Captain Morgan |
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The former has no armor check or clumsy trait, packs a better diplomacy bonus, doesn't reduce your speed, and gives you fly once per day.
The latter slows you down, still has a -2 ACP, gives you a once per day anti-fear effect, and has +1 more to touch AC.
The former just seems so clearly to be the winner to me. Having them listed next to each other on the treasure table and on the same page of the catalog of items seems jarring.

Nettah |
Well there is the limitation that you need to be of good alignment to wear the Celestial Armor. And the Breastplate of Command is of master quality which is worth 325 gp extra (a third of the items cost).
I do however think Celestial Armor is a lot better, so not sure why it's not more expensive. But that is the only reason for it I can see.