Enderrin |
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For the Deadly weapon trait do you use the dice listed just for the extra critical damage or do they replace the weapons normal dice? For example Rapier 1d6 Deadly: so on a critical do you use 1d6+1d8 or 2d6+1d8? Page 415 seems incorrect either way.

Blave |

You roll double your normal damage, then add the deadly die (or dice). The example on page 415 should probably say 2d8.
The deadly description on page 182 has the same mistake. Seems to be the same text, so it was probably copied.
There is a very small chance that the weapon list is wrong and a rapier should be deadly (1d6). I doubt that, though.

John Teixeira |
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Enderrin wrote:
For the Deadly weapon trait do you use the dice listed just for the extra critical damage or do they replace the weapons normal dice? For example Rapier 1d6 Deadly: so on a critical do you use 1d6+1d8 or 2d6+1d8? Page 415 seems incorrect either way.
Apply crit as per normal, then add the deadly die on top