Retributive Strike (Paladin)


Sovereign Court

It states

Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature at a –2 penalty
before the opponent rolls the damage for the triggering hit. If
your attack hits, the target is enfeebled 1 for the remainder of its
turn, or enfeebled 2 for the remainder of its turn if your Strike
was a critical hit. The enfeebled condition ends immediately if
the creature makes a Strike against you. If Retributive Strike
incapacitates or kills the triggering creature, the triggering hit
deals no damage.

Lets say in theory that my paladin does 20 damage to a target with only 10 hit points, does that 20 damage just not apply and then they're enfeebled?

I originally thought it did no damage at all until it stated that if it incapacitates or kills them.

Just checking how you would rule this.


It is the triggering hit that deals no damage, not the retributive strike. So, oddly, an ability with "retributive" in the name is actually preemptive and would kill the attacker before they hit your ally.

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Got ninja'ed by Pandora, but yes he is correct. As I read it anyway.
A goblin swings and hits my ally within my melee range. I then swing at the goblin if I kill goblin its blow never lands on my ally and no damage is done to my ally. If I hit and the goblin lives he is enfeebled, likely doing less damage to my ally. If I miss the fighter in the group laughs at me.

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