AndIMustMask |

while my group's initial impressions of the PF2e system have been rather negative (too dense with keywords and cross-referencing, things not being listed properly in the index if at all, appendix entries not being particularly helpful, etc etc) they are down for playing the playtest adventure.
since they're coming into this with the attitude of "this isn't going to be a long adventure, let's play some weird stuff", one player requested to play as a centaur monk, which i'm fine allowing (there's been weirder at the table, frankly).
so i went through the ancestry entry and slapped a rough race together for it (largely using the dwarf as a baseline, and with some looking at horse's statblocks as an animal companion and as a creature), i'm wondering if i've forgotten anything or whether this is over- or under-tuned:
hit points: d10
size: medium
speed: 30
ability boosts/flaw: +2 con, +2 wis, -2 cha
languages: common, centaur (bonus: dwarven, elven, giant, orcish)
traits: centaur, humanoid, animal
special abilities:
- darkvision
- Equine constitution - centaurs are treated as mounted for all feats and classes which require it, and cannot mount a creature of less than Huge size. for classes which gain a mount, you treat yourself as your mount. you do not gain any benefit from feats or abilities that modify the statistics of a mount (such as advancing the type of the mount from young to adult and other specializations).
ancestry feats (*=heritage):
- Nimble* (1) - (see elf)
- Centaur combat (1, str 16) - you can act as a mount for a creature of medium size or smaller (the mounted character only has 2 actions on a given round, as if they have already used the handle animal or command action). your carrying capacity increases by 5, and you are treated as Large when determining what bulk you treat as light or inconsequential.
- Steady footing* (1) - ignore 1 tile of rough terrain for each stride action and gain +2 circumstance bonus on reflex saves against trip actions and similar natural hazards (such as unstable footing).
- Advanced horsemanship (5) - you gain the Gallop (bestiary p.81) and Work Together (CRB p.283) actions as if you were a horse animal companion.
- Horse whisperer (5) - you can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the diplomacy skill with horses, unicorns, nightmares, kelpies, and similar creatures. the GM determines which creatures count for this ability.
thought? suggestions? all are welcome.

AndIMustMask |

I would add a weapon proficiency feat that deals with centaurs having (in mythology) superb marksmanship with bows. Specify how armor works with them, and a heritage feat that deals with divination :D
those are all solid ideas! i'll see what i can do here in a bit.
edit: some drafted ones:
- weapon familiarity (centaur) (1) - You are trained with glaives, lances, longbows, composite longbows, shortbows, and composite shortbows. for the purpose of proficiencies, you treat martial bows and polearms as simple weapons and exotic bows and polearms as martial weapons.
- weapon ??? (centaur) (5) - whenever you critically hit using a weapon of the bow or polearm group, you apply the weapon's critical specialization effect.
- centaur divination (1, wis 16) - you gain the "Read Fate" power as well as a small spell point pool, equal to 1 + your key ability modifier. if you have a spell point pool gained from another source, you instead increase that spell point pool by 2.
centaur players and armor: centaur players wear armor as any humanoid, though the outward appearance would resemble a combination of conventional armor and equestrian barding. they do not gain any benefit from wearing barding.