As you set off to conquer the dragon, you think to yourself: "Never trust dragon".
The date is Friday, June 14, 319 AG, and you are on Absalom Station.
AG stands for After the Gap.
Some cultures collapsed in fire and famine, but most societies, faced with no other choice, simply gritted their teeth and carried on, either attempting to piece together their traditions from the unreliable shreds of the past, or else using their amnesia as a chance to reinvent themselves, unshackled from whatever they might have been before. Those races that reproduced faster had the advantage, as children born into a world without recent history accepted the fresh start as natural—new historical records and memories held firm, and that was all that mattered. Gradually, order reestablished itself.
Today, roughly 3 centuries after the obscured period now referred to as the Gap, most societies view the historical cataclysm with little interest, save for the cryptoarchaeologists, salvagers, and scientists who attempt to unearth and reverse engineer wondrous artifacts from the lost age. For everyone else, the focus is on creating new history, moving ever onward and upward.
No one has ever been able to say for certain what caused the Gap, as even the gods themselves remain steadfastly silent (or ignorant) regarding the matter. Nevertheless, theories abound, the most popular being that the Gap was a quantum ripple effect caused by the discovery and use of Drift technology, a hole torn in history and traveling backward in time, possibly entangling our timeline with those of alternate universes. Others argue that the Gap was caused by whatever magic whisked away the planet Golarion, a magical resonance that stretched forward and backward, its tremors gaining strength until they eventually shattered the fundamental structure of time.
What is known, however, is that while the Gap is universal— and a combination of carbon dating and astrochronology suggest it lasted several millennia—its edges are geotemporally inconsistent. Where one star system might have accurate records stretching back 300 years from the present, worlds in different parts of the galaxy might have 310 years of history, or only 275. Some scholars have even uncovered rare “caches” within the Gap—places where accounts seem suddenly consistent for a given period or topic. For an organization like the Starfinders, locating these scattered bread crumbs and syncing them up with ancient pre-Gap records may yet hold the key to unraveling the greatest mystery of the universe.
The ascension of Triune changed all that. While the solar system had always had gods dedicated to machines, even back to confirmed antiquity, they’d always remained relatively minor. Yet exactly 3 years after the end of the Gap in the Golarion System, a new deity revealed itself: a divine network integrating Epoch, the machine-built deity of Aballon; Casandalee, the god of androids; and Brigh, the clockwork goddess. Calling itself Triune, this new collective consciousness vaulted to prominence by providing mortals with access to a heretofore unknown hyperspace dimension called the Drift, reachable only via technology and granting easy travel to distant stars. For a relatively low price, ships could now acquire a Drift engine that let them slip quickly between star systems.
In the wake of this revelation, a land rush began. The adventurous and disenfranchised sought opportunity in new colonies. Corporations sought resources and freedom from regulation. Governments sought to expand their territories. Yet as quickly as it began, this exodus hit its first hurdles, for many “new” worlds were already inhabited or bore strange contagions inimical to life, and predatory civilizations both vast and incomprehensible lurked in the dark between the stars. New races flooded the Pact Worlds in turn, coming in peace and in war, forcing the worlds to come together for mutual protection and in shared appreciation for all they held in common. Today, space exploration remains rampant and lucrative for citizens of the Pact Worlds, but it’s still a romantic pursuit and fraught with danger.
For the next 250 years, the two systems would remain each other’s greatest threat, skirmishing over planets outside the direct authority of either autonomy, or else engaging in limited space battles along the cordons between their systems, too evenly matched for either to commit to a full-scale assault. This so-called Silent War finally came to an end in 291 AG, when a vast, world-devouring entity called the Swarm attacked both systems simultaneously. In danger of being completely overrun, the Veskarium—as the reptilians call their empire—and the Pact Worlds signed a formal alliance, together managing to force the Swarm out of their region of space. Yet while the alliance put an end to active hostilities and opened both systems up to trade with one another, citizens on both sides recognize that the alliance was one of convenience and could fall apart at any moment.
Fortunately for the Pact Worlds, not all extrasolar contact was so violent. The insectile shirrens arrived in 83 AG, bearing nothing but goodwill and quickly integrating into Pact Worlds society. Kasathas, who appeared in 240 AG on the massive worldship Idari, proved less willing to be assimilated wholesale, yet they quickly established themselves as valuable allies. Although other sentient creatures hailing from beyond the Golarion system occasionally arrive, brought back by Pact Worlds explorers or homing in on Absalom Station’s powerful Drift beacon, the already incredible diversity of life-forms in the system means that most such creatures can easily blend in and take up residence, provided they don’t stir up too much trouble.
More info' page 428 of the Core Rulebook
Founded shortly after the Gap, the Starfinder Society was inspired by incomplete tales of a similar pre-Gap organization called the Pathfinder Society. The Starfinder Society originally aimed to map the temporal edges of the Gap and piece together the history of what transpired during that tumultuous event, ambitiously endeavoring to find lost Golarion. Since the Society’s inception, its mission has changed to focus less on the Gap and more on exploring a galaxy made accessible due to the spread of Drift beacons.
The heroes of the Starfinder Society travel the breadth of the galaxy—from verdant jungle worlds where even a fingernail-sized insect is deadly, to seemingly abandoned space stations filled with unspeakable horrors, to ruined temples of dead gods hidden amid the ruins of similarly dead worlds, and to the bustling streets of the metropolises of the Pact Worlds. Starfinders work in small but efficient groups to explore the known and unknown, recording their findings and bringing them back to the greater organization for dissemination.
Most Starfinders operate out of scattered regional headquarters called lodges, which dot the galaxy. Each lodge is home to a venture-captain and that officer’s staff, who provide direction and support for field agents and manage the day-to-day operations of the Society. The Lorespire Complex stands apart from other lodges. Located in Absalom Station, the Lorespire Complex is always accessible to even the farthest-flung Starfinder expeditions due to the unique ability for ships to quickly travel the Drift to reach Absalom Station. More than a single building, the Lorespire Complex is a campus of structures built around the eponymous spire. The Archives, the Hall of Discovery, and other edifices integral to the Society’s ongoing existence fill the grounds of the Lorespire Complex.
The First Seeker is a Starfinder elevated above her peers. This Starfinder is elected based on the merit of adventuring experience and personal field of focus. Each First Seeker uses her appointment to prioritize the Starfinder Society’s primary research focus, using the position to advance a personal scholarly pursuit of value. Once a First Seeker’s term has ended, that First Seeker can never again serve as a leader within the Starfinder Society. The thrust many of the Starfinder Society’s missions are the result of the First Seeker’s goals—luckily, those same agents who perform these missions are integral in deciding who receives the honor of ascending to the rank of First Seeker.
The Forum is an elected body of Starfinders who work to coordinate the Society’s many operations. Integral in drumming up the necessary support to elect a First Seeker, the Forum also assists the elected First Seeker in completing her personal mission. Any Starfinder can ascend to become a member of the Forum, and membership does not stop one from partaking in other activities. In fact, many faction leaders and venture-captains are active members of the Forum in addition to their other duties. Many other Forum members are experienced Starfinders who hold no title beyond their appointment to the Forum.
The third pillar of the Society’s leadership is Guidance, a network of uploaded personalities of exemplary Starfinders. Most First Seekers are invited to upload their consciousness into Guidance, and only those deemed unworthy or who perish in their mission fail to become part of the Starfinder Society’s spiritual anchor. Guidance functions in two major ways: it’s the first entity to formally induct new Starfinders into the organization, and every new Starfinder begins his or her careers by receiving a commencement address from Guidance. The uploaded bank of personalities also confirms the election of new First Seekers, and while historically Guidance agrees to the democratic decision of the Society, there have been a handful of cases where Guidance has not approved an elected First Seeker.
Every Starfinder contributes to the overall success of the Starfinder Society. Some do so through diligent research, rarely leaving the teeming Archives of the Lorespire Complex. Others prefer to explore the relative safety of the Pact Worlds or the appropriately titled Near Space, where civilization remains only a short jaunt into the Drift away. The bravest Starfinders travel to the other ends of the galaxy, using the Society’s starships to explore the endless expanse of space known as the Vast.
So, as I said, the date is Friday, June 14, 319 AG, and you are on Absalom Station in the Lorespire Complex.
You received a summons from Venture-Captain Naiaj to: Come Forthwith, with information as to how to make your way to a private meeting room within the Lorespire Complex.
As you enter the room, you first see a very big holographic display that shows the inky void filled with twinkling stars and the lingering forms of starships outside Absalom Station.
The images then zooms in from the outside-station view, transitioning to focus on the Society’s private docks, which are abuzz with activity as technicians, suppliers, and contractors perform repairs and prepare Starfinder vessels for departure.
You then realize that it is Venture-Captain Naiaj who is using the display.
She finishes her interactions with the hologram, making concise finger motions to provide orders to the dock workers and docked Society starships.
Introduce and describe yourselves as you enter the room.
Drakzul |
Drakzul is a tall vesk. His scales are unusually grey, black veins are apparent on him. Here and there, mechanical augmentations can be seen on his body. He wears a low-leveled heavy armor for now.
Not that kin on waiting, he sits wherever looks the most confortable and lights a cigar.
"I heard you called for me, Venture-Captain ?"
Id-Sinitis |
A night-black shirren with a pep in his step strolls into the briefing room. A small, H-shaped greenish stone orbits his head. He salutes his fellow Starfinders with a hand emblazoned with a subdermal graft, and projects out his telepathic voice. Greetings! What’s on the docket for today?
As Naiaj finishes with a few last details, she waves a greeting from her side of the meeting table.
She looks up, and, is startled for a brief instant upon seeing the Vesk:
"Oh?! I thought you were sent by Zo!
But, no... the Triaxus team?! Excellent."
She waves a greeting from her side of the meeting table and presses a button.
"I'm transmitting a briefing to your comms--"
You receive an incoming message, and find a file with Naiaj's mission briefing.
|--but I’ll summarize.
The Society has recently finished renovation of an old building to construct a new lodge in Cumo, a trade port on the Pact World of Triaxus."
Naiaj touches another button and an image appears on the screen.
"The endeavor took significant negotiation, and the opening ceremony will involve some festivities to celebrate the accomplishment.
The lodge curator, a personal friend named Zafeldrin, asked for experienced agents to impress several local representatives."
She looks you over... you do not know if she feels you are impressive or not.
"I’m told that it should be a quick meet and greet mission.
So undoubtedly, either a war’s going to break out or some unexpected disaster is going to happen and I’d like to have some agents I--"
She looks you over once again.
"--I trust, on the field, when that happens.
You’re going there to help ensure sure this opening goes as smoothly as possible.
Help Zafeldrin as the situation permits, but keeping the lodge safe and secure is your top priority.
Triaxus has numerous factions that oppose one another and while we’ve made friends with some, others may perceive the Society as a threat. I’ve requisitioned some additional medical supplies for your group should aggressive negotiations prove necessary.”
Drakzul: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Huckle Jim: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
Id Sinitis: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23
Mon Goose Tavi: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Bleh... was a DC 24 Perception check
Once you have looked at your comm' units, Venture-Captain Naiaj gestures out toward two vessels highlighted in the holographic image of the Society docks.
“The Society’s also using this opportunity to show off its starships. The Drake’s superior hull and shielding mean you’re more likely to bring it back to me in one piece, but I’ve authorized you to use the Pegasus if you think emphasizing the Society’s exploratory efforts would make a better impression.
If any of you have access to other hull types, now would also be
an excellent opportunity to show them off.”
Naiaj glances at a blinking light on her data pad.
“I have to deal with some last minute supply issues. I’ll have to keep this quick. Review your briefing and choose your starship. I expect an assessment of likely mission hazards and justification of your starship choice when I’m done.”
Please select your starship frame, then report to Naiaj and justif this decision, including if it is a non-standard frame.
After that, you may ask any additional questions about the mission you might have.
Drakzul |
"Well, if you expect troubles, i'd rather take the Drake honestly. Plus, it seems kinda appropriate for a trip to Triaxus."
Drakzul looks at the file briefly.
"What are we expected to do on Triaxus ? I mean... PR management's not really my specialty."
Zafeldrin, Skyfire mandate, dragoncorps, Triaxus... Can Drakzul recall any information about those ?
"If you are not a PR person, than focus on keeping the lodge secure.
You can make sure the guests are there legitimately, and sweep for any listening devices or intrusions onto the lodge grounds.
Even our new local friends may take the opportunity to gain some extra access if they have the chance.
Also, obvious as it is, you need to do your best to prevent any overt attack on the lodge or its guests.”
Drakzul can call upon his memory and knowledge and do a Culture (Recall Knowledge) check, or go to the local Starfinder bar and share some drinks to roll for Diplomacy (Gather Information) and see what people tell you.
Drakzul |
Drakzul tries to remember what he knows about Triaxus and all the parties involved.
"Dora, give me access to the Triaxus files" he asked mentally.
The AI opens all the files on the library chip.
Culture: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
Dora answers that Triaxus is known as the Wanderer, because of its irregular and eccentric orbit.
The planet experiences decades-long summers and winters as it travels from the inner to the outer regions of the Golarion system and back.
A full cycle takes 317 Pact Standard years.
Furthermore, Triaxian culture is largely defined by the long conflict between the dragons of the Drakelands and the humanoids of the Allied Territories.
Between them is the Skyfire Mandate, home to the famous mercenary company, the Skyfire Legion.
The trade port of Cumo sits on a river delta on the southern shore of the Mandate, on the Sephorian Sea.
I must also mention that the conflict between the dragons and the humanoids has cooled since interplanetary travel became possible, but some of the dragon-led dragoncorps still look to expand their territory and sow spies and sleeper agents throughout the Allied Territories and the Skyfire Mandate.
Finally, the Parapet Mountains stretch along the Skyfire Mandate and serve as a natural barrier to the Drakelands.
Abandoned Dragon Legion outposts lie within the twisting passes, unclaimed due to rumors of haunts and curses.
While the new lodge is likely to dispatch agents to explore these mountains, only the most experienced can survive such a treacherous region.
Id-Sinitis |
Id cocks his head as he takes in the briefing. Seems fitting to take a Drake to a land of actual drakes. Drake gets my vote.
Culture: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
When and where should we slot boons and select starship roles?
Id knows nothing more than Dora told Drakzul.
And, when he goes to local watering hole, he only spends some credits, and gets a slight headache after--
Hours: 1d4 ⇒ 2
--2 hours of carousing.
Boon slotting will be called upon when it is time.
As for selecting starship roles, that has been asked for a couple times (along w. minis, init', perception...).
Id-Sinitis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Gotcha. Slides updated and starship role info posted in Discussion.
Id looks over the comm text, addressing Naiaj. So we're sweeping for hostiles and keeping the place safe during the opening ceremony? Sounds simple enough. What do we know about this Zafeldrin fellow? Or the area in the city where our lodge is setting up shop?
Upon a closer look, Id's tooth barbs pinch in disgust. Frozen Trove wanted to show up?! They're bad news. Glad they got turned away, any way to follow up on their attempted involvement? Id played On the Trail of History.
Naiaj looks up: "So, what starship are you taking, and why?"
Hearing questions instead, she looks back down at her datapad, and answers dutifully.
"Sweeping for hostiles, yes. Simple enough? Do not expect simple. Do not expect hard. Expectations are what get agents in trouble. Assume nothing, prepare for the worst, and work together.
As I mentioned, Zafeldrin is a friend and a good agent. While he doesn’t have any interest in promotion, he has enough experience that we wanted him to manage the new lodge until suitable candidates present themself. I think you’ll get along; after all, I don’t frivolously select my friends.
I am sure he selected the best of the city he could to set the lodge up.
Yes, Frozen Trove might not be the best... As I said: sweep for listening devices or intrusions."
Drakzul |
"Don't be such a stick in the mud, captain. Anticipation is half the fun of missions. I'm sure my fellow starfinders are still aware anything could happen. We're no rookies."
He puffs briefly.
"Most of us seem to agree on one choice : taking the Drake. We choose to prioritize survivability. If someone wants to stop The Society efforts on Triaxus, i think one of the most inconspicuous way to do it would be to destroy us on our way in space. Easier to disguise or to shift the blame. Space is a dangerous place. That being said, one of us didn't make hi choice I think."
Naiaj looks up from her datapad: "Seems like a good choice. And, maybe anticipating this is a good move... who knows."
She confirms your travel plan, sending you access to the Drake and the Drift beacon codes to reach your destination.
She also pulls out a small box with six Mk 2 serums of healing, and hands it to it.
You can choose your boons for the session and purchase any additional equipment prior to departing the Loresepire Complex.
With access to a starship, the PCs should be encouraged to slot any starship boons they may have. There are no specific boons relevant to this scenario.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
A harried looking ysoki rushes into the room. About his body are gadgets and 'stuff', including tubes stuffed under his arm. He's obviously chewing on something too.
"Err...sorry I'm late. What'd I miss?" he says in a muffled voice from the chewing and food in his mouth.
Id-Sinitis |
Id turns to the oncoming ysoki. Defense detail for a new lodge. Eyes the the skies, ears to the ground, root out any spies and keep everyone safe.
Id then removes a box from his pack, its lid emblazoned with the symbol of the Skyfire Legion. Since we're headed to Triaxus anyway, might be nice to give this a whirl. It'll be nice to be back in Skyfire territory. He opens it to reveal a cylindrical pistol with both a large "S" and the Skyfire Legion sigil emblazoned on its sides. He then fastens a light bayonet bracket to the lower half of the barrel and affixes it with the black handle of a plasma kukri, setting it up to extend out from the weapon's front.
Boons are slotted!
Remember you got six Mk II healing serums. Someone take them?
As it seems the questions are over, you leave Naiaj, and head to the Docking Bay where the Drake awaits you.
Id goes for the pilot's seat, even if he is to later change.
And you get ready to depart.
Question: to Drift or not to Drift?
You can travel to Triaxus from Absalom Station in 1d6+2 days, or reduce this travel time down to 1d6 days if you instead choose to activate the Drift engine of their starship.
Id-Sinitis |
Id will use the Drift engine, not seeing any reason not to. Id has his own healing, so someone else should take the serums.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose considers the drift engine choice, mulling over the risk.
"Fortune favors the bold, eh?" the ysoki offers, shrugging his tiny shoulders. "Why not."
Goose will take 2 serums as well.
Also, I don't have my boons handy and I am on the road until Saturday. Sorry. :(
Aboard the Drake you turn on the Drift engines, and slip out of the Material Plane and into the Drift, that kaleidoscope of pinkish purplish twirling colors.
You know that you have yanked out some part of some other Plane somewhere, and pulled it into the Drift.
Part of Triune's master plan... or bad side effect of this wonderful gift?
Who knows?
Then you turn your engines on and start moving on towards the Drift Beacon you are aiming for.
After two days of traveling, your sensors suddenly alert you--
--to a starship coming your way.
Oh no, you have no Science Officer, who will scan or hail this incoming vessel?!
1d6 ⇒ 4
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose hops over to the console and taps rapidly on the keyboard. He pulls up some holographic images and manipulates them with his slender digits.
Scan of vessel-Computer skill check: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33
This does not include any bonuses from boons or the ship yet
"Hoi chums! Here's the skinny on that starship headed our way!"
"Goose" brings up an image on the bridge's monitor, and you all recognize an Idaran Vanserai class starship.
The identification comes back: it is registered as the Void Scholar.
The ship is seemingly adrift.
Drakzul |
Drakzul tries to remember who or what use that kind of starfighter.
"Hey, furball ! Is there a way to contact the Void Scholar crew ?"
It seems this starship, like many others, can be used for a great variety of things... they are freighters, after all, even if the Vanserai’s appearance is designed to make
it clear that while it may be a freighter, it’s no easy target.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Gosoe looks over at Drakzul and chuckles. 'Furball. That's new.'
The ysoki sets up hailing frequencies to cycle through languages to get the attention of the incoming vessel. While he's at it, he checks the shield strength and weapons availability.
"Waiting on a response. Nothing yet. Unsure of hostile intent. I suggest battle stations as a precaution."
"Hello, hello, who is this? Oh, please excuse my manners, I was enjoying some champagne and oysters while"--
You hear a slurp
--"having my vessel currently analyze data collected from a stellar phenomenon forming in Near space. I am looking for the best"--
You hear a gulp
--"place to transition in from the Drift. I love watching such sites with a nice picnic hamper.
Oh, my name is Kahir. Captain Kahir. And who might"--
You hear a swallowing noise
--" you delightful people be?"
You recognize the voice as that of a kasatha.
Drakzul |
Ignoring for a moment Captain Kahir, Drakzul answers Gosoe.
"What ? I was looking for something cuter than 'rodent'... There's no pleasing you."
A brief pause then grudgingly...
"I'll think of something better next time I guess."
Drakzul hoped to collect informations on the skyfire legion teamwork tactics in Triaxus hoping to find a way to craft augmentations or items reproducing such feats. He wasn't expecting opportunities for knowledge on the way.
A 'stellar phenomenon'...? There could be some interesting data...
"Should we introduce ourselves ? He doesn't seem hostile."
Id-Sinitis |
Id flicks on the comms. "Greetings! I'm Id-Sinitis, and these are my allies. We're Starfinders! What can you tell us about this stellar phenomenon?" The shirren slurs some of his speech, clearly more accustomed to communicating via telepathy.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose sweeps his arm toward Id while looking at Drakzul.
"Ask and ye shall receive." offers the ysoki while suppressing a grin.
"Hello hello! The stellar phenomenon is a cosmic anomaly!
It is--"
You hear a gobble
"--similar in nature to the energies wielded by solarians, but my--"
You hear a munch
"-- superiors on the Idari have refused to let me explain further!
So sorry!
Oh, but you are deeply associated with the Starfinder Society! Well, I--"
You hear a sigh of contentment
"--promise that this is crazy luck! For I had already intended to forward my information to the Society upon my return in approximately three months."
You seem to be traveling out of range now, moving on and past.
"Captain Kahir bids--"
You hear a swallowing sound
"--you fare well, gentle Star Finders!"
Then you are gone and out of contact with the Void Scholar.
Two more days and you arrive at the Drift beacon you are aiming for.
You exit back into the Material Plane, and see are near Triaxus.
"Delta-2, yes, acknowledge..."
You receive clearance to land at the Cumo starport.
As you fly down into the atmosphere, you see that the settlement’s position near the equator keeps Cumo relatively temperate.
Surface vessels sail up the river delta and out into the Sephorian Sea, while starship traffic regularly launches from the docks.
Coming in closer, you see that a labyrinthine market twists in knots around the center of town and bustles with eager crowds.
You know that unassuming doorways open to those in the know and conceal businesses offering all manner of illicit goods and services.
You find out that the lodge has already paid for your docking fees and once the you land your starship and exit, you see that Skyfire Legionnaires are a frequent sight, gathering for deployment at the docks or bartering at the markets while off duty.
Sky bridges and landing perches for dragons and dragonkin are common as the open market ascends terraces to building rooftops five stories above the street.
You receive a message: "Passengers of the Drake, please come to the Help Desk. Someone is awaiting you."
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose taps on the keyboard of the console at the Science station to enter in some codes to secure the transport during their departure. Upon completion he links up his personal computer for remote access.
He then packs up all of his gear for traveling on a mission, securing his weapons and backpack for the journey.
"Hoi! You lot ready to venture out?" offers the operative as he loiters near the exit.
Id-Sinitis |
Id leads the way out, casually exiting the pilot's seat. Of course! That's why we're here! Keep an eye peeled for malfeasance, though. He glances around looking for suspicious characters or features, using his scanner to help the process.
Perception (wide-spectrum scanning kit): 1d20 + 18 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 18 + 4 = 34
Drakzul |
Silently, Drakzul follows through. He studies his whereabouts looking for unusual activities.
Perception (wide-spectrum scanning kit): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
Culture: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Other than the sky bridges and the perches for dragons and dragonkin, you see nothing out of the ordinary.
You are at the Help Desk, where you see an Yoski waiting for you, and who hands you a small package--
"From Zafeldrin"
--before leaving.
Some of you might recognize him as being a Starfinder, an Envoy named Gabbers "Gab" McTalkington.
The person who posted to be added to the game and ended up joining another one.
You open the package, and find a brass cylinder.
Looking it over, you see it has two compartments.
Each is filled with metal shards.
Metal shards?!
This allows one of you to make a DC 25 Diplomacy check:
Id-Sinitis |
Physical Science (ally): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Id shows the metals to his intern—a cream-colored shirren tagging along for the adventure—who IDs their atomic values and suggests they might pertain to some lat/long coordinates. That must be where the lodge is! Splendid! Let’s ask around for directions! Id inquires among the Cumo natives, but they seem unresponsive to the overeager shirren.
Id-Sinitis' keen antennae analyze the metal as all being base elements, and sees their atomic values correspond to a nearby latitude and longitude: the location of the lodge.
But Id's antennae do not attract the attention of a single passerby.
DC 25 Diplomacy check needed
Drakzul |
I've slotted the 'efficient administrator' boon, it gives a +3 bonus to your intern dice rolls FYI.
Drakzul tries to help Goose gather informations.
Diplomacy (aid another): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
As Drakzul and Huckle Jim look around and see who might be the best person to ask, Drakzul does manage to flag someone down and get them to talk to Goose, who has been naturally selected as the party's face!
+2 from Aid for the DC25 Diplomacy check, that Goose can roll for.
Goose Diplomacy w. Aid: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 2 = 17
People move around, and do not listen to you much, even the person Drakzul flagged down, and Goose has no success.
So, you have to work things out on your own, and so it takes some to find the location.
Thus you arrive late at the lodge, the new lodge.
The new lodge curls around the top of a notable hill at the edge of Cumo like a skeletal wyrm clutching a diamond.
A series of freshly renovated structures form a half circle around a grown crystal dome enclosure.
The outer buildings crawl with communications equipment, humming power coils, and steaming computer-cooling systems.
The dome holds a biome from another world, a multi-tiered summer oasis in the midst of the chill Triaxian winter.
Walkways wind through patios and past fountains to lounging areas for secluded conversation.
A large platform sits prominently near the top of the dome, nestled in an array of holographic data displays.
The lodge maintenance staff recognizes you: "The Starfinders sent by Naiaj?"
And direct you to the dome where Zafeldrin awaits: "Right over there!"
You walk over to the dome, and enter, but see no one.
Suddenly, you are all startled, and your hands move for your weapons-- a large shape swoops down at you from the ceiling, casting a shadow over your entire group.
Zafeldrin lands right in front of you, and folds his wide wings.
Zafeldrin is a young adult brass dragon.
He was sitting on a perch near the top of the dome, and flew down to meet you.
"Oh, I am so happy to welcome you to White Sands Lodge! So happy!"
He looks you all over: "So, who is who? Please, tell me. Tell me about you! I am delighted that you are here."