Alchemists and Slings


I really hope that we get the ability to use slings and halfling staffslings to throw alchemical bombs and maybe even the touch and inhaled poisons. It would be a nice way to give us a bit more range, accuracy, and even potency and property runes could even apply. Sure, we wouldn't get as many attacks per round. But the advantages might balance that out.

At my table, we allow it as an improvised weapon attack; deals sling damage plus runes, and the bomb breaks on impact, causing it's damage.

It's a little houseruled, but still techincally within the fuzzy territory of the crb, and gives the alchemist maore martial options

In our home game I've allowed our Alchemist with the Inventor skill feat to invent, and subsequently create, "bomb bolts" for his crossbow.

Basically adding the crossbow damage but removing the splash.

He can't load them with Quick, only during daily prep though. And Ofc he needs to first craft the empty bolts during downtime, but at least they are cheap (2x the cost of normal bolts)

I must admit, I didn't love the alchemical arrows back in the last edition. I always felt like the weight of things like alchemical fire seemed too great for an arrow/bolt to handle and still have the same range and accuracy (although I think they did suffer a -1 to hit?). But bows are such a top tier ranged weapon that I would really like to not see them with flasks strapped to them. I love the idea of slings because a flask could easily be designed more round to fit a sling more properly and because slings are such an under represented weapon in general.

Joey Cote wrote:
I must admit, I didn't love the alchemical arrows back in the last edition. I always felt like the weight of things like alchemical fire seemed too great for an arrow/bolt to handle and still have the same range and accuracy (although I think they did suffer a -1 to hit?). But bows are such a top tier ranged weapon that I would really like to not see them with flasks strapped to them. I love the idea of slings because a flask could easily be designed more round to fit a sling more properly and because slings are such an under represented weapon in general.

That's why I used bolts and not arrows.

Bolts are not only thicker, but the way an xbow shoots can accommodate heavier bolts as well.

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