[ooc] doesn't manifest when used in character profiles

Website Feedback

Scarab Sages

I use the [ooc] tag (is that the word?) in my character profiles to distinguish notes, trivia, and future plans in particular from everything else...but for some time now, it's ceased to work. The tags(?) are successfully embedded(?), but the color of the affected text doesn't change.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

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Oh jeez you're absolutely right. I'll get this documented so the team can get it fixed asap. Thanks for letting me know about this!

- Erik K

Scarab Sages

Heyyy, an unfamiliar face! Thumbs-up (in the non-Arabian sense)!

Scarab Sages

*BUMP* in the name of chadius!

Grand Lodge

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I'd also like to see this fixed if we can manage it!


Scarab Sages

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Scarab Sages

Still hoping against hope, here....

Grand Lodge

The entire Paizo offices are closed due to a snowstorm. They may have to whether the weather before they can see to their IT queue.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

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Hey again!

We currently have a fairly packed launch for our next release, but afterwards I think we'll have some time to fit some QoL improvements into the next build. I'll see how difficult it would be to get it into that release. I can't make any promises, but I can at least make some noise regarding it. :)

- Erik K

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I would really appreciate this fix as well. Thanks for being our advocate for the minor-but-personally-significant updates.

Grand Lodge

This would be an awesome fix!


Scarab Sages

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As of 8/30/2019, this is still a problem. You can't deny we've all been quite patient.

Scarab Sages

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Shadow Lodge

I suspect we've lost that ability, perhaps forever.

But it would be handy if they could, you know, fix it. I think they're dealing with such a mess of spaghetti code, they don't even know where to begin on issues like this, and the temporary delays that are now common after each post is made before they actually appear.

They're both weird problems, at least to my layman's eyes, and apparently hard to fix.

I went ahead and fixed this in version 2.6.0 of the Paizo Forum Tools extension.

Scarab Sages

*BUMP* - IS this going to get fixed???

Paizo Employee Director of Technology

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Hi! It looks like I can have a dev fix this next week. I'm sorry that this has taken so long (since before I've been here, even)!

There are a lot of legacy issues with the code base, but we are working to move a lot of both the front-end and the infrastructure to a newer and more modern world. It's just a big ship to turn around, so it's not a quick process. I appreciate all of your patience (and in many cases, persistence).

Scarab Sages

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Sounds good - thanks much (and nice avatar, what's that supposed to be?)!

Paizo Employee Director of Technology

Thank you! It's the Glass Serpent, from Starfinder's Alien Archive 2, page 64.

Scarab Sages

So. I know S**+'s been Happening, but we are talking about a strictly-cyberspace problem, here. Any chance this could get fixed any time soon?

Scarab Sages

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I posted this just under 2 years ago. I am disappointed and concerned that this still has not been fixed.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Okay, this is STILL a problem.

You promised you'd fix it; why haven't you? I know there's a pandemic and all, but we're talking about a strictly-cyberspace problem here.

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Hey! It looks to me like this has been brought back! I still build new aliases with the hope -- nay, the dream -- that this would get restored, so I'm very happy to see this re-implemented! Thanks!

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Andostre wrote:
Hey! It looks to me like this has been brought back! I still build new aliases with the hope -- nay, the dream -- that this would get restored, so I'm very happy to see this re-implemented! Thanks!

And now it looks like this is gone?

Paizo Employee Software Architect

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Andostre wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Hey! It looks to me like this has been brought back! I still build new aliases with the hope -- nay, the dream -- that this would get restored, so I'm very happy to see this re-implemented! Thanks!
And now it looks like this is gone?

We haven't touched how OOC text displays in a long time. Can you please provide a link to a good sample page so we can take a look?

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Well, OOC tags used to work in Alias pages a few years back, and then they stopped displaying for whatever reason. When I made the March 5th post, I was certain that they were displaying on the alias pages that I looked at.

Here is one of my aliases that uses the OOC tags.

This alias' saving throws, for example, should display like this when OOC tags work:

Fort: 4 = 1 (URo4) + 2 (Con) + 1 (houserule)
Ref: 11 = 4 (URo4) + 6 (Dex) + 1 (houserule)
Will: 4 = 1 (URo4) + 2 (Wis) + 1 (houserule)

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To be clear, I'm not particularly upset that they don't work, but I was happy when it seemed that they were working again.

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They're working today, right now. FYI.

I know I'm not imagining this, and I've checked multiple aliases.

Scarab Sages

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This is still due for resolution. It's been 4 years, at no point during which has it has resumed functioning for my character profiles.

I know it might not have been a top priority, but seeing it go unresolved for this long, without even an explanation, is pretty annoying.

For what it's worth, one thing I use it for is to help delineate future plans for my character's advancement from what they've already got under their belts.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

This is still due for resolution. It's been 4 years, at no point during which has it has resumed functioning for my character profiles.

I know it might not have been a top priority, but seeing it go unresolved for this long, without even an explanation, is pretty annoying.

For what it's worth, one thing I use it for is to help delineate future plans for my character's advancement from what they've already got under their belts.

OOC tags in character profiles are working for me, right now. Here is an example of one of my aliases where the OOC tags are working. Can you see the OOC text in this profile?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I cannot.

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That's so crazy.

I'm using the Chrome browser version 105.0.5195.102 and Windows 10 version 21H1, if that's helpful.

And I just checked the Microsoft Edge browser, and the OOC tags do not show up.

Scarab Sages

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I cannot.

Agreed; I see no evidence of [ooc] tagging.

I too am using Chrome (no clue which version), and running Windows 7.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Andostre wrote:

That's so crazy.

I'm using the Chrome browser version 105.0.5195.102 and Windows 10 version 21H1, if that's helpful.

And I just checked the Microsoft Edge browser, and the OOC tags do not show up.

No OOC text for me, either in Edge or in the same versions of Chrome and Windows 10 you have. The only blue text are the links.

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Not that anyone is accusing me of making this up, but here's a screenshot I just made where OOC text is manifesting.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've tested on Chrome in Windows and Safari on iOS. Firefox on Mac also returns the same.

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It must be because of my personality.

Scarab Sages

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*looks at imgur link*

*looks at above link*

*looks at imgur link*

*looks at above link*

*looks into....*

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For what it's worth, I'm at work using the same browser and version that I used above (where I was at home), and I can no longer see the OOC text. This probably explains my confusion further up the thread.

What I'm saying is... maybe it's not my personality.

Scarab Sages

So. This problem remains unsolved, the better part of 5 years after having been reported. What's the story?

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
So. This problem remains unsolved, the better part of 5 years after having been reported. What's the story?

Paizo people be busy

Scarab Sages

That's...really not much of an explanation after 4+ years (grammar's not too great, either). There's been a definite decline in performance over there.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OOC text display is not a priority.

Scarab Sages

I would imagine not, hence I've been patient...but this has been an issue for an abnormally long time now.

Unless you can provide an inside scoop, I'd appreciate it if you left the replies to an actual member of the website-support team; otherwise, I'm not sure why people who don't know any more about it than I do are presuming to speak for them.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

I too am using Chrome (no clue which version), and running Windows 7.

this has been an issue for an abnormally long time now.

Are you still running Windows 7?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I speak for myself. If it were a priority, it would be fixed already.

Scarab Sages

Dancing Wind wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

I too am using Chrome (no clue which version), and running Windows 7.

this has been an issue for an abnormally long time now.
Are you still running Windows 7?

First of all, thank you for trying to be helpful.

Yes I am; I am a little surprised it would matter, but who knows? If that is really the problem, then I suppose that would explain it.

HOWEVER, I have just checked on a different computer that I believe runs Windows 10...and it is no different.

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