Monster Attacks

Monsters and Hazards

Just wanted to make sure I didn't make things harder without realizing it. Last night my party hit upon the 6 skeleton guards the Barb. and Pally rolled right up to them and got waylaid pretty hard....Should the monsters be getting 3 actions each with them all being able to be used to attack?

Liberty's Edge

Talonhawke wrote:
Just wanted to make sure I didn't make things harder without realizing it. Last night my party hit upon the 6 skeleton guards the Barb. and Pally rolled right up to them and got waylaid pretty hard....Should the monsters be getting 3 actions each with them all being able to be used to attack?

They do get all those actions, though keep in mind the multiple attack penalty. They can attack with the following line up: +6 for 1d6 slashing (scimitar), +2 for 1d4 slashing (claw), and -2 for 1d4 slashing (claw) - if they attack with the scimitar each time, it's +6/+1/-4 on their to-hit, so given the paladin is probably in at least Breastplate with a dex of +1, their AC of 10 + 4 (breastplate) + 1 (dex) + 1 (proficiency modifier) = AC 16, so they should have a 50% chance, 30% chance, and 10% chance to hit respectively - for an average damage per round of roughly 3, so even if all 6 attack with all 3 of their actions, the paladin (with HP 10 + say 8 from race and 1 from con for 19 HP) should be able to take about a full round of attacks, and they only have 6 HP and AC 14, so should go down pretty easy.

Chapter 1 Doomsday Dawn Spoilers, technically:
Plus, if it's from the module, the PCs should be able to take a few steps back and fight them one at a time in melee, leaving the rest to at worst use their shortbows with an effective +5/+0/-5 on their to-hits after taking Screening into account.

I don't see why monsters would ever use their weaker attacks, let's say claws. Why not use their best all the time? For example a dragon would bite three times, far better.

Kodyboy wrote:
I don't see why monsters would ever use their weaker attacks, let's say claws. Why not use their best all the time? For example a dragon would bite three times, far better.

Those often have the agile quality, making them more accurate as 2nd and 3rd attacks. If you want a higher chance of doing some damage you use those as follow ups.

Yeah for the skeletons I stayed with only the most basic tactics (just keep swinging the sword) due to intelligence. Had they been smarter they might have used properties like sweep and agile more to their betterment.

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