Math Help: Magic Weapon with Deadly d10 and crit

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

So, a short bow with deadly d10 does:
1d6 + Str

Then, on a crit it does

1d6 + str + 1d10 + str

Then as a magic weapon:

2d6 + str

Then, as a magic weapon and on a crit:

4d6 + str*2 + 1d10

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Ok, let’s break this down. Criticals double your weapon dice, including extra dice from magic weapons. Deadly adds a die or more on a critical based on quality of a weapon.
A normal Shortbow doesn’t add str, a propulsive adds half str mod.

Mundane Normal or expert Shortbow. D6 damage, deadly d10.
Normal d6 Critical 2d6+d10

Magical +1 Shortbow. 2d6 damage, deadly d10
Normal 2d6, Critical 4d6+d10

Master Shortbow d6 damage, deadlyd10
Normal d6, Critical 2d6+2d10

Magical Master +3 Shortbow, 4d6 damage
Normal 4d6, Critical 8d6+2d10

Legendary Shortbow d6 damage, deadlyd10
Normal d6, Critical 2d6+3d10

Magical Legendary +5 Shortbow, 6d6 damage
Normal 6d6, Critical 12d6+3d10

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short bow by itself: 1d6, period (it's not propulsive, so no str bonus)

composite short bow: 1d6 + half Str bonus (propulsive)

short bow crit: 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d10

+1 expert short bow: 2d6

+1 expert short bow crit: 2d6 + 2d6 + 1d10

+2 expert short bow: 3d6

+2 expert short bow crit: 3d6 + 3d6 + 1d10

+3 expert short bow: 4d6

+3 expert short bow crit: 4d6 + 4d6 + 1d10

+4 master short bow: 5d6

+4 master short bow crit: 5d6 + 5d6 + 1d10 + 1d10

+5 legendary short bow: 6d6

+5 legendary short bow crit: 6d6 + 6d6 + 1d10 + 1d10 + 1d10

Got it, thank you!
Magical +1 Shortbow. 2d6 damage, deadly d10
Normal 2d6, Critical 4d6+d10

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