thistledown |
If you are casting the touch version of heal/harm, it costs a single action. If you cast the aura version it takes 3 actions.
Reach metamagic says the spell can have a maximum of 2 actions, so on its face it sounds like clerics can't add reach to heal/harm, which seems unlikely as it's such a key spell for them.
Or does the 'max actions' only look at the version of the spell you are using, allowing Reach to work on the one or two action versions?
Tholomyes |
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thistledown wrote:If you are casting the touch version of heal/harm, it costs a single action. If you cast the aura version it takes 3 actions.The 2-action version of the spell does exactly what the Reach does.
(And as it costs only 2 actions you can apply Reach to it)
Not exactly what reach does. The 2 action version requires a fortitude save for damaging an undead for heal or a living target for harm, and gives a 0/0.5/1/2x multiplier for CS/S/F/CF, respectively), where the 1 action version, when metamagic'd requires a ranged touch attack, with no difference between a critical hit and a hit and a critical fail and a fail. Also, for the corner cases where it matters, the 2 action version requires both a somatic component and a verbal component, where the reach version requires two somatic components, so it can be cast silently. Now, not hugely relevant for most situations, but I can think of a few cases where it might be relevant: Say you're a cleric, who otherwise mainly prioritizes Spells without a DC, so you don't really care about Wis, and you encounter undead, if your Dex is a couple points higher than your wisdom, it might be beneficial to cast the 1 action+reach version. Or if you're under the effects of Silence, you can heal at range without a verbal component.