Diagonal Movement Around Hard Corners

Playing the Game

A player asked me today if they could move diagonally around a hard corner. In PF1E I'm pretty sure the answer was no. In PF2E I don't see anything telling me they can't so I ruled it was OK. Did I miss something?

Shade325 wrote:
A player asked me today if they could move diagonally around a hard corner. In PF1E I'm pretty sure the answer was no. In PF2E I don't see anything telling me they can't so I ruled it was OK. Did I miss something?

That rule appears not to have made it into the playtest. I hope it shows up in the final rules.

I hope it doesn't. An extra rule to remember, another limitation placed on characters, and it doesn't really add anything.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It was only thanks to this playtest that I discovered that you couldn't move around hard corners in PF1, because we kind of ignored that part of rules :D

Scarab Sages

We just use PF1 rule: You can’t move diagonally past a corner. You can move diagonally past a creature, even an opponent. You can also move diagonally past other impassable obstacles, such as pits.

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Which way you play makes a big difference when it comes to doors. And so many fights start by opening a door.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I will play with the rule per PF1 in that you cannot move diagonally around a hard corner that fills the space. While not explicitly stated, this can be inferred from the section on Cover on page 314.

Gorbacz wrote:
It was only thanks to this playtest that I discovered that you couldn't move around hard corners in PF1, because we kind of ignored that part of rules :D


The More You Know!

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Bit of thread resurrection.

Watched the Paizo play through of Lost Star. In part 2 (You Tube video) a monk tries to diagonal around a hard corner in the boss fight and the GM said you can't diagonal across corners. This forced the monk to walk forward into an ally occupied square and then to the side to get into position and since it was a move action it provoked and AoO from the boss.

Not sure how official this is but it was Jason Bulmahn GMing. FYI.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Personally, I've always played that you could move diagonally through soft corners (e.g. past a pillar or tree or pit or whatever), but not through hard corners (e.g. a door, a wall, etc.)

But that is something that should be clarified one way or the other in the rules.

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