What keeps Treerazer contained?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Considering there's no wardstones or anything I don't get why Treerazer and his army of demons just stay in their corner instead of conquering all of Kyonin.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

1. Treerazer's only a wee bairn among demons- why go to Tanglebriar when the Worldwound has more support?

2. The elves have a lot more practice with this sort of thing than Mendev.

3. Treerazer's hatred and fixation is upon the elves and their works, at least for now. While he probably could go elsewhere, doing so would be admitting that the elves are too much for him to crack right now, and that's simply Not Happening.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Treerazer has no interest in world-domination. He's pretty comfy where he is. What keeps him "contained" is the fact that he doesn't feel the need to antagonize others by doing a full-on expansion thing, and is for now fine with ruling over his realm and being a thorn in the side of Kyonin.

AKA: What keeps him contained is that we haven't yet decided to tell the Treerazer story. Maybe some day!

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James Jacobs wrote:

being a thorn in the side of Kyonin.

Pun intended?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yqatuba wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

being a thorn in the side of Kyonin.

Pun intended?

Nah. Puns are gross.

The elves of Kyonin have some bad-ass magic rituals going 24/7 that keep those demons from teleporting away and from summoning in new demons. They also have an entire military organization devoted to border containment. These will be disrupted as soon as it becomes convenient for Treerazor's story to begin and for the players to enter from stage right.

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It's Treerazer by the way.

I burn down and ruin forests. I don't shave them.

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I mean, wouldn't removing all the things growing out of the surface be considered shaving the area?

The Sideromancer wrote:
I mean, wouldn't removing all the things growing out of the surface be considered shaving the area?

Nope Never doesn't make sense don't make me come over there and raze things.

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Shoo! Shoo! Back into your cage! D<

James Jacobs wrote:

Treerazer has no interest in world-domination. He's pretty comfy where he is. What keeps him "contained" is the fact that he doesn't feel the need to antagonize others by doing a full-on expansion thing, and is for now fine with ruling over his realm and being a thorn in the side of Kyonin.

AKA: What keeps him contained is that we haven't yet decided to tell the Treerazer story. Maybe some day!

What keeps him contained? The EPIC power of PLOT. If we do get a storyline involving him, it likely needs to start in Kyonin.

Sounds ok to me. Heroes need bad guys.

The Sideromancer wrote:
I mean, wouldn't removing all the things growing out of the surface be considered shaving the area?

Last thing Kyonin needs is Treerazer showing up with an army of a brazillion demons to do a number of them.


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