Season of * at DriveThru?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society


I’ve been interested in buying seasons 3 and 4 (and 5 looks particularly interesting!) from DriveThru, but it looks like new cards haven’t been uploaded in a while. Are there any plans to do so? If not, would it be acceptable to upload images from the PDFs to create card sets of our own? Thanks!

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As long as you don't make the card publicly available or sell or distribute them (i.e. you have them made purely for your own use) Paizo won't care. But you can't make them publicly available or distribute them.

Understood. Great, thanks!

It just feel ”stupid that every Person have to do it separately.
Would it be possible that Paizo would give a permission of making beta release of season of xxxx cards in Drivetrue and releae the final version when it is ready?
Easier to us and maybe easier to Paizo? We have the PDF in anyway, so having cards in drivetrough would be most usefull.

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I e-mailed them asking about when/if Season of Faction's Favor or Plundered Tombs would be available.

DriveThruCards Support wrote:


Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately we do not have much information nor control over which products our publishers will be releasing or when. Your note has been passed along to our publisher relations folks so they can take it to the publisher. We appreciate your help in helping improve our site.

Thank you for your business and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Hi Einhald, Did you ever get the cards printed? I want them, but I do not want to spend the time to create them myself. If they were already uploaded like other seasons I could just buy them. I have the PDF copies, but that does not do me any good, proxy cards are boring.

Einhald wrote:
Understood. Great, thanks!

Hi Einhald, Did you ever get the cards printed? I want them, but I do not want to spend the time to create them myself. If they were already uploaded like other seasons I could just buy them. I have the PDF copies, but that does not do me any good, proxy cards are boring.

bump, I know it's a very rare chance, but I would love to see the other seasons added to DriveThruCards officially.

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