Ediwir |
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So I was replying to a thread about Resonance and made a point about why potions had to be restricted because they could be used as an action - and I think I had the dumbest workable idea in a long while.
See, a while ago I played this small D&D based online game where, in order to rest, you had to rest at a campfire - and people would make sure to have a bunch of tinder to start campfires mid-dungeon. GMs hated that habit because it was basically a workaround (wands were annoying. clicking 50 times? No thanks), but it was the only way to heal up without a Cleric around, and those guys always wanted first pick of loot, so screw them. Also tinder was awfully heavy and made Fighters useful.
Point is, it was a way to get downtime healing and it worked. So, why not address downtime healing with consumables that motivate people to purchase higher level items, impact finances, but do not affect combat power?
Introducing to you,
Potion of Recuperation, Minor Item 1, cost 1gp
When you drink this potion, you regenerate 1 hp per minute for the next 10 minutes. The effect is interrupted if you take any damage.
Fountain of Life, Minor Item 2, cost 3gp
You can place this idol on the ground and activate it by having at least 3 individuals place their hands on it and recite the activation chant. The idol then emanates a 3m emanation of light and warmth that lets all activating creatures regenerate 1 hp per minute as long as they're inside it. The field lasts 10 minutes or until the idol is moved.
An alchemical version could come up eventually, as a Galvanising Elixir or whatnot. Irrelevant, for now.
The point is - if you want the combat effectiveness, you pay premium price (3gp). If you want the off-screen healing, these potions offer the party a non-free, Resonance-limited way to heal up.
The Fountain is more cost-effective (but not more resonance-effective) but restricts the party's mobility, preventing extensive exploration and searches in exchange for the economic benefit.
This is the result of about 5 minutes of work, most of which was spent trying to find a name (rejuvenation? nope. Regeneration? nope. Second Wind? big nope)... But does it make any sense as a base concept? Would you guys buy that in your starting equipment? Would higher level versions (2hp/min, 3hp/min, 5hp/min, 7hp/min, 10hp/min, with fountains being 1 level higher than potions) make sense and maintain the Resonance usage?
Would you still use Healing Potions for in-combat dramatic healing?
Would you use Healing Potions at all, or would you if the Recuperation lasted 5 minutes?
What if the price was not 30%/100% of potions, but 50%/150%?
EDIT: It has been pointed out to me that in my hurry I forgot to convert the emanation into American units. It'd be a 10ft range.
Rameth |
I like it. The 3 Resonance cost is hefty but worth it price. I do think it should heal a little more than 10 for the price of 3 Resonance though, 2 HP per minute would be better for the Fountain.
The problem is with all the talk of Resonance changing we don't even know if something like this will be viable after the change.
Rules Artificer |
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It's a mix between the Ritual Healing Suggestion and the Bandage of Healing suggested on another topic.
Personally I think whatever idea is better than the current state of the game so... yeah. Sure. I would use it.
Out of all the suggestions so far, I prefer healing rituals, as they require only skill and some gold, not magic. That thread also proposed how each character could participate in the ritual to aid it in some way, whether it's boosting the healing, removing conditions, or securing the area/keeping watch to reduce the chance of being interrupted. I think that's far more engaging of a solution than just more consumables.
Regardless, 2E does seem to need some mechanic to allow parties to spend breaktime in exchange for healing.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |