Simeon |

I'm not sure if this thread is still going but I happened to find my old Deities and Demigods book so there are a few gods in here that seems like they'd be pretty good.
Snake-Man CG god of snakes. Not sure what other domains he would have but he has to have scalykind.
Tobadzistini NE god of war. Probably similair to Gorum.
Huhuetotl CE god of fire, domains unsure, probably fire chaos evil

Odraude |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's never too late to add more ideas. I've always wanted a copy of the older Deities and Demigods, and always wanted Paizo to make one. I can share some gods in my setting that uses Native inspired deities. One thing I tried to keep is that many of these gods have alternate forms and names, or are primarily not humanoid. It give them a good difference from classic Western European gods. Also, many have the Animal domain and all gods in my setting have tonalli, animal spirits for the Nahual priests.
LG Goddess of community, family, & medicine
Domain: Animal, Community, Good, Healing, Law
Weapon: Longbow
Tonalli: Bee
Based on the cryptic Mayan bee demons of the same name. I took a lot of liberties with her, taking the name and mixing in properties I saw in bees and honey (as a natural remedy). In one game I had an awakened bear cleric of Ahmuzencab.
N God of birth, death, time, and reincarnation
Domain: Animal, Death, Healing, Magic, Repose
Weapon: Scythe
Tonalli: Dog
Maketaori is based on the Taino death god of the same name. I largely kept him how he was from what I've read and learned about him. There was also a paper I read that talks about bats and reincarnation and the hupia bat undead. I used what I read about that to add a reincarnation cycle to this death god, and have an interesting dichotomy between bats for the death god and bats for the evil bat demon god Camazotz. Maketaori is the only god I have written up that has an actual herald, Opiyel Guabiran, a dog shaped creature that hunts down spirits and brings them back to Coabey, the land of the dead. I made him interesting because he has a penchant for gambling and betting and can be duped into betting for a person to come back to life. Though he himself is a smart and clever outsider.
CE God of blood, caverns, darkness and gluttony
Domain: Animal, Chaos, Darkness, Earth, Evil
Weapon: Sickle
Tonalli: Bat
Camazotz is the Mayan bat god, meaning Death Bat in the K'iche language. I made him a full-fledged demon god in a similar vein to Lamashtu. A slayer of gods and heroes that places the decapitated heads of those he has slain on pikes surrounding his ball court. Creation myths play a big part in my setting and I have some allusions of Camazotz being the first proto-hupia (Taino undead bat zombie/ghost of people who refuse to move on after becoming petitioners), who later became the first man, then ran away from death because of his evil ways to become a true hupia. I've definitely made him evil with a capital E and a patron god of vampires, cannibals, and other voracious creatures.
That's all I have time for this morning. Got a long work day then school. I wish I had more time to do stuff like this, but life is a pain.

Odraude |

I'd love to see the Howler Monkey Gods make an appearance as empyreal lords of music and arts for bards. Who says being a muse is only for good looking women ;)

MMCJawa |

So an idea. What if there was an Amazon River/Rainforest type thing, only the rainforest was a singular living organism? Something that was geniunely alive. Or even better, a genus loci that covers a massive part of the continent?
That actually sounds sort of like the background behind "The River", which was a short-lived horror show about the Amazon that aired a few years back on I think ABC. Worth checking out, especially since it drew pretty strongly on Latin American myth (One episode was about the Tunche, for instance)
Basically, a specific "tributary" of the Amazon was sapient in a sense of having a genius loci, which led to a lot of haunted stuff going on. The show was about the main character trying to find his father, who was a nature documentary film maker, and then the cast actually getting out. Which was made exceedingly difficult since the river could reorganize its geography and pull off other tricks.
So...yeah this idea is definitely cool, although I think it works best if the genius loci is played pretty subtle. So people would know that things don't work right on the river, and offer tribute to the river, but it's left sort of vague on how much of what is known is folklore and how much is reality.

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To give credit where credit is due, David Brin with his "Uplift universe" An evolving intelligent species deemed worthy enough to earn a patron and receive genetic evolutionary boosts.
I imagine, just like MMCJawa's sapient tributary, there are actually more than a few awakened beasts/plants in such a robust environment. In one of David Brin's uplifted books, there are a species of uplifted that only a small percentage of the animals were uplifted (ie awakened). The intelligent ones kept themselves hidden among their natural brethren to such a degree, it was only a campsite ghost tale. Encountering a bunch of raccoons raiding a campsite is a nuisance, sure, but if 10% of these scavengers knew what they were doing... Or perhaps a wild boar who kept her litter mates safely out of harms way, consistently.
The most recent example would likely be Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Taken further, wouldn't it be feasible for an awakened animal having a familiar?

Odraude |

Odraude wrote:So an idea. What if there was an Amazon River/Rainforest type thing, only the rainforest was a singular living organism? Something that was geniunely alive. Or even better, a genus loci that covers a massive part of the continent?That actually sounds sort of like the background behind "The River", which was a short-lived horror show about the Amazon that aired a few years back on I think ABC. Worth checking out, especially since it drew pretty strongly on Latin American myth (One episode was about the Tunche, for instance)
Basically, a specific "tributary" of the Amazon was sapient in a sense of having a genius loci, which led to a lot of haunted stuff going on. The show was about the main character trying to find his father, who was a nature documentary film maker, and then the cast actually getting out. Which was made exceedingly difficult since the river could reorganize its geography and pull off other tricks.
So...yeah this idea is definitely cool, although I think it works best if the genius loci is played pretty subtle. So people would know that things don't work right on the river, and offer tribute to the river, but it's left sort of vague on how much of what is known is folklore and how much is reality.
I like that. Did some reading about the show itself. Interesting how they used the Boiúna in the show. I may have to steal that, at least for the name. The Boiúna River!
To give credit where credit is due, David Brin with his "Uplift universe" An evolving intelligent species deemed worthy enough to earn a patron and receive genetic evolutionary boosts.
I imagine, just like MMCJawa's sapient tributary, there are actually more than a few awakened beasts/plants in such a robust environment. In one of David Brin's uplifted books, there are a species of uplifted that only a small percentage of the animals were uplifted (ie awakened). The intelligent ones kept themselves hidden among their natural brethren to such a degree, it was only a campsite ghost tale. Encountering a bunch of raccoons raiding a campsite is a nuisance, sure, but if 10% of these scavengers knew what they were doing... Or perhaps a wild boar who kept her litter mates safely out of harms way, consistently.
The most recent example would likely be Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Taken further, wouldn't it be feasible for an awakened animal having a familiar?
I like this idea, though what if we reverse it? What if the river turns people into mindless beasts? A curse that drains your Int and drives you insane with the primal call of the wild.
Do you know about the Sargasso Sea? It's in the route to America, and I think it's a great place to have a ship traveling to Arcadia (or back) trapped. Finding other trapped ships, oceanic wendigos, shambling mounds, etc.
I like this idea. Wasn't there a seaweed monster in the Bestiary?

MMCJawa |

Such a river system would be a pretty good place to have Curupira. I would be even tempted to may them a PC friendly race.
For those not familiar, Curupira red-haired dwarf-like creatures are considered protectors of the forest, and have the ability to create illusions to lead people astray and control beasts. They are enemies of poachers or anyone who exploits the forest.
I could see them as being relatively ignored by the genius loci of the forest, and setting themselves up as protectors of the river.

MMCJawa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here's another installment of my NA monster list (letter D)
Deelgeth = Navajo; giant antelope like monster, who first consumed all the grass, then the trees, and then all the animals and people; One of the Anaye; Eventually began to devour the clouds themselves, causing a drought; only vulnerable on his underside; sides and back immune to damage
Devil Monkey = American Folklore/cryptozoology; Shaggy, violent, baboon-like creature, with powerful backlegs, three-toed feet, and long bushy tails; fast and good leapers;
Devil’s Snare/Vampire Vine = Nicaruaga; carnivorous vine, thick and pulpy, which adheres to it’s victims; drain blood via a series of tiny maws which open up when ensnaring a hot, rasping open wounds which it uses to drain the blood of its victims
Djien = Seneca NA: reckless man-eating humanoid spider beast that stores it's heart underground, allowing it to regenerate from any wound
Do-gakw-ho-wad = Abenaki NA; tiny, angry spirits which avoid being eaten by predators by propping sticks in their mouths
Dosaido = Penutian; goblins which wield fiery sticks; can ignite hair on fire; stomped into the earth for misusing fire by the creator god
Douen = Trinidad; spirits of African ancestors and dead babies; backward feet, large head, and no faces and small round mouths; sexless; braided hair; steal produce from fields at night
Droll = Southern US; spirits of young children who died painfully; shapeshifters; turning a coat inside out repels them
Duende = Spanish nocturnal house goblin; hide in walls of homes and torment small children by injuring, scaring, and stealing from them. Will eat children if given the chance, and will bargain with poor mothers for their kids to use as food. Can cause delirium in children; Nocturnal. 15-20 inches tall, brown with wrinkled faces and coarse spiny hair; chatter, squeak and squawk to communicate; various hair colors; sharp teeth; chubby; large black eyes; no external ears; chicken-like feet; smell of rotting meat; no thumbs; walk hunched and can run on four limbs; wear red and green rags; use toys and music to entice children; hatch from dirt; can become invisible, easier to see from afar than up close; can steal shadows which result in injury and death in the victim; hurt by salt and holy water; can be driven away by guitar music or by knowing their name. Serve the devil and associate with demons
Dzee-Dzee-Bon-da = Abenaki NA monster so frightening in appearance it can scare itself
Dzunukwa = Kwakwaka'wakw Pacific Northwest mythology; giant man-eating ogress with long pendulous breasts, scraggly hair, and bright red lips; can heal others and regenerate from all wounds except for fire; when finally slain by fire, discorporated into a cloud of mosquitos

Myth Lord |

Here's another installment of my NA monster list (letter D)
Deelgeth = Navajo; giant antelope like monster, who first consumed all the grass, then the trees, and then all the animals and people; One of the Anaye; Eventually began to devour the clouds themselves, causing a drought; only vulnerable on his underside; sides and back immune to damage
Devil Monkey = American Folklore/cryptozoology; Shaggy, violent, baboon-like creature, with powerful backlegs, three-toed feet, and long bushy tails; fast and good leapers;
Devil’s Snare/Vampire Vine = Nicaruaga; carnivorous vine, thick and pulpy, which adheres to it’s victims; drain blood via a series of tiny maws which open up when ensnaring a hot, rasping open wounds which it uses to drain the blood of its victims
Djien = Seneca NA: reckless man-eating humanoid spider beast that stores it's heart underground, allowing it to regenerate from any wound
Do-gakw-ho-wad = Abenaki NA; tiny, angry spirits which avoid being eaten by predators by propping sticks in their mouths
Dosaido = Penutian; goblins which wield fiery sticks; can ignite hair on fire; stomped into the earth for misusing fire by the creator god
Douen = Trinidad; spirits of African ancestors and dead babies; backward feet, large head, and no faces and small round mouths; sexless; braided hair; steal produce from fields at night
Droll = Southern US; spirits of young children who died painfully; shapeshifters; turning a coat inside out repels them
Duende = Spanish nocturnal house goblin; hide in walls of homes and torment small children by injuring, scaring, and stealing from them. Will eat children if given the chance, and will bargain with poor mothers for their kids to use as food. Can cause delirium in children; Nocturnal. 15-20 inches tall, brown with wrinkled faces and coarse spiny hair; chatter, squeak and squawk to communicate; various hair colors; sharp teeth; chubby; large black eyes; no external ears;...
Delget/Deelgeth is already in, as a neutral (bleh) fire-based elk (bleh) . It is in a neutral book, can't remember the title, but not in a AP or bestiary.
Isn't it Djieien?
I can only find Harry Potter things on the Devil's Snare? Can you give me a link to a non Potter source? I would really like this thing to be non harry too.
Droll? Lol that is the dutch word for poop. :-p

MMCJawa |

Deelgeth: there are multiple spellings, so they could do an pronghorn like monster with one of the other spellings, so I figured I would include it
Dijen: might have misspelled it...will check later
Vampire Vine: Wikipedia has it originally appearing as a hoax in Lucifer magazine, which was an early last century Theosophy magazine. Does not seem to be a Potter creation
Droll: the origins of the word are french, and originates as a word for imp like spirits

Odraude |

J may actually have time to write this week! I actually have a legit day off finally on Thursday. Ive been meaning to work on writing up zemis as native outsiders that attach themselves to idols to interact with the Material Plane. I want to write up at least four, but I may just do as many as I can and just post it on Thursday.

Paladin of Baha-who? |

Such a river system would be a pretty good place to have Curupira. I would be even tempted to may them a PC friendly race.
For those not familiar, Curupira red-haired dwarf-like creatures are considered protectors of the forest, and have the ability to create illusions to lead people astray and control beasts. They are enemies of poachers or anyone who exploits the forest.
I could see them as being relatively ignored by the genius loci of the forest, and setting themselves up as protectors of the river.
Those sound like gnomes. They could be an ethnicity of gnomes, perhaps.

Odraude |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So this week, I'm sick with the flu, which means I finally have days off and I can begin more work on fleshing out my setting more. I definitely hope to share it with you guys in the coming weeks so that there can be some more inspiration for Arcadia in this thread.
So far I have three pdfs being written. Anacaona Player's Guide, a brief primer to the races, ethnicities, colonies, and history of the setting; Anacaona, The Sixth World, a DM focused book with more in detail about religions, relationships between the island kingdoms, and the cosmology; Anacaona Bestiary, which features creatures from American folklore, both ancient and recent, North and South and everything in between.
I have a couple of adventure ideas too, but I'm waiting for the local gaming store to open first. It'll be nice to finally get my nerd on in Ft Lauderdale without having to drive 30 minutes.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

ill have to read those. what do you mean by awful politics?
I mean Niven has been developing a case of Old White Guy syndrome. (Co-author, Jerry Pournelle may have been born with one.) And Burning City was inspired by the LA riots of the '90s.
If you take it as a fun fantasy romp with some deliberate anachronistic elements, it's a great read. But dwelling too hard on the class warfare in the first half of the book will make you want to slap Niven in the face.

Odraude |

Definitely the ones I've already written up in the Google Doc in the first post. Hupias, Ciguapas. I also have some homebrew monsters, like a howler monkey/jaguar hybrid. In addition, on my laptop, I have Zemis written up as an outsider group similar to Kami. These guys are focused on possessing idols to interact with the material world. Most are actually Small or smaller, even the higher CR ones, though I have a Stone Zemi that is Tiny but has a power to make itself Colossal. Each zemi is named from a Taino word I researched for each one.
I'm also working on Naguals. It started as a monster, then a template, and finally I think the Nagual should be a Prestige Class. One made for Shamans, Witches, Druids, and Oracles (and really any nature caster).
That's what I have so far. Haven't worked on the bestiary as much of late, but there are still other Caribbean monsters I want to add, like the Lagahoo, Lusca and Chickcharney (ones that are different from the Paizo Inner Sea Pirates versions due to not being OGL), Douen, and Duppies, Will do that when less sick.

MMCJawa |

Wait...aren't the Chickcharney and Lusca actually OGL? My understanding is that with the exception of a handful of monsters which Paizo got special permission to use (some of Lovecraft creatures, Deepcrow, etc) and monsters that explicitly call out Golarion product identity (deity names, countries, skymetals, etc), everything Paizo puts out monster wise is OGL.

MMCJawa |

D20pfsrd has those monsters from the Shackles CS book. I know there is explicitly material they can't put on their site (again, some of the copyrighted monsters from Chaosium or other works, sky metal names), but I think the monsters are good (as long as you include the requisite OGL copyright stuff). At the very least, the stats are.
Liz Courts would obviously know more about the specifics of what can't and can't be used, but I believe the stats if not flavor text are available for use?

Judy Bauer Associate Editor |

So an idea. What if there was an Amazon River/Rainforest type thing, only the rainforest was a singular living organism? Something that was geniunely alive. Or even better, a genus loci that covers a massive part of the continent?
I'm late to the forest-as-entity party, but you might also want to take a look at Le Guin's "Vaster Than Empires and More Slow."

MMCJawa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

E, because what the hell, I can finally come up for a bit of air after spending last week on a research proposal.
Ehecatotontin/yeyecatl/aires/yehyecatzitzin = Mesoamerican; 1.5 ft tall wind dwarves which served the wind god and distributed wind; long-haired; wear colorful clothing; sometimes associated with Quetzalcoatl; could be made from a piece of shaman’s soul or clay figures; black yeyecatl are evil, yellow yeyecatl are good; evil aires live in ugly places such as ravines, and under damp rocks; dwell in caves with luminous lights; aid saints in bring rain to villages; introduced corn, beans and other major foods to humans; may also produce frost, snow, hail, lightning, and thunder; flooding is a result of aires compete with one another; can only be seen by sorcerers.
Elëngassën = Patagonia; ugly humanoid armadillos; large in size, covered in a stony armadillo-like shell; harmless cave-dwellers, but would throw rocks and attack intruders; growly speech used to insult women; only vulnerable to attack from its stomach
En-kwe-shu-i-yen/ogwe’s-hai-i = “Not men at all”; NE Native American; 4ft tall immensely strong, pygmies that arrived after humans. Yellow skin; talk in thin whoops and always well-dressed; tear up trees; hunt with bows
Enano = Hispanic South American; yellow-skinned, red-eyed dwarves, who can cast spells of silence over there victims which they attack
Encantado = Amazon; Shapeshifting Fairy folk who can take the form of river dolphins. Come from a magical underwater realm called encante. excellent musicians who enjoy parties which they infilitrate to seduce women; crave the pleasures and hardships of mortal life. Can be distinguished in human form by the presence of a blowhole. Can control storms, ensorcel humans to do their will, inflict insanity and illness. Most powerful at twilight; often kidnap people for company.
Enfield Horror = Illinois cryptid; Grayish, slimy three legged red-eyed monster, with claws; arms short; stands 4.5 feet high; armored; patchy hair
Epunamun = Mapuche SA; evil hairy elf, which could also appear as a terrible fire-breathing dragon with a curly tail
Ewah/Wampus = half female/half woman monster cat from Cherokee Mythology; spirit of death and the earth, whose cry is a foretelling of death; black in color with red hindquarters

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What could be cool is a group of Arcadians who worship Tezcatlipoca and the leaders are the Weretiger-Kin skinwalkers. Or maybe an Azlanti outpost that was founded in Arcadia and surived the Earthfall.
Tezcatlipoca 'the Smoking Mirror' (which makes me think of volcanoes and obsidian) is a really interesting god, much more so, IMO, than Quetzalcoutl, who got his own monster in the Bestiary.

Dustin Ashe |

This is a good read, in terms of debunking false myths about American Indians and as seed for Arcadia adventures: here

Odraude |

Simeon wrote:What could be cool is a group of Arcadians who worship Tezcatlipoca and the leaders are the Weretiger-Kin skinwalkers. Or maybe an Azlanti outpost that was founded in Arcadia and surived the Earthfall.Tezcatlipoca 'the Smoking Mirror' (which makes me think of volcanoes and obsidian) is a really interesting god, much more so, IMO, than Quetzalcoutl, who got his own monster in the Bestiary.
I'm my setting, I actually have him as his God of magic and wealth aspect. To
So nobles and naguals revere him or at lis least give tribute to the God. I even have a civilization in the harsh desert that disdain Quetzalcoatl because the sun plays a negative role in their society.
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The other thing to keep in mind is that there are a lot of different cultures. Some (Maya, Aztec, Cherokee, Sioux, Navajo) are a lot better known than others, but nothing stops you grabbing one of the lesser-known tribes or legends and using that as well. If I recall correctly, Inner Sea ships are just barely reaching the edge of the Arcadian continent, so you have plenty of room to do stuff.

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The other thing to keep in mind is that there are a lot of different cultures. Some (Maya, Aztec, Cherokee, Sioux, Navajo) are a lot better known than others, but nothing stops you grabbing one of the lesser-known tribes or legends and using that as well. If I recall correctly, Inner Sea ships are just barely reaching the edge of the Arcadian continent, so you have plenty of room to do stuff.
In my work on Arcadia, I am focusing on 5-6 major cultures: Mayan/Incan mix for the southern part. The North is Inuit, Cherokee and Algonquin.
The southern cultures have more cities and citadels. The north were roaming tribes that united into a congress. They built cities much later.

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I have done Gods/goddesses for each. The southern culture has gods similar to animals and elements relating to central and South American cultures. The north has a mix of types of spirit dirties closure to North American and Canadian tribes.
The colonies for Andoran, Cheliax and the Linnorm Kings are in the north. The Chelish colony brings slaves from the Mwangi and takes slaves in weaker southern Native American tribes.
I am basically trying to write my own campaign guide for the continent until Piazo gets to Arcadia, which I figure will be the last of the continents done.

Odraude |

I have done Gods/goddesses for each. The southern culture has gods similar to animals and elements relating to central and South American cultures. The north has a mix of types of spirit dirties closure to North American and Canadian tribes.
The colonies for Andoran, Cheliax and the Linnorm Kings are in the north. The Chelish colony brings slaves from the Mwangi and takes slaves in weaker southern Native American tribes.
I am basically trying to write my own campaign guide for the continent until Piazo gets to Arcadia, which I figure will be the last of the continents done.
Man, now all you need is my Caribbean setting and we'll have a full on Americas campaign :-)

Odraude |

Discovered two game settings that take place in fictionalized versions of Native America from the Distant Shores page. Great to look at and look good.
First is Totems of the Dead which is more sword and sorcery, low fantasy flavored. Done in Savage Worlds, but looks to be fun and interesting.
The second is Ehdrighor, which is a high fantasy, Fate Core game. Art is gorgeous and while I dislike Fate, I love the style of the game and I am looking forward to trying it out.
Definitely some good ideas to mine for Arcadia. I'll keep on the look out for more.