Resonance: Making it more flexible could provide balance

Magic Items


Resonance helps to address one of the long standing issues in Pathfinder and its progenitors regarding magic items. In my opinion, this basic idea could be more fully embraced.

I think that there is real potential to use Resonance to provide a 'power limit' of sorts without detracting from the joy that some players might have carrying about an arsenal of minor weapons.

Instead of every item requiring only one resonance point to invest, why not make the cost variable? Tie it to, say, treasure-level. Similarly, have player resonance be a level-based attribute that grows geometrically with level so that the 'average' player has enough resonance to power the 'average' permanent items available to a character according to the standard character wealth guidelines. Perhaps charisma could bump resonance up or down a few points (or even modify effective character level for this purpose).

Such a system would obviate the need for 'character wealth' and simplify DM tracking of magic item power... characters simply could not use more magic then appropriate for their level. It would also allow some flexibility missing. Some players might prefer to use all of their resonance for one or maybe two iconic/powerful items, while others might choose to invest in many less powerful items (al la standard practice in 1e).

Right now, resonance limits the number of items (and/or item uses), but not the power. I suspect that it could do more.


I agree. Resonance is a good idea, but it's not well implemented at the moment. I think they wanted to make it a resource players didn't need to think about too much... which is why it's all "1 point here / 1 point there."

I want to take it a step further and combine it with the poorly-themed spell points and the completely overlooked and neglected hero points. Give people more resonance across the board, modify costs, and make it a sort of stamina / energy / focus currency that powers anything you do that requires more than simply skill, knowledge, and talent.

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