Sleep Arrow Crafting Design Questions

Magic Items

When crafting ammunition is there a batch or do you always just craft 1?
Can you supply a casting of other spells to vary the spell arrow effect?

I'm pretty sure the answer is 1 and no for the playtest, but will this sort of thing be fleshed out in the final edition?

Zamfield wrote:
When crafting ammunition is there a batch or do you always just craft 1?

Sleep Arrow has the Consumable Trait so you can craft it in batches per, "You can Craft items with the consumable trait in batches, making up to four of the same item simultaneously."


Item: Sleep Arrow; Level 2; Common

Traits: Consumable
Price: 5 gp
Ammunition: arrow
Activation: Operate Activation (Action)
An activated sleep arrow deals no damage, but a living creature hit by it is subject to the effects of a sleep spell (DC 16).
Craft Requirements: Supply a casting of sleep.
Zamfield wrote:
Can you supply a casting of other spells to vary the spell arrow effect?

That would be cool but I think they'll probably keep it locked down in the rules.

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You might want to take a look at SPELLSTRIKE AMMUNITION, it ... mostly does what you are looking for in a granular "Add Spell to Arrow" kind of way. It IS more expensive on several levels than the sleep arrow example.

Ammunition any
Activation Cast a Spell (1 RP)
You activate spellstrike ammunition by casting a spell into the ammunition. The spell must be of a spell level the ammunition can hold and must affect one or more targets. If the attack roll with the ammunition is a success, that target is affected as if it were the target of the spell in addition to taking damage from the attack as normal. If the creature isn’t a valid target for the spell, it still takes damage from the attack, but the spell fails. The ammunition affects only the target hit, even if the spell would normally affect more than one target. The spell uses your spell roll and spell DC. The maximum level of spell the ammunition can hold determines its item level and Price.

Level 3; Price 7 gp; Maximum Spell Level 1st
Level 5; Price 16 gp; Maximum Spell Level 2nd
Level 7; Price 38 gp; Maximum Spell Level 3rd
Level 9; Price 75 gp; Maximum Spell Level 4th
Level 11; Price 150 gp; Maximum Spell Level 5th
Level 13; Price 325 gp; Maximum Spell Level 6th
Level 15; Price 700 gp; Maximum Spell Level 7th
Level 17; Price 1,600 gp; Maximum Spell Level 8th
Level 19; Price 4,000 gp; Maximum Spell Level 9th

Wow. That spellstrike arrow is really cool! How did I miss that.

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