Crexis |
I'm trying to create a Wild Order Druid. What can you recommend in terms of attribute allocation and which race to go? I was leaning toward dwarfs (will 8 charisma hurt?) or human (+2 str and +2 wis).
I was thinking I should have an 18 wisdom and a 16 str (So I could wild shape 3x a day). Thoughts?
What do you recommend as far as skill feats go for druids?

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I'm trying to create a Wild Order Druid. What can you recommend in terms of attribute allocation and which race to go? I was leaning toward dwarfs (will 8 charisma hurt?) or human (+2 str and +2 wis).
I was thinking I should have an 18 wisdom and a 16 str (So I could wild shape 3x a day). Thoughts?
What do you recommend as far as skill feats go for druids?
For my 4th level druid for Doomsday Dawn I went human although Dwarf was the completely reasonable second choice that I dithered over for awhile.
I blew my general feat on Weapon Familiarity so I could have a plethora of weapons.
It probably will be a bit of a waste (haven't yet actually played the character) but I decided to blow my extra class feat on a Raptor animal companion. Want to see if having BOTH wild shape and a companion is feasible with the new action economy.
Definitely went with the Str of 16 since I want to be a force in melee with claws when I can't afford to wild shape. And Wis 18 because Druid :-)
Don't know who I'll be adventuring with. If there is no cleric then my spells will pretty much all be heal which will hopefully be ok since I can use my OTHER pools to claw or wild shape. If there is a cleric I'll actually take some other spells :-)
My hope is to be a melee fighter in general with healing as my back up role. That and a fair selection of useful skills (especially for Doomsday part 2)

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One last question - if I wildshape into some animal/dino or whatever, can I cast spells while in a wildshape form?
I believe that all the wildshape spells (what you get from the feats) specify that you cannot cast spells. The Dinosaur one certainly does.
I made an Elven animal companion druid, using archery and really good foot speed to supplement my main source of damage (a wolf). It worked pretty well, I just ignored Strength for the most part. This isn't close to what you are trying of course. :)

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For what its worth, I was VERY satisfied with my druid in play.
Enough skill use to be interesting.
Wild shape is very versatile and fairly powerful. Never had to use wild claws, mind. Always wild shaped.
The animal companion was, as expected, pretty much not worth the action to get it to do something. It did eat up some attacks though so it was still the best feat to take (as human).
Savage Slice rarely came up. Partly because my most common form was, unexpectedly, the frog (due to peculiarities of the scenario).
Pretty much all of my spells went to healing. Even with a cleric in the party the damage we were taking was quite high.

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Even with a cleric in the group I needed pretty much all my spells to heal.
Yeah, A wild druid. So, I was going into combat to kill stuff.
Between the two, didn't cast any offensive spells.
As a human you get an extra class feat. Nothing else appealed so I took the companion. Not really worth all that much but there wasn't actually a lot of competition. And it had SOME utility in just drawing attacks.
I've previously played a druid with proper animal companion. That was also a decent character but playedbquite differently