Does Magical Shorthand Open Up the Spell Lists?

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

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The primary gist of the Magical Shorthand feat seems to be improving how quickly you can learn a spell and making a failure easier to deal with.

Seemingly tucked away, however, in the Special section is permission to take the feat multiple times (the only limit being whether you're an expert in a magic tradition's associated skill) for multiple magic traditions. Also, there's no actual requirement that the first time you take the feat be to improve your ability to learn spells within your own class's magic tradition.

The general rules for learning spells are in each magic tradition's skill, stating that they only work for spells in your class's own tradition.

It seems to be implied that Magical Shorthand lets you learn from other spell lists (indeed, for the Special section to have any meaning, that has to be the intended conclusion), but this seems like it needs an outright confirmation. Can I, in fact, use Magical Shorthand to learn, say, the Heal spell if I'm a Wizard? And does this, as per page 194, qualify as a case where I'm adding the Arcane trait to the spell, even if I learned it off of the Primal list (i.e., I learned it from the Primal list by being an expert in Nature, but once I did so, it became Arcane for me)?

The feat speeds up the process of learning spells of a given tradition -- it does not grant you the ability to actually learn spells of that tradition.

So what's the point of being able to take the feat more than once?


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Probably for if a character gains access to a second tradition through multiclass archetypes, they then can take the feat a second time to apply it to their new spellcasting tradition.

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