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Yqatuba wrote:
Alphavoltario wrote:Well keep in mind he's not just the god of alchemy but essentially the god of mad science, so being evil makes sense. That said, I agree the battleaxe seems inappropriate.Personally: Haagenti
Just for the sole reason of being the primary, and practically only, alchemy god (excluding Nethys from that, who seems to dip his hands in anything remotely considered magic... sit down Neth), and being a duplicitous two-faced jerk at that.
Also why is his favored weapon a battleaxe? Because he's a demon lord? Wouldn't something more 'techy' with more intricacies be more appropriate? Like a repeating crossbow? Or just alchemical items in general?
The only reason I can see for him going for a relatively high damage weapon is that I can see many of his followers favoring the use of strength boosting mutagens.