to maintain a bright facade against the relentless erosion of the rivers and time.

Gunner Wadock raises his voice to be heard over the creaking wagons. "We'll be first off to see Father Dumas at the Cathedral of Morrow. he can tend our wounds, and we have a crate or to for him as well". We'll part ways there, and you'll get yer gold". "Twas a pleasure riding with you".

The Cathedral of Morrow is a large ornate building set upon a small island in the eastern part of the city. The cathedral is attached to the mainland by two short bridges. There is a small graveyard on the premises, and in it lie generations of priests, and other friends of the church. An imposing granite tomb lies just outside the entrance to the cathedral. There are several other smaller outlying buildings on the island alongside the cathedral, including stables, a small dormitory, and several buildings for storage. Most appear to be empty and unused.

"Father Dumas"! "Father Dumas"! , Gunner shouts briskly entering the cathedral proper, after you arrive. "It's Gunner Wadock". "I've got casualties, including one dead".

Rushing from the rear of the Cathedral you see a fleshy man of only about 40 summers. His hair is completely gray and his features are craggy. He immediately runs to the injured, and begins to administer aid, clucking, and short on conversation.

Gunner turns to you, relief evident on his face,"Come you lot". "I'll count out your gold, then we'll have a meal with the father, and deliver his goods".

NOTICE Success


For a moment from the upper balcony of the church, a lovely, young, pale dark haired woman appears. Her hand rests lightly on the Bannister, and she surveys the party, before retreating back to where she came from when Father Dumas appears.

Gorrum eyes the graveyard with distrust , then focuses on the cathedral itself, instinctively appraising the stonework of the masons who built it.

Notice 1d8 ⇒ 6 Success!
Wild 1d6 ⇒ 4 Not sure the wild die still applies, or only to combat

As he gazes at the Cathedral, he is heard to mutter "hmmm, pretty lady."

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

Andrej is not impressed with this place. By Menoth, the Morrowites are weaklings. Get me my gold and I will gladly see the road away from this place. So rapt is he in his theological musings and plans for the future that he fails to notice anything out of the ordinary.

Notice check: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Not in use

Gorrum - wild die applies to every check.
Zadlu didn't take the gobber tech.

Notice: 1d8 ⇒ 4 and 1d6 ⇒ 6 - boom 1d6 ⇒ 2 - success plus raise - can Zadlu tell her ethnicity?

Zadlu's grimace deepens until his forehead resembles a craggy mountain range as they move into the town. Muttering under his breath he seems to be noting most things that they pass... and comparing them unfavorably to how things should be if they were in a real place like Glorious Mother Khador.

The talk of gold perks his interest, as does the pale and dark lady that watches from high. Still he doesn't comment on her directly, instead seeing to the wagons and horses, making sure they have no chance for coming free or bolting.

Female LE Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel of Asmodeus) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Satinius lumps the gobber smoke machine onto a wagon. So that it isn't left lying around.

The gun mage tinkers with it a little on the road until the caravan reaches the Cathedral. Then he makes sure that the item can be offered to Gunner Wadock or the father. He has no use for it other than an object of curiosity.

1d4 ⇒ 2

Satinius follows onto the father, perhaps laden with the machine.

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

Satinius don't forget your Wild Die on the notice roll...Also you can still make a knowledge: Mechanika roll concerning the device. (Wild die on that one as well).

The woman from a quick glance could be from several places, but her manor of dress would suggest Cygnaran.

Unless anyone has any actions they wish to perform beforehand, I'll advance to the meal with Father Dumas. You can all assume that you received 25 gp, with the exception of Gorrum who received 15. In addition eveyone gets 2 XP for section one of the adventure.

Female LE Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel of Asmodeus) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Notice (wild dice) 1d6 ⇒ 6,

Mechanika roll 1d4 ⇒ 1
Wild dice 1d6 ⇒ 5

Exploded notice roll 1d6 ⇒ 1

He stops and stares up at the Lady. "Zat is so, fren' Gorrum. She waits for someone perhaps. Not ze likes of travelling solders."

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........



You can read the first spoiler above if you haven't already. In addition you think it might be worth something to the right person...Alchemist...Mechanik?

After the PC's have settled, and Father Dumas makes his settlement with Gunner, he asks the group to please join him in a mid-day meal. You are all shown to a large trestle table in one of the back rooms, obviously designed to seat more than are present. It is obvious that the church can handle a lot more people than are currently residing here. A couple of volunteers from the town are helping out here, and they begin to uncover a wide variety of food including blood sausages braised in stock, Root vegetables in a butter sauce, large loaves of fairly fresh large grain bread, pitchers of small ale, milk, and water, and the ever present skewers of pickled lamprey. Father Dumas steps to the head of the table, and invites the characters to take a seat before sitting himself.

"Welcome to the table of Morrow". "While I can see that some of your religious beliefs don't necessarily pay homage to Morrow, we are a tolerant sect, and ask only that you do not disrespect our belief's on these holy grounds, and that if you wish to offer a prayer to your god that you do so in private". "Please enjoy this food, and engage an old mans tale".

"Gunner had only good things to say about your capabilities, so I wonder if you might entertain assisting not only the Church but Corvis itself, in a vexing problem that has recently arose". "The city watch is overworked as it is, and though I have reported things to Magistrate Borloch, I thought I might launch my own investigation". "As you can see the church is short of novices at the moment, and we must rely upon the generosity of the townsfolk to help us I thought I might see if you were interested in assisting us"?

Notice Success


When the good natured father Dumas mentions the Magistrate's name his voice changes a bit, and his eyes narrow. It's obvious he either doesn't like or respect the man.

"I cannot offer you financial reward, but can offer you room, board, and whatever spiritual assistance I might be capable of providing, should you choose to assist". "I can also assure you that the favor of the church is not a trivial thing". "If you are interested I shall share the situation with you". "If not then, I wish you nothing but best wishes".

Knowledge: Religion Success


The influence of the Church of Morrow, is vast, and extensive, and often profitable. This religion is by far the most powerful in Cyngar.

"As you can guess, the Church would not choose to get involved with mundane crime...but grave robbing". "Well that could be considered a crime of the soul". And it seems there have been a number of grave robberies recently in and around Corvis". "I am sincere in my desire to put a stop to these atrocities, and wish to find a capable group to assist me".

"I implore you". "Will you help"?

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

Notice check: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 6

OK, yeah. Andrej is on this one.

After looking on stoically during the invocation, the Kossite nods curtly at Dumas' request. "Da. Crime against good order. I help."

Not in use

Zadlu furrows his brow "You give no coin... mean I can take what find when killing man who dig up dead one, yes?"

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

Father Dumas glances sharply at the land-bound sailor. "Well of course you can". "They will have no use from it where their souls will end up". "But naturally I would prefer they be brought in for questioning...motivations...who they work for all that". "Still I understand that things happen during combat"..."and the Church, as you can see could use any spare coin you might have left over, for...well...maintenance. The man beams at Zadluzeny.

And then turning his head towards the sharp eyed Kossite, "Ah"! "Well there is one who has his priorities in order". the Father smiles, emphasizing the word 'order' in his speech.

It seems the father might actually have a sense of humor.

Notice 1d8 ⇒ 3
Wild 1d6 ⇒ 1

"Hmm, dead lived already, should stay in the ground. Badness comes from disturbing those at rest. I will help" Gorrum rumbles .

Not in use

Zadlu frowns... but nods.

Female LE Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel of Asmodeus) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Satinius nods and smiles, his mind elsewhere on wheels and cogs and the worth of a smoke machine.

"Bon! Can you give me zee name of zee good mechanik, merci farzur?"

Female Trollkin Scrapper/Fell Caller

Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Morven eats her considerable fill, shifting at least as much grub as Gorrum.

Between mouthfuls she nods, mutters some comments in her strange Kriel tongue;

"Aye. I'll help ye. Deid or still kickin' yea'll hae yer villain. So help ma Boab..."

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

"Ah, but of course it"? "Corvis is full of Mechanik's and alchemist, and magic shops". "There are of course the less...trustworthy shops in the Quad or on the Waterfront". "As far as mechaniks it depends on what you're interested in". "If you want Steamjack parts, or devices, then Engines East has a great reputation". "If you're more into the Arcane Mechaniks, then you can't go wrong with Garworth's". "In fact, that's probably the place to start". "If they don't have it, they can probably point you in the right...reputable direction".

"As far as the rest of you, bless you for your assistance". "Here is a list of the missing bodies to help you get started". "In addition, take these". Father Dumas hands each of the characters a small silver sunburst holy symbol. "They will identify you as my wards, and may open some doors, and provide you some benefit...though I warn you Morrow does not look kindly upon those who abuse his privileges". "Now please take a moment to review the evidence, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask".

I have put the evidence in the Campaign info tab.

Female LE Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel of Asmodeus) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

On holiday now for a week, half term, parents over and flying to Britain for next weekend. Posting will be very spotty until I get back. Cheers

Satinius takes the ring and heads out to find a buyer for the smoke machine. He starts with Garforth's.

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

Andrej makes a quick sign and takes the proffered holy symbol. He does not bother to look at the list, leaving the reading part for the softer folks in the party. "Find closest grave, I track, yes?"

Gorrum takes the bauble from the priest, looks at it then put it in his pocket.

At Andrej's comment , he grunts "Hmmm, you track, I follow, then smash robbers of grave!"

Female Trollkin Scrapper/Fell Caller

Morven accepts the holy symbol with a look of reverence, which (once Father Dumas is no longer looking) she bites to check the quality of the silver.

The trollkin eyes the brute of an Ogrun with a slight grin;

"Och aye... gonnie be a richt gud rammy when we find them heidroom reivers!"

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

The father looks up as Satinius leaves the room, stopping only to borrow a wheelbarrow, and tarp, before following the Father's directions into town.

"Is it safe to assume that he will be helping us find the culprits as well"? "He did take the token after all".

There is then a moment of uncomfortable silence as nobody picks up the slip of paper he had written the clues on.

"Oh". "I'm sorry I was being presumptuous". "Let me read the clues to you, then answer any questions you might least as far as my knowledge extends".



Satinius makes his way through the crowded streets of Corvis, stopping to ask for directions every now and then, as he becomes disoriented in the bustling streets. Most know the location he is seeking, but cross themselves as he moves away...obviously a superstitious lot. Nowhere in his travels has he seen so many steam jacks moving cargo, cleaning and seemingly taking care of many of the more menial tasks in the city. As it is close to the end of the workday, many people are ducking into taverns for a well deserved rest, or heading home to provide for their families.

Finally the towering edifice with a large sign stating that this is indeed Garworths rises before him.

He enters the large shop, and is overwhelmed by the smells and colors of the goods. To his right as he enters is an entire room of glass beakers, and tubes. To his left are hanging rack after rack of unknown devices, and contraptions. There is a staircase leading down, and one leading up from the ground floor in front of him. The steps down are where the overwhelming odor's, and sounds of bubbling come from. There is a heavy velvet curtain cutting off his view of what is upstairs.

As he uncovers the device in the wheelbarrow, the curtain pushes aside, and a man stands there, first looking at Satinius, then at his burden. He then smiles, and begins to descend the stairs, holding out his hand in greeting. "Ah"! "The Steinhauss A400 Smoke generator". "A fine model". "I assume you're here for replacement regents"?

"But forgive my rudeness". "I am Burrman Garworth, and welcome to my shop".

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

Let me guess--the only party member who can read is off trying to sell the smoke generator?

Gorrum blinks at Morven, not quite sure what she said but getting that it was something nice, grins back.

Turning back to the priest, he says "Yes, read clues , Gorrum listens." He then focuses on the priest of Morrow, waiting expectantly.

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

You can now all read the clues posted in the campaign info.

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

Andrej nods, committing the names to memory. "Father Dumas, which is closest one to here?"

Not in use

Zadlu grimaces and nods "Da, closest best"

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

"Hmmm". "The two from the Northern Graveyard would be the closest". He pulls out a map of Corvis, and begins to mark some area's on it with a quill. "Then Probably either the Eastern Boneyard, just outside the gates, or the Sunbright Estate...they're really about the same distance". "Then the Gaddock Farm, and the Fullet Family farm is about an hour north of the City".

"Morrow Bless you for helping us out here". "Is there anything more I can do for you"? "If not here, take this map". "It's a bit dated, but still should keep you from becoming too disoriented". Father Dumas has marked out a path for you that shouldn't require too much asking of directions.

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

"We go to Northern Graveyard then. Tell Satin-man when he gets back." If the party's in agreement, the Kossite will leave for the burgled cemetery.

Female Trollkin Scrapper/Fell Caller

Morven nods in agreement at the decision;

"Aye. Tae the North ein we're gan..."

The trollkin shoulders her warclub and sets off with purpose alongside the others.

Female LE Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel of Asmodeus) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Satinius hands the machine over to Garforth and explains how he came by it. The goblins and the ambush.

"Zer iz leetle use for zis by myself. You may hav eet for zumting gud? I do not bargen I truss your reputation. My leef iz one of travel an guns by 'orse eef zat 'elps. As iz mon frends."

Satinius will leave his card with Garforth and take whatever he gets back to the priest and his companions.

Gorrum gets up to follow the Kossite, then pauses awkwardly and nods to the priest "Thanks for the food." he says as he picks up a loaf of bread and chews on it on the way out of the cathedral.

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........


"Well". "That is an interesting accent". "Where are you from"?

Garforth steps forward examining the device. "It seems to be functioning...And look it has the locking backlash option". "Very well made indeed".

Negotiation Mechnics
This is an opposed persuasion roll. The person initiating the sell, (Satinius in this instance) makes a Persuasion roll (d4-2 and/or d6, then adds +2 for his charismato the highest total. This is the target number for the oppositions roll.

1d10 ⇒ 6 1d6 ⇒ 4 Persuasion Roll +2 for his charisma for a total of 8 against Satinius Roll.

Failure = he will give you 50 GP
Success = he will give you 75 GP
Raise = he will give you 100 GP

Current map The Murik Estate God Infinity........

The group heads for the Northern Graveyards, and are overtaken just before they arrive, by Satinius atop his horse.

The northern graveyard is the largest boneyard in all of Corvis. It is a vast expanse of headstones, crypts, and tombs crisscrossed by narrow winding paths, and dotted with scrawny bushes and trees. The thicket of grave markers winds between the buildings north of the church. In the center of the graveyard is a tiny stone building where the caretaker lives.

This is where the Sylva and Monsonata family sites were despoiled.

How do you wish to proceed? Wait till dark and sneak aound? Approach the caretaker for questioning? Something else?

Female LE Tiefling Cleric (Fiendish Vessel of Asmodeus) 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM +6 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Satinius evades the question about his accent a little and adds that he comes from the south and has travelled far.

1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1, 1d6 ⇒ 6, 1d6 ⇒ 6, 1d6 ⇒ 3

When the money is handed over, Satinius thanks the merchant profusely and leaves with a chink in his step.

With a large grin and a flourish, the mage hands over four bags of 20 gold to the others, "Maysur Garfurt' liked the macheen. 'Ee gave uz zis munay for zat. Your shares mon amis. Voila!"

M Russian Human Bennies: 0/3| Wounds: 3/3

"Talk first. We strangers here, no one trust us."

Female Trollkin Scrapper/Fell Caller

Morven accepts the coin with a slightly sceptical look;

"Ye're nae holding oot any mair coin are ye Maysur? Nae offence like... Am jes' used tae folk tryin' tae bamboozle the likes o' me..."

Not in use

Zadlu takes the coin, picking out a piece and biting it to prove it's solidity before grunting and nodding a rudimentary thanks. At talk of the caretaker he muses "Go, but only one... that way if say yes all good. If say no, we go anyway but not look like breaking word."

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