Polarize Special Property On Multiple Weapons

Rules Questions

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The Polarize Weapon Special Property states:

Polarize wrote:
When striking a target multiple times with a weapon with the polarize special property in the same round, damage from each such strike after the first is increased by the listed amount. This resets at the beginning of your next turn.

A) Does this mean that you can have two weapons with the Polarize weapon property (such as a kasatha with two sets of polarity gauntlets) and gain the boost from the first when making an attack with the second?

B) Does this effect extend to out-of-turn attacks of opportunity, such as if I hit someone with a set of polarity gauntlets, and then hit them again as a reaction when they tried to leave my reach?

C) Does the effect stack with attacks made by other with Polarized weapons against the same target? For example, if I shot an aurora polarity rifle at a target, and my ally shot the same target with an aurora polarity rifle right afterwards, would they gain the 1d10 bonus damage from my shot?

A. Not sure, but I lean towards yes. The interesting question is that if the answer is yes, which polarity dice apply if two different weapons are used? The set up or followup? I'd use the followup weapon's polarize dice if a different weapon did the set up.

B. Yes, I think this is clear.

C. Still not sure, but I learn toward yes. What's interesting is that if the answer is yes, while your polarize effect would wear off for you when your next turn came around, your ally would have established his own polarize effect on his turn. I think this means that two allies with polarize could chain the effect to be permanently up as long as each hits at least once on their turn.

Looking at the balance point of polarize weapons against same/near level options, I'd guess that combo of polarize effects was intended, and in my opinion seems well balanced. You lose a crit effect, lock two or more party members into one damage type, pay more (they're real expensive), and are incentivized to full attacking and loss of mobility in return for higher DPS.

For A, I think the set-up weapon's dice would be used, but then the follow-up weapon would add their own dice on top of that. I suppose that is another question: Do the polarize bonus die stack? I guess that that might not be the case, given the way bonuses are handled.

Looking at it in more depth, I'm convinced the polarity effect is supposed to (and certainly should) stack between two different weapons. It's too disadvantageous otherwise.

For the level 20 Tempest Polarity Rifle, you're doing 11d8E damage when it's active (8d8 when it's not) and no crit effect, compared to 11d6F always and a 5d6 burn crit on the 20th level laser rifle. The laser has 150' range vs 80' on the polarity rifle, the laser has 50 shots vs 40 on the polarity rifle. Finally, the polarity rifle costs a cool million credits, while the laser rifle costs 722k. The only justification for this is if a pair of polarize weapons can trigger off of each other and keep the effect up all the time.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
ParaheliZ wrote:
For A, I think the set-up weapon's dice would be used, but then the follow-up weapon would add their own dice on top of that. I suppose that is another question: Do the polarize bonus die stack? I guess that that might not be the case, given the way bonuses are handled.

Reading the rules i don't see why you couldn't chain polarize since it states multiple attacks through a round (not turn).

I don't think the polarize die stack with each other though. (assuming you mean it in the way I'm thinking.

IE. operative triple attack attacks and lands 3 hits with aurora gauntlets and gets 1st strike: 2d6 / 2nd strike 2d6+1d6 / 3rd strike: 2d6+1d6+1d6

then soldier triple attacks with aurora rifle and gets 1st strike: 2d8+ 1d6+1d6+1d10 / 2nd strike: 2d8+1d6+1d6+1d10+1d10 / 3rd strike 2d8+1d6+1d6+1d10+1d10+1d10

Then the mechanic... etc

I don't think it works like that

I would think you could stack it with other players' polarity weapons, but you'd need to start the chain back up from scratch as soon as the initiative restarted.

Pantshandshake wrote:
I would think you could stack it with other players' polarity weapons, but you'd need to start the chain back up from scratch as soon as the initiative restarted.

I believe the stack resets on the beginning of the plays who first hits turn.

My initial thought was that individual "polarity die" would drop off, but newer ones would remain. So, for example, when I attack with a polarity weapon, that adds, say, 1d10 extra damage that the target will take from any polarity weapon from now until the beginning of my next turn. If other players have hit the target with polarized weapons before my turn, this gets added to their dice, but those dice will go away at the beginning of their individual turns. My dice will keep sticking around until my turn, however.

Basically, like PawnJJ was saying, with each dice sticking around for one entire set of rounds.

The alternative is either: A) you just gain the bonus from the biggest "polarity die" that has hit the target, or B) each hit with a polarity weapon gets the polarity bonus, and then replaces it with the polarity bonus from the current weapon.

Garrett Larghi wrote:
Pantshandshake wrote:
I would think you could stack it with other players' polarity weapons, but you'd need to start the chain back up from scratch as soon as the initiative restarted.
I believe the stack resets on the beginning of the plays who first hits turn.

I think it runs independently on each player's turn.

Round 1: Initiative count 21: Player 1 hits and polarizes.

Round 1: Initative count 17: Player 2 hits, gets bonus damage, and sets up a second (longer lasting) polarization effect.

Round 2: Initiative count 21: Player 1's own polarization wears off before he acts. He hits, gets bonus damage (from Player 2's polarization), and repolarizes.

Round 2: Initiative count 17: Player 2's own original polarization wears off before he acts. He hits, gets bonus damage (from Player 1's previous polarization), and repolarizes.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The way I interpreted it is you polarize for your weapon only but each attack after the first before the start of your next turn adds the polarization damage as a cumulative effect. If you had polarize +1d6 the first attack is normal, the second attack is +1d6, if you get 4 attacks and hit all of them (like an Operative) that would be +2d6 then +3d6, then they provoke an AoO so that is +4d6. Then your polarization for your own weapon wears off at the beginning of your next turn where it starts over.

Polarize isn’t worth it if it only works for your own weapon. There are better damage options if an ally can’t set it up for your first shot to count.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Marked for FAQ.

Shadow Lodge

Well, next we need a feat that lets a target "Reverse the Polarity" and counter your weapon somehow.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A feat that counters only a single weapon property? That would be a waste of a feat.

I believe that its on a per weapon basis. Apparently you need the exact harmonic resonance of your gauntlet or something

Just, I don't know about polarize weapons not being worth it.
The rifles are somewhat weak, sure - and even then a soldier could likely get some quite decent results with them.
The gauntlets however look like great operative weapons. Almost the damage of the plasma ribbons and garrotes, with the property on top. Some weak levels, no doubt, but that's still not bad at all. And Ops are the ones with the eventual four attacks.
Shame the pair of gloves doesn't count as a double weapon, but that would probably be too much.

Still. Not the subject.
I too would enjoy knowing what happens when someone is the target of multiple polarize weapons.
Is it nothing, each weapon onlynworking for itself ? (Seems likely)
If it's something, which weapon is the bonus based on ?

If it works, sounds like a decent way to equip a squad of weaker dudes to go after big beasts otherwise beyond their reach.

I’m talking about the rifles.

lol you only needs one ...just have the whole party walk together & wait till the last persons turn ...first guy fires (standard) changes grip for hand off(swift) ...next guy takes it as a move, fires it as a standard, changes grip ..ect ..ect ...we'll save the long range vesk for last...6 members in my party ......saves money on enchantments

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why would they need to change grips before passing it off?

(This is now how I imagine Starfinder firing squads execute their prisoners while on a budget.)

Ravingdork ....ehh... it's debatable whether or not they can take it as a move if your not giving it to them.....it definitely works this way....and I would be inclined to let it work with multiple weapons if just to prevent that from happening .....in any given round there seems to be a lot of misses anyway

*cough* If Polarize works for other weapons, I suspect it would be more than a tad broken. Don't think "I set up my comrade so he does extra damage". Think bigger. Think "me and my dozen friends surround the enemy and all bash away with polarity weapons". It goes from being a very situational and limited bonus, to being a cheap and easy way to always do tons more damage.

( It gets worse if they ever add weapon customization, or otherwise create a way for Polarize to be stuck on a *ranged* weapon. . . )

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

An entire party of drone mechanics wielding polarity weapons alongside mobile weapons platforms loaded down with polarity weapons. lol.

Metaphysician wrote:

*cough* If Polarize works for other weapons, I suspect it would be more than a tad broken. Don't think "I set up my comrade so he does extra damage". Think bigger. Think "me and my dozen friends surround the enemy and all bash away with polarity weapons". It goes from being a very situational and limited bonus, to being a cheap and easy way to always do tons more damage.

( It gets worse if they ever add weapon customization, or otherwise create a way for Polarize to be stuck on a *ranged* weapon. . . )

Polarize is already on a ranged weapon, the Polarity Rifle longarm. With polarize they do modestly more damage than a laser rifle, half the range, no crit effect. They're not that good even with polarity on every shot.

The polarize melee weapons are also not that great even with polarize on very hit. There are other comparable weapons that do similar base damage, but get a bigger specialization bonus (because not operative), and have a crit effect.

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