2 - Escape from the Prison Moon

Against the Aeon Throne

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Here's some sheets I wrote up for each of the merchants in this adventure, in case anyone else finds them useful.

Anyone else notice that the room descriptions for the infirmary and cafeteria do not match the map at all? They just look like prison wards and mirror copies of each other on the map.

Liberty's Edge

Cohlrox wrote:
Anyone else notice that the room descriptions for the infirmary and cafeteria do not match the map at all? They just look like prison wards and mirror copies of each other on the map.

Yeah, it was pretty annoying.

I also had to try and make up a story about why Hassachir is living like a diseased homeless person when he owns and entire medical bay grade relaxation suite.

I'm rewriting it where he has a chop shop but nothing fancy, and business is down. The relaxation suite is another place they can stay if they want to.

Aside from their names and classes in this book, is there any official information on the ruling twins of the Azlanti Star Empire?
Edit: from any source, not just this adventure path. I couldn't find anything.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Samantha DeWinter wrote:

Aside from their names and classes in this book, is there any official information on the ruling twins of the Azlanti Star Empire?

Edit: from any source, not just this adventure path. I couldn't find anything.

Unfortunately no. :(

Hopefully Paizo comes out with a "Distant Worlds" sourcebook with a bit more information about the Azlanti.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

For those who were asking about it earlier - I discovered that there is art for the Slivara in the Aeon Throne Pawn Collection.

Separately, my party managed to rescue all of the Gulta Five, and spent a considerable amount of RP time "taming" and calming down the Ikeshti rivener. Now they want to take them and Grub on board their ship as crew...now I'm struggling to figure out how a rivener would function on board a ship, even if it's calmer than normal. Plus, I have no idea what species Grub is or even an approximation of their stats/abilities/etc.

I guess there are worse problems to have? :)

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Note for PCs that are upgrading their starship with Azlanti items, particularly weapons. The 3rd Edition CRB has updated values for all weapons, including the Azlanti ones as well as some other items. I could make this note in Book 1, too, but it wasn't until Book 2 on Outpost Zed that they really dug into some of these items. We were having a heck of a time trying to figure out why the BP/PCU wasn't adding up, then realized the quantum defender has a totally different value for BP/PCU (much lower) in the AP. I let them have the one that was more beneficial. Hoping to save others some head-scratching time.

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So for those of us who were completely at a loss as to why Cell Block J was designed as it was, take a look at this article on Monolithic Domes

I found that when trying to find a prison cell block so I could make my own map. Guess the artist was doing the same thing...


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gwaihir Scout wrote:

I can give it a shot.

First off, the guards are lax to begin with. If your players haven't alerted anyone during their investigations, they can say almost anything and be believed as long as most of them look Azlanti. Just follow the guidance in each room and they should be able to get clearance to the normal prison cells without issue. If your players try anything, just assume they're on camera and have to make a Stealth check.

Increase the tension a little when they actually get to the cells. They guards will check their clearance, and have them make a Bluff check even if the guards will still believe everything.

If they want to check out the room where Cedona is, I would have the guards at the hub warn them that the warden didn't want to be disturbed, but be easy to convince that the warden can deal with the PCs.

The warden's room is soundproofed and she won't raise an alarm, so that's not an issue. But coming out with Cedona is odd, so that will almost certainly lead to a fight. There will probably be reinforcements coming as they free the other prisoners.

The robots patrolling the hallway can be fooled easily if disguises are still up. If they missed hacking any cameras, then the security station will be waiting for them and may get the robots to attack them anyway. If they didn't, then they could get away without any more fighting. The right disguise or attitude could get the guards at the airlock to let them pass without stopping them, but that last camera at the airlock probably didn't get hacked, so you could have any guards that were bypassed come running up for another fight, a chase, or just a narrated escape as they ineffectively shoot at the party's ship.

Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe start the action when everything starts falling apart. Handwave everything before. If your party isn't built to do the infiltration, it's just not going to be as fun as the breakout.

I know that there's limited space for illustrations when publishing game materials, but I really felt I needed a picture of a tactical trilaser to show the party during the combat with Iolastrila. So I asked an AI for an illustration "Create an image of what an Azlanti tactical trilaser might look like in the game Starfinder" and came up with a good result on the first try:

DALL·E Azlanti Tactical trilaser.png

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