I've been perusing fan-made Dragon Ball rpgs recently, and the above stands out as one of the better ones. It's a little rough around the edges, due to it being in 'public playtest', but it's more than serviceable. The only question is whether anyone would be willing to try it :)
<- I'd be willing to GM
<- The system is a PbtA-like, meaning its focus is more on story than stats. My experience with these sort of games is limited to Masks, which I've both played and GM'd.
<- If I ran it, the setting would be 'Basic Dragon Ball'. This can be best described as taking the Dragon Ball universe and taking all the canon characters out of it. There is a Capsule Corporation, but not necessarily a Bulma. There is no Frieza, but there might be someone like him. And so on. Much of the details of the universe would be filled in by the players during character creation (through the addition of background questions).
<- If I ran it, the tone would be PG to PG-13. I.E., If you saw it in Dragon Ball Z Kai or Dragon Ball Super, it probably has a place in game. While characters may receive mortal injuries, the 'gory details' would be spared. Harsh language, such as swearing, would also be limited.


TheUnthinker |

What is pbta?
Powered by the Apocalypse a really great system that in my opinion doesnt work super well over pbp. That said its also probably my favorite system. It encourages roleplaying over roll playing for sure. It encourages cooperative storytelling by making the GM more reactive to what the players implement. Most systems also have built in mechanics for connecting characters to one another in mechanical ways that can be beneficial or detrimental. Its not super different. There are Playbooks instead of Classes and it feels a little more creatively open to making whatever you want to make within its framework. There aren't things like feats that have to be chosen to make a "build" work.
That said Id be super interested in anything PbtA essentially. Ill give a look to the Dragon Ball parallels specifically.