Question about factions

Starfinder Society

** Venture-Lieutenant

So in an attempt to keep this post as spoiler free as possible I am being intentionally obtuse. A new faction was introduced at Origins we'll call it faction J. It is entirely possible that players will have 1 reputation with said faction.

So I have two questions:

1. Is faction J legal for a player to choose either by buying a faction boon or as the given one for a first level character?

2. If yes to 1 how do we report it, as faction J does not appear in the reporting tool yet as a faction?


Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

It's live for reporting.

See this thread.

** Venture-Lieutenant

Nefreet wrote:

It's live for reporting.

See this thread.

Unfortunately that was not the faction I was talking about. And dagnabbit I looked for another thread about this and didn't see that one. I believe that from Thursty's comments the new faction is playable, but it is still not reportable.

3/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Ohio—Dayton

"Faction J" I see what you did there.

While this new faction is very interesting, I'm afraid the answer on this may be held up until the new printing of the guild guide. That would give us a faction champion boon and sundry other boons.

Or, Thursty will show up and say my expectations are wrong, "Here's how we're handling it..."

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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And "here's how we're handling it..."

So yes, Second Seekers (Jadnura) is something that we'll be exploring a fair bit into the second half of our season. It's just one example of how Starfinder Society is handling things like factions in a different manner than Pathfinder Society. In fact, I'm already working on the outline for our first faction specific scenario for this new and interesting faction...

This new faction is set to receive its own set of unique boons and accompanying Champion boon in the next update of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. This is part of the reason we decided to push the guide back a bit, as it helped keep everything in a single update (new faction + updates/adjustments.)

John and I have been conspiring for several months on exactly what this faction is going to look like and what its current role will be. I think that will be far more evident once the guide revision occurs. For now, I'll say that Jadnura's a faction that ties in with the Scoured Stars story line and some of the recent events from #1-99, while Luwazi remains focused on keeping the Society together in the face of what's happened.

As a final "preview" I can say that our current idea for a unique meta-style boon for Jadnura is something players have been clamoring about for quite some time. I'm excited to get that into the wild and see about reactions.

3/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Ohio—Dayton

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love you, Thursty :)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

So the only way to get a Champion Boon for "Faction J" is with a new character because an existing character could not purchase it since it is not in the guide.

Is that correct?

PS. Love what you are doing for us Thurston.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

I don’t think that’s the case. Anyone can purchase any champion boon at any time. You could buy the “Faction J” champion boon on a level 8 character as soon as the RPGG lists it as available for purchase. It will likely be 2 fame if it is an additional purchase or free if it is the first one for that character, as that is the current standard and I haven’t seen any mention of changing that. I could be wrong. It would be neither the first nor last time that would happen.

Specifically related to 1-99, there is no access to the champion boon. Only a single point of bonus reputation.

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber

You need a boon to start a new PC with a faction other than the main 5, otherwise the Manifold Host faction boon wouldn't be as valuable.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

I would be surprised if Faction J is not one of the ones listed in the RPGG. There is currently no published way to join it. No boon. Only a way to earn a bonus rep unslotted. Given who the faction is and the legal technicalities in the lore, I expect we will all have the option to champion them via the RPGG.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

So, is SS(J) replacing SS(LE) or are we going to have 2 competing Second Seeker factions?

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

I believe Thursty’s spoiler above implies 2 factions available to support in the future. Possible divisions and political malarkey, infighting, all kinds of fun. Stay tuned to Absalom Station’s Syndicated News for all the latest drama!

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber

If you remember from 1-05: The First Mandate, LE was elected but Guidance never formalized her election. Guidance may still recognize J as the true first seeker and declare LE's election as illegitimate since it took place both during the term of another first seeker and while a majority of the society's agents were unable to vote.

LE recruited or appointed most of the faction leaders; without her hiring mercs Radaszam and the Acquisitives wouldn't be Starfinders at all. LE advised a crippled veteran (Ziggy) to lead the Exo-Guardians - the former head of the Exo-Guardians might be rescued as well.

Obviously Ziggy would be the first to give his seat back to his faction's former leader, but what about the faction leaders who didn't go?

For example, who took charge of the Wayfinders trapped in the Scoured Stars while Fitch stayed behind to repair the Master of Stars? Will they resent her for it?

We from the outside could say that without LE, those agents would have never been rescued and the Society would have faded into insignificance! But we've only seen the story from the perspective of new agents recruited afterward. We may never see the heroics, trials, and setbacks of those trapped inside trying desperately to get home.

It would have been amazing to be able to create a new character as an agent trapped inside with a multi-part module telling the story as they try to get home, ending with their escape, and this module being the only way to start a PC with SS:J faction.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

There is also a convention book that you can use to get the SS:J champion boon.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Go on...

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber

Convention GM boon? An analog of the PaizoCon GM boon that grants access to the MH faction?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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I don't have mine on me right now, but there is a boon that lets you get the champion boon of any faction that you gained an extra Reputation for. It was actually a player boon, not a GM boon.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

That would require the champion boon to exist in the first place. Unless I’m mistaken, the J one does not yet exist.

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber

Wouldn't that require that the be a champion boon for the faction in the first place? Or does it specify that it doesn't matter?

If the latter, super clever of them to slip that in.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

The boon is called “Society Rebuilder” and it simply says that at the end of a scenario you can gain any Faction Champion Boon for which you received reputation but do not already have the Faction Champion Boon. Interesting interplay, but the plain language reading would be that there has to be a Faction Champion Boon to gain.

I have one of these for trade, BTW. Looking for a Manifold Host chronicle:)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Oh. "Boon". Not "Book". I thought there was like a Starfinder Tales series coming out or something.

Acquisitives 5/5 *

So I played Scoured Stars Invasion at Origins ...

but we weren't given any SS:J reputation. Was everyone supposed to get this, or was it tied only with certain specific missions?

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

Joe Jungers wrote:
So, is SS(J) replacing SS(LE) or are we going to have 2 competing Second Seeker factions?


Please try not to spoil things in the future.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

Gabbers "Gab" McTalkington wrote:
Was everyone supposed to get this, or was it tied only with certain specific missions?

Your GM was supposed to offer you a choice
Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

"Dr." Cupi wrote:
Joe Jungers wrote:
So, is SS(J) replacing SS(LE) or are we going to have 2 competing Second Seeker factions?


Please try not to spoil things in the future.

Seemed to me that the spoiler beast had left the building long before I posted. Apologies though if my post spoiled things for you.

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