Have you locked in your Reaper Kickstarter order?


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Just got the email and locked mine in. Vampire - Sophie + Demons + Paizo Red Dragon. March can't come quick enough! I'm honing my painting skills in the meantime. What have the rest of you gone for?

Dark Archive

Yeah, just finished mine

- Sophie
+ Fire Giants
+ Fire Giant Warriors
+ Frost Giants
+ IMEF Marines (extra from vampire - need a large amount of Powered armor types for my PA game)
+ NOVA (same as marines)
+ Deep Dwellers
+ Swamp Things (will pick up x10 individual copies of the Yuan-Ti from that set once they go into regular production)
+ Hydra
+ Nethyrmaul (couldn't pass that bad boy up)
+ Figure case

Not a bad haul for a little over 200. I would have liked to pick up a few of the large ones since I know their retail price will be higher than their KS price, but I need to focus on other mini buys....

namely giant ants and wasps minis - if I can find them (did I mention I was getting ready to run a Post-Apocalyptic game?)

I was split between the fire giants and the demons, but I've got giants in my collection (more with the storm giants) and don't have any large demons. I may end up using the futuristic figs for the d6 SW game I'm running.

Sovereign Court

Fire Giants
Ice Giants
Fire Giant Warriors
Pathfinder Red Dragon
Deep Dwellers

Spent a long time deciding whether to add Forces of Nature but decided against in the end.

Although I'm going to use the sci-fi and chronoscope figs for painting experiments it does leave me tempted to run some kind of crossover game in which my adventurers travel across time/space/realities and meet these guys and gals.

- sophie
+undead giant
+Starter Paint Set x1
+Undead Paint Set x1
+ Figure Case x2
+ Starter Paint Set 2 x1
+ Forces Of Nature x1
+ Nethyrmaul x1
+ Kaladrax Reborn x1
+ C'thulhu x1
+ Spider Centaurs x1
+ Demons x1

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

-- Vampire x1 $100
-- byebye Sophie

-- Mind Your Manors x1 $10
-- Demons x1 $15
-- Spider Centaurs x1 $10
-- Forces Of Nature x1 $15
-- Jabberwock x1 $10
-- Kaladrax Reborn x1 $10
-- C'thulhu x1 $10
-- Golems x1 $5

Vampire x2
-Sophie x2

+Forces of Nature
+Cthulhu x2
+Clockwork Dragon
+Frost Wyrm

Totaled out to $240. A bargain to say the least.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

TWO Cthulhus?

AGGGH!!!! *headsplode*

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32



Swamp Things

Fire Giant King Queen
Frost Giant King Queen
There Be Dragons
PF Red Dragon
Kaladrax Reborn
Paints 1,3,4

Oh, baby.

I might have gone with another Fire It Up set, but with the fire elementals in the upcoming Shattered Star mini set, I was able to resist.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Auxmaulous wrote:

...but I need to focus on other mini buys....

namely giant ants and wasps minis - if I can find them (did I mention I was getting ready to run a Post-Apocalyptic game?)

Giant Ants at Dungeon Crawler Minis! (who also have a Kickstarter going)

I think there are some giant waspish things in Mage Knight somewhere.

Locked in! And I only spent an extra $10 over my initial budget... Accursed Kickstarter...

+Urban legend Sophie
Fire giants
Ice giants
Clockwork dragon
Fire giant warriors
Pathfinder red
Mind your manors
Deep dwellers
Kaladrax reborn
Mythos monsters
Undead giant


Dark Archive

Knowing me I had to lock it in early or I'd be fidgeting with it and adding extra stuff I really can't afford.
I went for the well rounded "appease my inner child" set:

Vampire x2
-Sophie x2
Figure Case x2
There be Dragons x2
Demons x1
Clockwork dragon x1
Fire giant warriors x1
Hydra x1
Spider Centaurs x1
Deep dwellers x1
Kaladrax reborn x1
Cthulhu x1
Paint set #3 x1

March can't come soon enough for me.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


-- Vampire x1- sophie
-- Red Dragon x1
-- Jabberwock x1
-- Hydra x1
-- Kaladrax Reborn x1
-- Fire Giants x1
-- Frost Giants x1
-- Demons x1
-- Fire Giant Warriors x1
-- Clockwork Dragon x1

Grand Lodge

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Knowing me I had to lock it in early or I'd be fidgeting with it and adding extra stuff I really can't afford.

Same here. I could have easily tripled what I spent so locking it was the smart way to go for me.

I locked in at Vampire, dropped the Sophie that came with it, and got 2 mini's cases. We're always saying we need better traveling arrangements for conventions, so I'm super stoked to get my order.

Still awaiting if I should buy one or two sets.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Blew my 'budget'... for minis for a while.

-- Vampire Level x2
-- (Swapped 2 Sophies for cases)
-- Clockwork Dragon x1
-- Mythos Monsters x1
-- Jabberwock x1
-- Griffon x1
-- Forces Of Nature x1
-- Deep Dwellers x2
-- Frost Wyrm x1
-- Red Dragon x1
-- C'thulhu x1
-- Kaladrax Reborn x1
-- Hydra x1
-- Deathsleet x1
-- Undead Giant x1
-- Mind Your Manors x1

I probably got too many dragons. I'll have to take it out on our players.

Like you Dennis...

Vampire x2.

I of each optional mini + Orcpocalypse.

2x paint

2x cases.

-2 Sophie.

Think it was about $583 odd.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Vampire x1 $100
C'thulhu x1 $10 (For Urizen)
Fire Giants x1 $10
Ebonwrath x1 $10
Frost Giants x1 $10
There Be Dragons x1 $15
Deathsleet x1 $10
Undead Giant x1 $10
Clockwork Dragon x1 $15
Red Dragon x1 $10
Fire Giant Warriors x1 $10
Forces Of Nature x1 $15
Nethyrmaul x1 $25
Kaladrax Reborn x1 $10

Liberty's Edge

Yeah. We blew our budget as well.

-Vampire level
-Almost all of the dragons (did not get the Clockwork)
-extra elves
-extra heroes
-extra klocke classics
-extra familiars
-2 figure cases
-All 4 paint sets

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

And locked

- Sophie
Vampire x1 $100
-- Fire Giants x1 $10
-- Frost Giants x1 $10
-- Figure Case x2 $50
-- There Be Dragons x1 $15
-- Deathsleet x1 $10
-- Red Dragon x1 $10
-- Fire Giant Warriors x1 $10
-- Ebonwrath x1 $10

(I needed the cases, what can I say?)

The Exchange

Vampire level X1
Kaladrax reborn, Cthulhu, extra Dungeon Dressing, Forces of Nature, Clockwork Dragon, Undead Giant, extra Fire It Up, Extra Familiars, Extra Haunts.

Total $158 (traded in the sophie)
Owning a crap-ton of minis.....priceless.

Matthew Morris wrote:

(I needed the cases, what can I say?)

I had the same thought!

Although some 'large scale mini' slots would be good in those cases.

carborundum wrote:

TWO Cthulhus?

AGGGH!!!! *headsplode*


I haven't locked in yet but I am favouring the following right now
-Sophie (is anyone keeping this miniature?)
All 4 paint sets (many of my old paints dried up and died in the last decade)
Kaladrax Reborn
Fire Giant King & Queen
Frost Giant King & Queen
IMEF Marines (Might get 2 extra of these)
There Be Dragons
Pathfinder red dragon (easily the best dragon in the KS, imo)

At this point I'm stumped about what to get. Nethyrmaul is great and all but I know it will never be used in a game and most likely I'll be too intimidated to even attempt paint it. Mind Your Manors look great but I have a ton of ogres, ettins and gnolls already. The demons are nice but I only really like the 2 armed one. Undead Giant is too big. For me it comes down to Forces of Nature, Frost Wyrm or Spider Centaurs. I just can't decide!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My wife wanted all the dragons. Didn't matter that they'd never be used. Just that she likes the way they look. And even if they are offered later on, they probably won't be at as good a price.

Sovereign Court


-- Vampire x1 $100
-- Undead Paint Set x1 $18
-- There Be Dragons x1 $15
-- Jabberwock x1 $10
-- Starter Set 2 x1 $18
-- Figure Case x2 $50

Cant wait for spring!

Sovereign Court

PsychoticWarrior wrote:
carborundum wrote:

TWO Cthulhus?

AGGGH!!!! *headsplode*

-Sophie (is anyone keeping this miniature?)

I asked my gaming group the same thing about Sophie. They told me people collect Sophies and this one is only available through the kickstarter. I'd be surprised if more than 15% of folks keep her. Don't get me wrong its a cool mini but I have no idea when I would ever use a succubus on a motorcycle and I dont really collect for collecting purpose. I did get another case in her place which ill need thanks for that Reaper!

Actually, the second Cthulhu is a Christmas present for my friend. He is going to go nuts for it!


+fire giants
+ice giants
+mind your manors
+there be dragons
+3 paints
+3 cases (proper containers are important!)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Pan wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:
carborundum wrote:

TWO Cthulhus?

AGGGH!!!! *headsplode*

-Sophie (is anyone keeping this miniature?)
I asked my gaming group the same thing about Sophie. They told me people collect Sophies and this one is only available through the kickstarter. I'd be surprised if more than 15% of folks keep her. Don't get me wrong its a cool mini but I have no idea when I would ever use a succubus on a motorcycle and I dont really collect for collecting purpose. I did get another case in her place which ill need thanks for that Reaper!

My ex-wife collected the Sophies, so I bought htem all up to the divorce. Now, my money's better spent on the cases. :-)

I splurged for Urban Legends Sophie. I'm shocked to see so many people trade her- dragons are easy to come by, but when are you ever gonna see a Succubus on a motorcycle again?!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Eh, I'd never use Sophie at the table. I'd much rather have three dragons instead. Then again, I'm fairly new at minis and don't have a huge collection.

Joe Wells wrote:
Eh, I'd never use Sophie at the table. I'd much rather have three dragons instead. Then again, I'm fairly new at minis and don't have a huge collection.

I'm the same way. The Sophie, while neat and somewhat collectible, just doesn't do much for me practically. Cthulhu can be used as a illithid god, a clockwork dragon would fit wonderfully in a tinker gnome world like Dragonlance setting, but a motorcycle succubus just doesn't fit into my gaming habits. I love the sculpt, but I love big bag monsters more!

locked as well:

for starters: Vampire x1 - Sophie

followed by: Undead Giant, Clockwork Dragon, Red Dragon, Spider Centaurs, Hydra, C'thulhu

& to top it off: Starter Paint Sets 1, 2


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Someone at the Reaper boards reported that they've bumped their pledge from 4 vampire sets to 12. I can't even wrap my head around that. Wow.

Liberty's Edge

We are keeping Sophie. We thought she would make a nice display piece. If my grandfather was still alive she would have been gifted to him as a present after being painted.

I cannot wait to get all of my stuff from my share of this purchase. I am so painting one of those gun wielders into The Shadow as a gift for my mother.

Grand Lodge

Vampire -Sophie, +Fire Giants, +Frost Giants, +Figure Case, +Fire It Up!, +Haunts, +Mythos Monsters, +We Be Goblins, +Pirates, +Dungeon Dressing, +TownsFolk II, +Storm Giants, +Familiars, +C'thulhu.

Locked in
Vampire sans Sophie (yeah I can't think of anything. Also, there's the possible awkwardness of having her...) and a Pathfinder Red dragon.

I wish I had more money.

My order is locked in.
I got Vampire +UL Sophie, all the giant sets, all of the Dragons, and some other odds and ends.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Vampire + Nethermaul.

Liberty's Edge

-- Vampire x1 $100
-- Fire Giants x1 $10
-- Frost Giants x1 $10
-- Figure Case x1 $25
-- Demons x1 $15
-- Deathsleet x1 $10
-- Mister Bones x1 $1
-- Undead Giant x1 $10
-- Spider Centaurs x1 $10
-- Fire Giant Warriors x1 $10
-- Forces Of Nature x1 $15
-- Frost Wyrm x1 $10
-- Deep Dwellers x2 $14
-- Nethyrmaul x1 $25
-- Hydra x1 $15
-- Swamp Things x1 $5
-- Kaladrax Reborn x1 $10
-- C'thulhu x1 $10
-- Dungeon Dressing x1 $6

Yep, got mine. My son's really into dragons right now, so I got him a good selection to paint for his birthday.

-- Vampire x1 $100 (- Sophie)
-- Hydra x1 $15
-- Red Dragon x1 $10
-- Clockwork Dragon x1 $15
-- There Be Dragons x1 $15
-- Ebonwrath x1 $10
-- Starter Paint Set x1 $18
-- Starter Set 2 x1 $18

Dark Archive

Vampire Pledge
+Fire Giant Warriors
+Clockwork Dragon
+Pathfinder Red Dragon

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Joe Wells wrote:
Someone at the Reaper boards reported that they've bumped their pledge from 4 vampire sets to 12. I can't even wrap my head around that. Wow.

It is an amazing deal. That would be a lifetime supply for me. As it is I'm not sure I'll ever be able to paint the 500+ minis I'm getting. I am tempted to sneak a third Vampire in though... must resist.

I've got so many minis already I've started giving them away at games. If

Yeah I got two Vampires and ditched the Sophies; they'd have been nothing more than shelf dressing.

Liberty's Edge

I'm locked in!

Vampire x1 $100 (traded in Sophie)


Starter Paint Set x1 $18

Starter Set 2 x1 $18

Undead Giant x1 $10

Frost Wyrm x1 $10

Woo Hoo!

Grand Lodge

I did it and then changed my mind on one thing... and found that its a lock and that no changes are possible. This is a bit disappointing.

Liberty's Edge

Helaman wrote:
I did it and then changed my mind on one thing... and found that its a lock and that no changes are possible. This is a bit disappointing.

Man, sorry to hear that!

FYI, both the e-mail letting you know the Pledge Manager was ready AND the first screen of the Pledge Manager itself both alerted us to that, however:

"A few things to remember about this system:
-- Your progress isn't saved. If you leave and come back in an hour, you'll have to start over.
-- If you go back to step one, it starts over.
-- Your choices get locked in when you submit your payment. After that, all you can change is your mailing address and your email address.
-- When trading in Sophies, use the plus button to add trade-ins, rather than subtract them. (Sounds confusing, it is a little. It'll make more sense inside.)
-- You only get one login per email."

It always stinks when you miss something like that - I think we've all been there at one time or another!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I'm getting Vampire + Ebonwrath, and traded Sophie for a carrying case. (I love Sophie, but I need the carrying case and this way I more or less get it for free)

Pan wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:

-Sophie (is anyone keeping this miniature?)
I asked my gaming group the same thing about Sophie. They told me people collect Sophies and this one is only available through the kickstarter. I'd be surprised if more than 15% of folks keep her. Don't get me wrong its a cool mini but I have no idea when I would ever use a succubus on a motorcycle and I dont really collect for collecting purpose. I did get another case in her place which ill need thanks for that Reaper!

The funny part about the Sophie models to me was the hue and cry over the "cheesecake" of the Cloud Giantess but no one said a freaking word about naked Sophie on a motorcycle!

Joe Wells wrote:
Someone at the Reaper boards reported that they've bumped their pledge from 4 vampire sets to 12. I can't even wrap my head around that. Wow.

Most likely a store owner getting a really good discount on a few years worth of product.

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