Stunning Fist, the critical gem


Dark Archive

So, as I was going over all the rules interactions, I noticed that the Monk's stunning fist gets a massive increase in effectiveness when you crit. By massive, I mean that a Critical Strike using it, always forces the target to be flat-footed or worse. Even if the target critically succeeds on its save.

Let me explain; On page 292 the rules for Successes and Critical Successes state as follows "If an ability doesn’t specify a critical success effect, then the effect for a critical success is the same as that for a success."

The rules for stunning fist are as follows.
"Enhancement The target must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC. If the target fails, it’s flat-footed for 1 round. On a critical failure, it’s also stupefied 2 for 1 round. If your attack was a critical success, one of the following outcomes occurs: If the target succeeded at its save, it instead fails its save. If the target failed its save, it instead critically fails its save. If the target critically failed its save, it is instead stunned for 1 round."

As Stunning Fist specifically specifies what happens for an opponents success should you Crit on your attack. "If the target succeeded at its save, it instead fails its save." However it never specifies a difference between Critical success and a standard success. As such, "the effect for a critical success is the same as that for a success", and thus in this case, treated as a failure

Ok? That's neat and all, but it's still a 2 action attack and flat-footed for a round isn't that impressive for a crit effect.

It's still one of far too many abilities with two failure points (hitting at all and the target saving). Though admittedly with no cost beyond the actions its a lot better off than most spells with the same problem.

THE RULE: "If an ability doesn’t specify a critical success effect, then the effect for a critical success is the same as that for a success."

is not the same as

THE WRONG: "If an ability doesn’t specify a success effect, then the effect for a critical success is the same as that for a success."

So you are wrong there to start.

But also, the ability does express what happens on a success. The whole Enhancement line is what happens on a success. If you missed your attack, nothing happens.

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