Monk's "Powerful Fist" only apply to fists?

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

Monk's Powerful Fist says


When striking with your fist, you deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You use your

normal proficiency when making a lethal attack with a nonlethal unarmed attack

It specifically makes note of you "when striking with your fist" instead of something like "When making an unarmed strike".

At the same time, later on it talks about lethal and nonlethal unarmed strikes

So do my kicks also have the ability to be lethal, like my fists, but only do 1d4?

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No, it also applies to kicks, elbows, etc.

Unarmed Strikes
You can Strike with your fist or another body part, calculating your attack and damage rolls in the same way you would with a weapon. This counts as a simple weapon, so almost all characters start out trained in unarmed attacks. Use the statistics for a fist even if you’re kicking, kneeing, or attacking with another part of your body. Some ancestry feats, class features, class feats, and spells give access to special, more powerful unarmed attacks.

Thnx BBs <3

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