Bulk Wording Contradiction

General Discussion

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There seems to be a direct contradiction in regards to bulk on page 17 and 175 respectively.

Page 17

Your character’s maximum Bulk determines how much
weight she can comfortably carry. If she is carrying a
total amount of Bulk that equals or exceeds 5 plus her
Strength modifier, she is encumbered.
She cannot carry a
total amount of Bulk that exceeds 10 plus her Strength
modifier. Your character’s current Bulk is equal to the sum
of all of her items; keep in mind that every 10 light items
make up 1 Bulk. For more about Bulk, see page 175.

Page 175

Bulk Limit
You can carry an amount of Bulk equal to 5 plus your
Strength modifier without penalty; if you carry more, you
gain the encumbered condition.
You can’t hold or carry
more Bulk than 10 plus your Strength modifier.

I could not find this being fixed in the last errta update from August 27, so here you go.

So " equals or exceeds" should be replaced with "exceeds" in the first quote. I agree. Typical typo, well spotted.

I was submitting bug reports for the roll20 playtest sheet. In the thread I noticed people were giving differentiating answers to how the bulk encumberance limit works..

Ergo, no matter what they changed it to, people were reporting it erroneous. And there you have the culprit.

At least there is no 'overburdened' condition in 2nd edition. So that helps reduce confusion by just having a straight max that can be buffed with feats and spells instead.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Since this issue isn't corrected in the updated playtest rules (1.3), a friendly reminder for fixing this in the next edition.

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